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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. This is the part that scares me the most... Many people don't uncheck the boxes during installation that gives them plenty of free malware and changes their homepage. I feel ya though, if you are adventurous and can can read, I would take Kodi over many streaming options. I just feel like Firesticks, Chromecast, and Roku are a little more easy to just unbox, plugin, and setup over Kodi... if you kinda get what I mean. But yes, 100% to Kodi if you can get it setup and running
  2. 2 Years ago I got to visit Ground Zero... I literally got chills as I walked around the fountains. Watching all the water just flow into an endless darkness at the bottom was somewhat gut wrenching. The site is extremely powerful emotionally and spiritually. One thing that I found odd was the silence. There are many signs around asking people to be respectful and quiet and 90% of people walk in complete silence or whisper. I can't believe I was only 11 at the time, seems so long ago. I never truly understood the tragedy until later in life. I am sorry for anyone who lost a loved one. Shit sucks
  3. ShowHBK

    Hey now

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay. :thumbup:
  4. ^ This... but with a twist... You say you have older TVs, I would recommend a RoKu stick or Chromecast if you are new to the world of streaming. Streaming sticks are a cheep way to stream media from your laptop, desktop, or tablet. I tend to shy new folks away from setting up Kodi, especially if they don't understand the setup process. I would recommend getting WoW internet over all else. WoW does not spy on you, throttle your connection, and their reliability is top notch. Best of luck streaming my friend!
  5. ShowHBK

    Router advice

    I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I have never had a Linksys product fail on me in terms of reliability or coverage. The one I currently use is not on their website anymore because I have had it for so long. The link below is very similar to the one that I currently have https://www.linksys.com/us/p/P-WRT1200AC/ Sorry to hear your AP keeps shitting out... Hope you find one thats not shit
  6. ShowHBK


    PuBG in a nutshell, for those who have never played.
  7. You know OP means business when he posts two replies to his own thread in less then 60 seconds. :thumbup:
  8. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/009/832/dafuq-did-i-just-read-meme.jpg
  10. Sounds like a great way for Cable companies to start their bullshit entertainment packages strategies. "Net Neutrality" in motion folks.
  11. Actually... the shit sells at markup price. Loyalty means nothing when rich folks pay over sticker price for something they want. So long as people buy, they will sell at the markup price.
  12. Might have won the fight, but the war was long lost. The markup on these things is UNREAL! You could do so much better in the "price per dollar" department. *sigh* that's supply and demand for ya... People will charge it, if we are willing to pay it.
  13. *yawn* Nothing is going to happen... The End. Seriously... Every single time they pull shit like this, people get all freaked out and NOTHING happens. I don't wish war/mass death upon anyone, but you ever hear the phrase "poop or get off the pot"? GD, the entire thing is like two drunk college bros who are all jacked up on whey protein and MMA... "No you punch first bro!", "naw man, you dont want me to, I'll fucking put you on the floor!" "oh yea? bring it on" "oh you don't want this bitch!" *yawn* i'm tired of giving a crap about NK. either overtake NK and join the fucking countries, or let them be. I know we are bro's with SK and swore to defend them, but why not make positive strides in mending relations? crazy idea... i know.
  14. Over the years automakers have amazed us some beautiful concept cars. We have all seen them evolve over time as each one is just as outrageous as the next. I spent most of my night last night looking at concept cars that never came to be actual production models and I was honestly surprised at what I found and "what could have been". I thought this would be a cool Idea to discuss some of the cars that will only exist in the "one off" department or maybe even a select few that never made it off the drawing board. What concept cars are out there worth praising or discussing? So, what does CR think would have been a great production car, but was never meant to be? There are many different reasons to like a car. Looks, Design, a gimmick, or maybe a radical change in format such as one or three wheels. What do you think? Alternatively, It is important to think of the impact some of these cars would have had on our present day design aesthetically and mechanically. Some concept cars had radical (or idiotic) mechanical features. assuming they made it to market, how would this impact our daily lives? One example of this would be the Ford Nucleon. http://www.carstyling.ru/Static/SIMG/420_0_I_MC_jpg_W/resources/concept/1958_Ford_Nucleon_06.jpg?65B3192DCCC937B088BE7A96C9936667 A two seater car powered by small a nuclear reactor, what could possibly go wrong? As crazy as it may sound, what if this actually became the standard? (assuming all radiation problems were solved) One last car to think of would be the Chrysler Turbine Car: http://www.allpar.com/model/concepts/i/63turbinf.jpg Super smooth engine, Check! Sexy looks? Check! Radical design? Check! What could go wrong? surly, overheating would not be a problem? So again, What does CR think about concept cars? Are they worth remembering or reviving? Or should they be left in the past as mere memories? Feel free to share your favorite concept car or "feature"/"Gimmick" what would have been great to see in a modern car.
  15. Did your name on CR change? I can't remember. PM me again and we can set something up =) I'm always at CC&C on Saturdays.
  16. I designed a CR decal a while back... If you guys ever wanna run prints of it, let me know. I have the high res versions still. http://pre07.deviantart.net/0296/th/pre/i/2016/103/f/e/columbus_racing_final_logo___digital_by_showhbk-d9yshat.jpg
  17. I typed 5 paragraphs explaining my point of view and felt it was not worth it in the end... TL;DR... Cars a expensive... Stretching the payments out over a long time makes sense and works (for me) maybe not you. Buy a nice car that is easy to fix and buy parts for (domestic) and you are good to go in my eyes. meet me at cars and coffee to talk more sometime... I find CR not a good place to get a point across. :eyes:
  18. Eh, I see where this is coming from... and Carry makes a good point. I normally don't speak up on things like this but I felt like I would give a young persons perspective on how I feel about this. I know this is the kitchen and I am prepared for any shit flung in my direction, but this is an **OPINION** I am young (26) and posses a B.A. degree and I work a 9-5 job just like many folks around here do. I would like to own a nice car. Something fun, sporty, but practical. Factually speaking, many young people (like myself) are in debt up to our eye balls because of collage loans so paying for a $30,000+ (new) car is out of the question. Many of the cars I am looking at now are on the used market because buying new for someone in my situation is simply not possible. Even $20000+ cars are out of out reach in some cases. Stretching out a loan for people in this situation actually makes perfect sense because it places the car in your possession and leaves you money for gas, maintenance, and repairs for when things break. Yes, this drives the overall cost up over time... But many people that I know don't have the spare income to stash away vast amounts of money so its not all that bad. Considering many young people have rent, student loans, gas, utilities, and all the other things to pay for... why would you want to constantly worry about your car? In short... I actually agree with Zx2guy19 on this one. I honestly would rather finance a car over a long period of time and pay a "little" more on the price to have something new, reliable, and fun for my daily commutes. Honestly... this just makes sense to me because I would not be able to afford a car without a system like this. Leasing has never been appealing to me because I don't want to give the car back in the event I really enjoy the car. Just my two cents... I am interested to know what more people think
  19. This would be a good strategy for me to earn money for my 20B engine swap project... My Banshee is not going to build itself ya know. All jokes aside, I would like to stay where we are. So many happy memories at the Lennox. ^_^
  20. The meatballs must be THAT good... I've heard stories, but I want to experience them myself. I had no idea they sold furniture... Crazy! http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2016/2/10/0/fnd_swedish-meatballs-istock.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide.jpeg
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