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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. Oh, I was implying that you should ask that sub-reddit for advice. you can make a post and they get back to you real quick. good advice. Won my friend in college some cash in a settlement because she asked Reddit for help when she was hit by a car at a crosswalk.
  2. After the excitement died down and I stopped trying to convince myself it was good... I have to hang my head in shame and admit that Star Wars was poop =( No spoilers... but... I was disappointed In all honesty though, Beauty and the Beast was actually not poop... no one mentioned that yet, and I thought I would throw it out there. I felt that it was a good "live" shot for shot remake of the animated version.
  3. Much like Orion, I got this one off Amazon with Prime. Can't live without it and the magnetic bit on my phone case is so low profile I don't even know its there. 10/10 Would recommend! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073PRPRNN/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. Not exactly how it works... the hash difficulty does not increase each time you complete solving one. Also, remember that solving one hash does not get you 1 bitcoin. You always get fractions of a bitcon as a reward for solving a hash. for example, 1 hash could reward you with .002 bitcoin. The reward always fluctuates.
  6. This is more a analogy then a literal statement... But, think of "Bitcoin" or other cryptocurrency value as a fluctuating "Reward" for doing "Work" The "Work" is that your computer solves and verifies "hashes" or extremely complex numbers and the "Reward" is a fraction of a number of the currency you are mining. You will never get "1" whole value as the reward, it always tends to be a fraction of a number. Bitcoin is not a physical currency that belongs to ANY country or government. Instead it is a "free market" currency or "universal" currency. The value assigned to it is similar to how the stock market works. More people solving hashes? the value goes down. Less people solving hashes? the value goes up. Now, this is not the ONLY thing that effects the value, just one of many. I am trying to keep it simple. TL;DR Bitcoin is a "Free Market" currency that belongs to no government or country, therefore other factors effect it's value such as number of people mining, trading, and many more.
  7. I get that... The problem I have with everything is that the values are all theoretical. What I mean is that the projected profits from a system are only based on a 100% up time on Power, Internet, and Components. If one of these things goes wrong then you lose potential for every second the system is down. My internet goes out at least once a week from my ISP and you need to invest ~$2000 (not mandatory, just an average figure) into the system to get started. Return on the ~$2000 investment does not happen until about the 8th month mark in most cases. ALL of this assuming the market value does not tank of whatever you are mining, unless you have a bot searching and dynamically switching for you. I had a buddy of mine tell me to try the PayPal line of credit to get mine going. Paypal lets you take out $2000 or $3000 with zero payments over 6 months. He ran the calculations back in July and found that I would have generated ~$1299 off the rig in 6 months time. this all assuming NOTHING went wrong with it during that time. Power, Internet, and Components all would have to run 24/7 for me to hit that number. I would have owed PayPal ~$700 on a rig that may or may not hit that target mark. Return on investment was projected at the 10th month, generating pure profit. The thing that scares me away is the risk involved... Much like the stock market. You could win big or lose hard... its the nature of the beast. If you have the spare $2000 laying around and want to build a kick ass miner, have at it! The fact that 8-10 months of mining to pay off the machine and the assumption that Power, Internet, and Components all hold out scares the shit out of me. I have enterprise class switches that go out all the time around my work and I have to replace them. Shit breaks and I just don't have the spare income to invest in this sort of thing, so to me it's a complete waste of time.
  8. Sad shit... You hate to see it
  9. not worth your time...period.
  10. Damn man, that's really unfortunate. I have had plenty of success loading up my Phantom 3 with at least 4 pounds of gear and it does just fine. I work at a high school and use my Phantom to move small things in promotional videos for the school and have never had issues.
  11. ShowHBK

    iPhone x

    You just don't "Think Different" ;-) http://images.techhive.com/images/idge/imported/article/ctw/2013/07/16/apple_-_think_different_0-100384085-orig.jpg
  12. eh, I disagree... This statement would only be applicable for something very heavy (10-15 pounds). I would recommend a DJI Phantom 3 (Advanced or Pro) because I have owned one for two years and had rock solid results. During Halloween we decorate the Drone to fly up and down the streets and add a cloth, lights, and other things to make it spooky. My buddy Kevan actually modified his DJI Phantom 2 with a hook that he fabricated to get a Frisbee out of a stuck tree. Worked out great and he posted the video on YouTube. I would say, IF you buy a Phantom, Make sure you tie the rope near the center away from the camera (which is removable, if you are brave and want to fly blind/with your own eyes.) Sounds like you could fly without the camera if you are just flying over a tree. Best of luck, hope this helps!
  13. ShowHBK

    iPhone x

    I heard that Apple is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY behind quota on production of the damn thing. something like a few million have only been made, which is far short of what they plan to sell. Looks like the screen and face scanner are taking some time to produce which is holding things up. Apple claimed the rumors they were cheeping out on the building of them to be false, so I guess take that into consideration. Honestly? I was just not "blown" away with the redesign, but I admit... It seems that these days "change" is initially rejected, then embraced by the masses. I think this product will sell extremely well and people will claim that it's a good device. I use Windows Hello on my surface every damn day and I love it, why can't Face ID work just as well? I just wish Apple would have kept Touch ID, because... ya know... it worked so good they actually had to make it work slower/worse/open your phone after a delay... yea... look that one up, it actually was a thing. https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/25/apple-lowers-face-id-specifications-to-ramp-up-iphone-x-production-report-says/ https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/24/16533288/iphone-x-apple-shipping-problems-half-2017
  14. ShowHBK

    RIP Tom Petty

    Last i read his brain was completely dead with no activity. The family decided to pull the plug. 1:35 PM PT -- Sources tell us at 10:30 Monday morning a chaplain was called to Tom's hospital room. We're told the family has a do not resuscitate order on Tom. The singer is not expected to live throughout the day, but he's still clinging to life. A report that the LAPD confirmed the singer's death is inaccurate -- the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. handled the emergency. 12:30 PM PT -- We're told after Petty got to the hospital he had no brain activity and a decision was made to pull life support. Very sad... so very sad...
  15. I have three of them... paid $100 for the Sniper (long barrel) versions at Vance Outdoors 10 years ago. The Carbine one that I own was $120 and I fucking hate it. Kicks WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to hard... I'll fire the sniper ones anyday. Both my snipers all have matching numbers and are from the 40's... Love them to death <3
  16. I want to summarize things before yall kill each other. Android: Open OS: free for the user the change how he/she wants Google: A company who makes the OS, not the hardware. This can cause comparability issues with some devices. Google Now: It's ok, does cool stuff, has zero personality Hardware: differs from device to device Apple: Closed OS: Apple handles everything for you. want to change something? FUCK YOU! Apple: Makes the OS and the Phone for maximum compatability with other apple devices Siri: more personality, can be turned off completely if you don't want her. Hardware: Planed Obsolescence: Apple will almost force you to get a new phone eventually to stay current in their ecosystem. Hope this clears some stuff up. I am personally a Windows/Android fan because I enjoy the thrill of customizing my devices to fit me. Unlike in Apple's world, YOU the user have to play by their rules and live with their products as they are. Don't like Samsung phones? Awesome! there are 10 other companies that make android phones. Don't like the iPhone? FUCK YOU! love the iPhone! That's basically how it is... to each their own. You love the idea of an apple product, then please enjoy it. Each side has its strengths and weaknesses. Android folks tend to customize to the point where their screen looks like a Jackson Pollock Painting... just saying.
  17. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/saltzman/2017/09/10/how-switch-android-iphone-and-what-you-lose-if-you-do/651013001/
  18. ShowHBK


    Like a cockroach, this company will simply not die. Where will the CEO vacation too next with Lobbyist money? Vote now on your phones! "Oh please save us Trump Sempai!" http://jalopnik.com/elio-motors-turns-to-lobbyists-because-it-needs-the-tru-1818632607 After 8 years, no pre-production fleet and no production on their 64,000 pre-orders it seriously makes me wonder what this company is up to? How can you possibly go 8 years, amass over 100 million in debt and NOT make something to show the public? for 100 Million, I could have built the damn cars myself by now. Where did all the money go? how is this legal? and how is the CEO not in jail yet? Please someone explain this to me
  19. I saw a really good YouTube video that explained why trains died in America. Many of the lines are not owned by one person (multiple owners) and they tend to give priority to cargo over passengers. Delays are very frequent for passenger trains and tend not to be any faster then driving. The point i'm trying to make is that I want this tech REALLY bad, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD make the lines exclusively for passenger trains/cabs. Build the lines to go along 71 and let people watch them go by with the occasional window and generate excitement. Then, the winners could be rent-a-car companies with hubs on both ends so people have transportation at the new location. This could be an AWESOME system. MAKE THIS SHIT HAPPEN!!!
  20. Yea, its actually something they are very public about. here is a copy directly from their corporate handbook. II. NETWORK PRACTICES: Overall, WOW! follows these network management practices: 1. No blocking. WOW! does not block access to legal content, applications, services or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management. 2. No throttling. WOW! does not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management. 3. No paid prioritization. WOW! does not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration of any kind, or to benefit an entity affiliated with WOW!.
  21. ShowHBK

    06 Miata

    I saw it as well, very clean, good looking MX-5 :thumbup:
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