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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. Wow... what a surprise! Right from the Owners Manual, lol http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=9055
  2. You rock man! :thumbup: Thanks for posting all this!
  3. #HYPE!!! Anyway you can post a link to the websites or put where each event is taking place? Just curious. I am excited to go slow!
  4. F1 Car> SCCA Race Car> GT Car> WRX STI> Honda> Dad's Old Honda> Brand New Bike> Old Moldy Bike> Brand New Nike Shoes> Old Nike Shoes> Bare Feet> Hand Stand> RX8
  5. Robochan... Going for the spicy list! :lol: When that V-Tech kicks in bro! http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071019141512/uncyclopedia/images/7/7b/Vtec_kick_in_yo.jpg
  6. No agenda I assure you... come find me at Cars and Coffee sometime. I often find text far to difficult to convey emotion or meaning. TL;DR... Up until a few hours ago... the story I typed was what I believed based off what I saw I believe what you have said and have changed my opinions on what ACTUALLY happened I apologize for any anger, hurt feelings, or other emotions my post might have caused you I used the language I did because this is the Kitchen... it seems to be what all the other folks do here... So I thought I would give it a go My original intentions were to only use that day as the only example I have ever seen where something negative happened at a BMC autocross. I do not agree that the group is an "in" crowd. from my experience they are very accepting of non-members and members alike.
  7. So, basically... what you are telling me is that the same "autocross fags" and "dickheads" that OP was calling out, lied to me about the details to make you look bad? my face when... I actually took the liberty of going back to watch the Drone footage from that day... If memory serves me correct you drive an Orange (competition orange) Mustang? If so, I can see your Mustang parked off the the side on the track. that day... but the footage is from the afternoon session so i'm a little confused. Might not be "your" Mustang, but whatever... Good to know the truth TBH... I only typed what I was told, and from what I saw the story checked out. Sounds like I was lied too on the details... My apologies for any hurt feelings.
  8. Feel free to elaborate.. The story I was told from members on track that day was that you ate a few cones, got mad that the course was setup ONLY for Miata or other small cars, you wanted your money back, and when they refused you called them "jack asses" and left. From my perspective I saw one of the Mustangs eat a load of cones on their second or first run (I cant remember) and I was working one of the corners. ANNNNNNND a mustang did leave after a few runs, so everything made sense to me. If this story is incorrect then feel free to explain what actually happened.
  9. I don't catch this vibe at all... I attend events on and off and I have always received good advice and met some great people. The folks that are "in" at the events usually seem to be event organizers to me so I would expect them to treat them differently I guess. I mean, They also have a "membership" group of folks that pay money to be in their club, so... I guess those folks would be treated a little different. Honestly... I feel like they are a nice group of folks who want to have a good time. not ONCE have I felt like I was not welcome at one of their events. The folks that do come to cause havoc or be dicks to people don't usually last long at all. A few Mustang bros showed up once and got pissed that they could not run the course which was 100% their fault. You showed up to a go-kart track with their 5.0's and get butt hurt that you could not run the course without eating a few cones... they cried and left. This is the only time i came across "dickheads" at an autocross. Besides... You should want to autocross to have fun and go fast in your car. FUCK what other people say or fell about you! YOU paid the same fee as everyone else, so get out there, stop calling people "dickheads", and race your damn car!
  10. this is extremely dangerous to our democracy... http://theperplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/bildschirmfoto-2018-04-01-um-09.43.07-1020x536.png
  11. I actually laughed at this way harder then I should have. :grin2:
  12. To be honest, Functionality and Style are a hard balance to achieve. In most cases, you can only have something be look good but function terrible, not in all cases... but most. I feel like Suicide doors strike a good balance between functional and stylish. Traditionally, suicide doors have been seen as a very stylish and upscale type of option on vehicles which offered passengers a greater ease of entering and exiting the vehicle while at the same time providing the occupants with a lavish and unique way of enjoying their experience. The only reason they phased out the the last 30-40 years is due to safety concerns leaving very few cars to include them as a feature. I don't know why, but i am a huge fan of automakers trying something new. Personally, I look at many cars on the road today and become very depressed at how boring and bland they really are. Sedans all look alike in terms of overall design and even trucks are starting to follow suit with the same BIG and BOLD looks to them. I love weird looking cars or ones that dared to be different. The Plymouth Prowler is a good example of a car that I "admire" but would never want to own and I use it as an example a lot. Sure, it was a shitbox when it was new, and was way overpriced... but it dared to be different, and I respect that. This presents a few logistical problems with many of these "different" cars because many folks will just flat out not buy them either because they cost to much, they are too weird, or a combination of things. Honestly though, I think the industry needs a little "weird" right now with many options looking a bit... boring. I would LOVE to see a renaissance in luxury vehicles where lands yachts reign supreme. I don't mind the weird stuff... I say, Let it ride!!!
  13. I too, like it when things that are "suicidal", lol http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=923&pictureid=7984
  14. Admin, Please lock it up... no bites... I'm going to try and sell elsewhere. Thanks, ^_^
  15. Someone please buy this... I assure you it is a worthwhile purchase. I own a Phantom 3 Advanced and love the quality, ease of flight, and features. If anyone is curious, this is what the video quality looks like from these things.
  16. I respect this... I really do. I was just being silly with the "vomit" comment. Some folks hear music and just hear music and nothing more. I had a really good friend in college who was an audiophile and his entire music library was FLAC (uncompressed) audio. He and a few others showed me what "good" quality music sounded like. I guess I could equate music quality to how some folks look at cars... Some folks will purchase their Prius and be happy with it until the day they die. They might even be proud of their Prius and think it's the best thing ever... Others, may aspire to own a Lamborghini for many different reasons. Basically, I'm trying to say "to each their own" Listen to your music on whatever you want and be happy
  17. The title of the video was VERY misleading... there we no racing at all in that video. Then he says in the description "This is a promo video"... Click-bait video is very Click-bait. I'm all for some fun, but this looks dangerous and to short of a parking lot to do much of anything.
  18. A Thread where "Beats" and "Skull Candy" have been recommended when OP mentioned he wanted Audio-Technica headphones... please excuse me while i go vomit. :barf: I'm not trying to be rude. But, "good" headphones I guess must be subjective depending on the person using them. I used to think my $20 Sony headphones where ok in High School, but once I listened to a pair of GOOD headphones... I just can't go back or recommend something different. If you care about the music you listen to and want to really enjoy it, then DO NOT cheep out on your speakers or headphones. Stick with the Audio-Technica idea, I assure you will not be disappointed. To be honest, I all depends on the "quality" of the music you listen to and if you give a damn. Here is a fun little test to see of you and your ears can tell the difference. https://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2015/06/02/411473508/how-well-can-you-hear-audio-quality I was able to get a 4/6 using external speakers. Bet I could get higher with my Klipsch headphones, but your mileage may very. Happy Hunting!
  19. oh FFS... I had no idea that thread existed.... my bad.... Mod can delete this
  20. Does anyone on CR pay for it? It is good or does it suck? I enjoy watching Roadkill on YouTube and now they are switching all content over to there "On Demand" website. When it launched I tried the 30 day trial and everything was a complete mess... nothing loaded, the quality was terrible, and it felt like a complete waste of time and money. I instantly canceled my service. I felt like this was going to happen someday and things have looked worse since they switched off the comments section on ALL of their YouTube videos. I was wondering if anyone here was a current subscriber and if things had improved. I would really like to continue watching their shows, but I refuse to pay up if the service is complete shit. If not, I can live without MT videos.
  21. LOL Beats... i'm sorry... I can't take that company seriously. I would recommend listening to some FLAC audio on some nice Audio Technica or Bose headphones to hear the difference.
  22. ATH-M50 are amazing headphones. If you are worried about base then buy this, place it on your desk at work, and become a legend. xD
  23. All of you are the reason I can't buy a GTX 1070 for GAMING... I hate all of you! http://www.reactimg.com/images/11.jpg
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