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Everything posted by miller11386

  1. http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5061912127014748&pid=1.7
  2. New Video that I threw together to show a lot of the build steps. Enjoy!
  3. Carnage pic from the old differential
  4. All fixed! out testing and breaking in the new differential And testing the proefi rolling antilag:
  5. 1/2 clean value unless its something highly desirable.. then its just a tad over half clean value lol
  6. The best mustang mod? Look no further: http://blog.easystand.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/for_sale2.jpg
  7. You cant? I don't believe you! I want the teeth welded back on the ring gear! And the leak... yeah im not sure I want to pull that manifold off before winter lol. its got plenty o' powa with the "leak" ... which I haven't even diagnosed yet..
  8. new Kaaz diff is already at home with the bigger ring gear from the 6speed. Just need a new set of axles!
  9. Not much traction to be had at Thompson, but here is what happened: Pass 1: Pass 2: tried it with the Pro-efi traction control on.. fell on its face, so I aborted. Pass 3: RIP differential
  10. Norwalk tonight I guess. Need to get my launch dialed in for the shootout this weekend!
  11. I was going to head to Thompson to figure out my launch settings, but sounds like this is more promising. I guess I will try to make it up
  12. Took the car for a drive today, Not much traction to be had past the first boost setting lol
  13. This^ ... seems like a viper or aston martin wanna-be Im sure it drives awesome in stock form. However I have a feeling mods will be pretty slow coming due to the DI motor and crazy electronics in this new vette. I still love me some C6.. probably my favorite gen vette ever
  14. Well a bitter sweet moment on the dyno yesterday. She made 1006whp, but it has a big boost leak at the intake manifold. I will have to fix that when it gets home. ALEX L we need to weld that sucker shut asap!
  15. Larry is still working to figure out why the car shut down mid pull. After that is repaired, they will finish up the tune.
  16. Put this on order today http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/351/b/a/the_stig_by_blaydexi-d352rov.png
  17. Well she didn't play nice on Friday. Having some issues with a previous owners wiring. However on simple WG pressure he is making some decent numbers. Started from 500 and has it up to 690whp on the WG 18psi. Still tuning it in though. I am hoping we can turn it up in the next day or two and see what it will put down!
  18. Having some issues getting the cams to play nice. Larry pulled some magic out of the hat and said he has it running better today. Hoping that it throws down 300wheel!!!
  19. Got an update from Larry today. The car was fired up for the first time and it did idle! (eventually) Hope to see more results by the end of the week!
  20. Only "stock internal" is the crank, 292 cams, yes to flex fuel, and yes to rolling antilag, scramble boost, iboost etc. Power... who knows! We will find out in a week or so!
  21. I made the trip in one day as well. It was not as bad as my trip to Atlanta and back in one day!!
  22. Well quick photo shot from yesterday at SP.. my car is furthest to the right sitting underneath Siji's 1600whp 240sx
  23. that's a pretty trick intercooler setup. I have never seen anyone mount a bov directly to the intercooler. What made you mount it there rather than the charge pipe?
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