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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. no biggie. Thanks for getting back to me. Looks like I will have to pass because the sc300 and supra used different length engine mount brackets.
  2. mine had a very slight miss that started when I would be stopped and would go away once I am driving. I replaced it with a coil and wires from a magnum R/T from the junkyard. All was fine after that. Regarding your radiator, Metro transmission(replace mine) said that 9 out of 10, the radiator ends up going out because people hit the bottom of it on curbs. It cracks and basically fucks your transmission by filling it with antifreeze.
  3. it's worth it. Doc is as down to earth as anyone that you will meet.
  4. Jesus the freshman qb from Texas A&M is handling Bama.
  5. Jesus the freshman qb from Texas A&M is handling Bama.
  6. I saw a red ferrari today. He was so scared that he made an immediate left. I flashed my hazards to declare victory! Ownage by a stock neon bitches.
  7. always a good idea for increasing ones wealth to tail gate an exotic car.
  8. fuck that shit. Tried it once, took way way way too much on accident. Literally spent 2-3 hours talking shit to my boys pitbull at the end of the night. I knew shit was about to get real when earlier at the club, normal sized glow sticks turned into star wars saber swords.
  9. he should immediately go buy a lottery ticket with that luck to survive.
  10. can't make it out again. I agree with above post in thanking Doc for opening up his massive man cave for others to enjoy.
  11. I agree with you, but if the AFR and fuel pressure is monitored then wouldn't it lower the chances of error? The strategy is if I'm not seeing the numbers for margin of error I want then keep it home till it's fixed.
  12. So as a few of you know, I am in the process of a low dollar build, nothing fancy. After digging around for various Walbaro 255 or Bosch 044 pumps, I decided to search to see what cars the Bosch 044 pump came on. Low and behold from I can gather it came stock a quite a few cars. The part number for the 044 is 0 580 254 044, which is an external pump. I search for the part number on this cross reference list and found that the 044 pump has an alternative part number of GCL606 which I found in this cross reference chart: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:O8irqfnoDGkJ:www.ijwalsh.com/Walbro/OEM%2520part%2520number%2520cross%2520reference.pdf+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiF9Ydv7vTFePlsovb_Kxv-7ndT2Nbqh-fQMQsFPHb1RjSQFhM8SdyfIUaSaaKfdFDhU56sWGeRmkoZaSg9cfDOl0SUP7tEHooGxGcuaOqe0Nv3LQJEEbE9aZkSTgI7FX01Ua4l&sig=AHIEtbRCfAdJ_qhCD0-fjzCTc6Kc8RRfow Shockingly the pump has been found in various Porsches, Afla Ramero, Peugot's. The find is that they also came in Volvo's that came in the 2.0/2.3 Turbo engines. I found the complete list of vehicles that came with the GLC606 through this link: http://www.fuelpumps.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=GCL606&inc_subcat=0&sort=20a&page=3 I found a salvage yard that specializes in Volvos and offers 100 day warranty for their parts and I have one shipped to my door for $50. I am keeping the car N/A for the time being and that will give me plenty of time to piss around with cheaper fuel pumps. It's a normal thing for the 700 series volvos to have 200-300k mileage. I may have stumbled on a way to save some while keeping genuine German part quality. As I find out more, I will post what I find.
  13. np. thanks for letting me know
  14. do you by chance have a 5-8 gallon fuel cell you are getting rid of?
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_P._Bush The guy is of coarse a Bush and half Mexican. lol. He has already filling his paper work to get through the hoops of campaign laws.
  16. what do you call something not funny in the LOL thread . . . . . . . and then it's posted three days later again? . . . . . . Das Borgen
  17. instead of Obama getting elected and worrying about our economy, his first action was to dick around with the UN over an arms treaty. What a shocker. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/07/us-arms-treaty-un-idUSBRE8A627J20121107
  18. how about the boards code automatically convert the link to an embedded youtube video? So people new to it don't have to ask every week.
  19. lol. As long as Jones doensn't try to sneak in buttsex your okay. I don't blame you for wanting to chill, driving back home when your seeing triple, isn't the safest bet.
  20. lol. If your not taking enough to stay up till the next night or question about your safety, you need to knuckle up. I am sure I will see you around sooner or later. If your going to "party", your always welcome to swing by for more info. I finally hit a point where there is nothing else I could do by going out. My wifes reverse psychology somehow worked. She doesn't give two shits when I come home or what I do, but at the end I'm good staying home since I don't see the point anymore.
  21. phil, if I ever bump into you in person.... I know a thing or two to help your buddy, normal sleeping/eating/etc. whole different ball game.
  22. flying Phil http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/shop%20party%20pics/?action=view&current=100_3619.mp4
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