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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. 2015 Mustang GT is whats on the table right now. I promise to restrain myself when exiting Cars and Coffee.
  2. How in the world is this not sold yet?!? What a great car for a great price... Hope this sells soon for you man.
  3. Yea, that's what I was worried about from the start. I simply CAN'T watch regular TV anymore. Nothing is interesting and every TV show today feels like a bad "Clickbait" link at the bottom of a web page. "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS SIMPLE TRICK MOMS NEVER TOLD THEIR CHILDREN" or something relevant to this show... "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS SIMPLE CAR TRICK THAT SLEEPERS HAVE KEPT SECRETE FOR YEARS! GUARANTEED TO BOOST HP! At the end of the day, this is my problem with a lot of TV/Netflix shows. Clickbait is the way to go, and this entire show from the start is a cooked up concoction of dreams, tacos, and to much beer. Yes! I agree that the idea of the show is awesome, but NOT when it is so scripted to the point where it is unbelievable. I remember the good'old days when the History Channel actually taught me something about History... rather then show a marathon of Pawn Stars on Presidents Day. I would love to see a marathon instead of Presidential history... but fuck me, right?
  4. I actually got the itch to look them up... Looks like AOL sold the rights to WinAMP and a new company is making a Windows 10 version of it. God I loved WinAMP... It had a plugin for my 2009 Alienware that made the keyboard lights strobe to the music I was listening to. A gimmick for sure, but High School me was very amused. haha
  5. After 5 long years of ownership I am finally ready to move on and I am putting the RX-8 up for sale. I am the second owner of this car and the engine was replaced at 58,000 Miles according to the Carfax. The previous owner had left all the information about the car in the glove box and I was able to trace it's original sale to Florence Mazda of Kentucky. This is one of the rare versions of the RX-8 called the "Shinka" which was a trim only offered during the 2005/2006 model years. The Shinka was more of an appearance package if anything, but came with a few goodies. If you care about the paint job, the color is "Copper Red" and was only offered for the 2006 year with the Shinka. I have done my best to take care of her over the years and please keep in mind that this is a 12 year old car, so it has some dings and scratches here and there. The worst is on the back wing where the clear coat has peeled off most of the wing and some of the paint is gone. It would not be that hard to have redone and does not affect performance at all. overall, I would give the exterior a 7/10 for all the dings it has here and there. Interior is good as well with leather and alcantara seats. The center elbow rest has some leather wear on it and the rear cup holder shows some small dings from my goalie bag going in the back seat. The worst part of the interior is the passenger airbag has some spiderweb cracks going all around it. This is a common problem and can be replaced if you care about that sort of thing. The airbag has never deployed and still works just fine, all cracks are cosmetic. Other then that, I would give the interior an 8/10 for all the use it's gotten. I know many folks may already know, but this car has a rotary engine under the hood and I would HIGHLY encourage anyone thinking of purchasing this to do a little homework on these things before hand. These cars can last a long time if they are properly taken care of and given their usual maintenance. PLEASE feel free to ask me questions, as I will only give you an honest answer when it comes to this car and it's engine. There are a few things you will need to know if you want the engine to have a long and happy life. I have taken great care of this car over the years and have done oil/filter changes every 4000K miles. The gas tank has only held 93 octane and I have never pre-mixed. A full list of the work follows below: Engine replaced @ 58000 Miles New Plugs (under 25,000 Miles) New Coils (under 25,000 Miles) New Leads (under 25,000 Miles) Slotted & Drilled rotors (Link) Godspeed radiator (Link) Mishimoto Red Silicone Hose Kit (Link) Hotchkis Sway Bar (ONLY FRONT ONE INSTALLED) (Link) Godspeed Coilover Suspension (Link) front Moog end-links (Link) ~120,000 Miles (Only ~60,000 Miles on the current engine) $5500 OBO... Title in hand $5000 CR Price http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=9061 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=9062 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=9063 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=7985 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=7984 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=9064
  6. Well, Music Quality is a tough subject... some can hear the difference, others can't. Now, when you say your "device" I assume you are talking about a laptop or something like that. I have not used a desktop program to organize my music for over 7 years so I think I would be unable to help you. Back in the day I used to use a program called "WinAMP" to organize my music... I have no idea if they are still around. Sorry
  7. How large is a "huge" library of music? I use Google Play music for all my songs/playlists/and radio stations. Google Play Music for FREE lets you store up to 50,000 songs in the cloud and play them back on any PC, iPhone, Android device... or anything else with a google account on it. I personally pay $9.99 a month for Youtube Red witch includes a premium subscription to Google Play Music which gives you unlimited songs for free and every now and then they throw in some free albums that you can keep. Honestly, IMO... Google Music is the best value around if you want convince.
  8. They look nice imo... how do you like them so far?
  9. dat hood bulge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/903/458/f7b.gif
  11. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/077/988/my_body_is_ready.png
  12. Pure Tech Porn! I wish I had that in my building. We have one fiber connection and none of our HP switches are fiber, so the building's AP are not even running off full Gigabit speeds. feelsbadman.jpeg
  13. So at it's simplest form... lets say your WiFi router is on one end of your home and you try and go to your den or living room and your signal is 20% on your phone. You think "Damn, I should get an extender for this room so my signal strength will be 100%". Well, the range extender itself will STILL have 20% signal strength or a weak signal when you install it. The devices attached to the extender will be at 100% strength, but it is POSSIBLE... with an emphasis on the "possible" that the extender will have a rough connection resulting in no faster internet speeds in the room far away from your router. What I am trying to say is that cheep extenders or those of poor quality will not catch anymore WiFi then the phone in your pocket right now. Excell is actually right... to solve the problem... throw a pile of cash at it and have 0 problems ever in the history of ever... lol
  14. Eh, it is very useful to understand that good parenting is important in this discussion. The cycle repeats itself over and over if something does not change. Bad up bringing leads to bad youth, bad youth leads to poor adult skills, poor adult skills puts you on the 5:00 news where some guy draws a poor sketch of your face and your pixelated face is shown on some 1970's style security footage because no one has good cameras in 2018... *fart* To be fair, I'm not currently a parent and I could not tell you if smacking your child is good or bad... But I can say that I was spanked, smacked, and disciplined when I was little and looking back on it... I deserved what I got for back talking to my parents and trying to do things my way. Kids in schools know they can't be touched so they beg for a teacher to hit them, call them a B*tch to their face, and receive no consequences. It really is sad when you witness it happen. I was in an Inner city school downtown during my Student Teaching at a middle school (6-8 Grade only) and I was told of gang activity in the school before hand, that kids "thought" they were in the bloods or something like that. Two kids got in a fight in my classroom about 5 feet from me and I knew I was not allowed to intervene. I had to stand there while the public safety officer was fetched by another student who walked as slow as she could down the hallway. I can't leave the room myself because I can't leave the other students unattended. So here I am, Watching two 7th grade students beat the shit out of each other, bust their heads open over a stupid argument, and nearly have to go to the hospital. All the while two of their friends are taunting me (the adult) saying "Come on you little bitch ass teacher, stop them! You like what you see, don't you?". a whole 5 minutes passed before the safety officer came, who could give two flying fucks about the kids or their safety, and by that time they had already tired themselves out. He pulls them outside, cleans off the blood, and told them that was wrong and they need to "behave". WTF!?! It has reached a point far beyond the obvious "bad parenting breeds bad children". Believe me when I say, many public schools in Columbus are like this. We need to take a good HARD look at our education system and the types of individuals it breeds. Honestly... I feel like this is VERY relevant... But to each their own. If you disagree, no worries
  15. Basically I am saying we need to lead by example. I think that adults need to be held more accountable for their actions to lead a more positive impact on our youth. Many of our problems could be solved far more rationally then we currently deal with them. *sigh* So is the world.
  16. Just to clarify this statement you made. YES they do make WiFi Range extenders that plug directly into the wall. Range extenders are very close to the same WiFi routers that you use everyday in your house that your phone or laptop connect to. The difference with the ones that plug directly into your wall is the form-factor and function. Many of the wall ones will come with a "SSID" and "Password" out of the box that you cannot modify, all depends on the model you buy. Something to keep in mind is that if you are placing one in an area that already has a weak signal, the internet will be slow as balls because the signal is still weak. You will need to look up the difference between 2,4Ghz and 5Ghz WiFi to fully understand, but the short version is 5Ghz is better for short range and 2.4Ghz is better for long range. Hope this helps!
  17. Sorry, But I wanted to chime in on this with a different perspective. I have been reading the last few posts referencing us losing freedoms and hate speech. We live in a crazy ever evolving world these days. Many of the general population wants to live a "comfortable" life. We have our Phones and computers to keep us entertained with plenty of food on each street corner. Many people don't want to understand another person's point of view or where they come from because we live in the "it's all about me" era. I interact with our countries youth on a day to day basis and many of the children that we are raising as a society see this shit and think "WOW, if they can get away with it, why can't I get away with it as well?". I had a very troubling discussion with a student the other day who believed that our President was the best president ever, when I asked him why he replied with "He is a man who gets things done no mater what. He tweets what he wants, says what he wants, and is a true business man through and though. I wanna be just like him someday." As troubling as that statement was, Many of the other students in the classroom agreed that our President was a great role model because he takes no consequences for his actions and sprays whatever he wants on social media. Connecting the dots here, Many young people use social media for everything from Posts, BLOGS, and live streams they have the power to emulate the people around them. The respect for the people around us takes a back seat in our daily lives and we forget that as a society we should want to help others and understand their struggles rather then to push them aside. Isolation and Alienation is a real issue here... To bring it full circle, and sorry for the long build up... But with references to the "N" word or gun and weapon control. I believe that we need to take a GOOD LONG LOOK at how we raise people and teach them in the growing process. A person with a good upbringing would understand how to properly handle a firearm and understand that the "N" word brings a lot of negative hate and pain to some people. I believe a lot of the problems we face these days are basically at the root of poor parenting and upbringing. In my field you are always told to never blame the parent for a child's poor effort and behavior which has always angered me. 9 times out of 10 there is a clear lack of parental involvement in the child life, which scares me more then you know. All of this together makes for a generation of adults who want a "comfortable" life free from obligations and anything that offends them paired with a youth who has no clear direction in life, a future of crippling debt, and poor role models. THIS, to me, is why we have such a screwed up society (opinionated)
  18. Honestly, I would not mess around with the little stuff... We use something like this to go ~400-500 feet from the roof of the school to the press-box at the school's stadium. These work well enough if they are pointed in the right direction, which sometimes the alignment gets off and we have to adjust. Overall Not a bad option if you want to good clean signal. https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Wavlink-Extender-Weatherproof-Omni-directional/dp/B076M3V7RF/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1523454360&sr=1-3&keywords=wifi+extender+antenna+outdoor or this https://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-PowerBeam-PBE-5AC-Gen2-US-PRECONFIGURED-Performance/dp/B078XHGDGS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1523454631&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=Ubiquiti+Powerbeam+AC&psc=1
  19. My eternal apologies for not back-hacking your IP address and figuring out your location. I will be sure to message my friends at Cambridge Analytica next time so that I can purchase your data to determine what your address is currently so that my kind words reflect which cardinal direction points your salty ass to the correct race track. (THIS IS A SATIRICAL COMMENT DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU LAUGH AND NOT TO SHIT ON YOU) Do I need to add that to get my point across? honestly... IDGAFOS where you go to race or go fast, so long as you are enjoying what you are doing. I would be MORE then willing to hang out with you at an AutoCross to show you that "dickheads" are few and far between. I am interesting in being on this board to be social, meet like minded folks who enjoy cars, and share a love of our enthusiasm for the automotive industry. I HIGHLY encourage you to meet me IRL and chat with me about any issues you have with my online presence... It would take 30 seconds for you to realize that i'm a chill dude and most of the stuff I type, where you look at it and go "WTF is this guy smoking?" or "what is wrong with this guy?" is all in good fun. I mean... To be fair... This IS the Kitchen... people make stupid comments all the time in here. Unless I am confused about how the Kitchen works, I was under the assumption that you use this place to vent, talk shit (for fun), and be satirical... I always thought the Kitchen was for being goofy, so I'm confused at your comment.
  20. Eh, idk... I might surprise you
  21. I know, I was being deliberately funny... Anyways... I believe the last time I as at a MBC Autocross (which was last year) I was struggling with grip and my cars ambitions of becoming a farmer got the better of it. Somewhere coming out of the oval I lost grip, spun out, and drifted ~20 feet into the grass. Took me a while, but I shoveled it all back up. The part I find crazy is that with all these torque jokes, I found it quite easy to spin the tires all day, haha. (that last sentence was designed to be semi humorous, yet factual... I could not find grip at all) Anyways... I attended two autocross last year with MBC and I plan on doing a few more this year. I have new rear rubber and I finally installed the rear sway bar, so I got that going for me. I honestly don't care that i'm slow... I truly do smile out there when I drive the entire time and that's what maters most to me. Coming full circle to what OP was talking about... Just go out there and have fun. People are going to be people and there is nothing you can do about it. If you enjoy the idea of Autocross then participate just like the rest of us... If you prefer to live your life 1 quarter mile at a time, then NTR is down south waiting for you.
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