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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. The design speaks for itself... terrible... But don't worry, they will make a commercial telling you how many JD Power awards it received. They will also remind you how people LOVE it!!! and it will 100% be the leading truck in its class. GM sure does win a lot of awards... from what their commercials say.
  2. they will cry for another bailout... just wait and see... zzzzzzzzz
  3. If GM had a flavor it would be water... They make nothing interesting, have VERY misleading commercials, and have a horrible sense of identity (IMO). I'm sorry to anyone who loves their GM (brand) vehicle, but the company has done little to change my mind since their bailout. I want to love the camaro, but every time I drive one, I can't see out of the damn thing and the new front end looks like a bloated man going for seconds at the "all you can eat" buffet.
  4. ShowHBK

    Car loan

    BuT Im aN EnTiTlED MaLeNiAl WiTh No M0N3Y @ND IM ENtiTL3D T0 FR33 CAR!!! #420BL@Z31TFORTNIGHT #V@P3NASH
  5. Sorry to hear the troubles Josh, I know im late to the party, but I would try your best to get her into something. Art projects, Building a diorama, Computer coding, something to occupy her time. Sports are big in columbus and even if she is not athletic, there is ALWAYS something out there for someone if they look hard enough. Finding something that makes her happy like a sport or hobby will be a bit of a process, but the friends will follow after once she finds something to dive into. Best of luck man
  6. Sounds cool man, let me know if you find anything interesting with yours. The body on ours is about a 5/10 with multiple rust holes, so I am going to have to learn welding by the time this is all said and done.
  7. This is actually a legitimate concern for us, because we have thought long about the cons of Lemons. We are trying to to everything by the book this first time because we have heard from some people who have done Lemons before that they planed, worked, and stressed for months preparing, only to blow up the transmission on lap 5 with no spare. The best case is that we make it the entire time and walk away with a great experience. Worst case, we never make it to the starting line. Everything in between has been evaluated. The 4-5 of us are dumping our spare cash into the build and we are a passionate group. It seems like the long term goals are to "buy our seat" in the car to use it after the race, so we are thinking more long term than anything. Though, we all did agree to not be upset if the damn thing blows up on the 10th lap. If it does, have a beer ready for me when we come back from Michigan, i'll need it,
  8. What were some things you wished you would have known before going into Lemons? Anything you would have changed?
  9. Engine teardown... This thing was NASTY!!! She's all out!
  11. So I went back there and they decided to pay for the broken slug on my lug nut as well as replace the tire for free. I have a place that I HAVE to go to according to them called "Streamline". Anyone know anything about this place? The reviews i've seen online don't really paint a complete picture.
  12. I hope, going to go in first thing in the morning. I noticed tonight the the lug nut is not missing, it was snapped off with a power tool...
  13. What should I do CR? Yesterday I noticed at Cars and Coffee that my rear passenger tire was a little low just after filling it up with air the night before because my TPMS light came on. I thought it was odd, because the tire was only 10 months old. Sometimes in the winter my tires have lost a little air here and there, but this time when I had filled it up the night before, it was down to 9 PSI... I purchased the tires from Discount Tire at Easton for ~$450 in January of this year and asked them to please take a look at why the tire was flat. I fill the tire back up with air at the nearest Gas Station and drive over to the store. After a little while, they give me a call and say that not only was a nail in the tire, but it had ran on the sidewall and was not savable. I thought, "Shit happens I guess" So I told them to replace it with the same tire and that I would pick it up when it was done. I get a call in about in hour and they say my car is ready to be picked up, so I drove over, paid $255 for the new tire (Tire $160, instillation and disposal $40, and warranty on both rear tires $55). I hop in my car, TPMS light is still on... I thought it was odd, but not completely uncommon in my car to see the light on even after I have pumped my own tires up. For whatever reason, it sometimes takes my car 1 or 2 key cycles to make the light go off, and the new tire "looked" fine because I could see the factory colored lines still on the tire. Something that did look odd is that the tire was covered in mud on one side and did not have that "factory new" look to it. I drove over to Buckeye Go-Karts over by the Casino and started to notice that my car was almost on ice at times and would sometimes move left to right at random. In my mind i'm thinking that this could be the alignment that is off? Was not sure, so I drive home. I wake up this morning and low and behold, the tire was completely flat Z-E-R-O fucking PSI and I noticed now that a lug nut is missing from the car. My rage was soon to follow... My question to CR is, what should I do here? I could have fucking died last night and it is clear that Discount Tire did NOT to the work correctly and they lost one of my lug nuts. I called and left them a "not-so-nice" message because I am legitimately upset that they could have killed me. I don't think that's much of a shock, but what should I do when I walk in on Monday? I need some advice because FULL STOP, they should fix everything for free and actually do it right this time. How in the world would any manager not fix this ASAP? TL;DR: I purchased a new tire, the store fucked up and installed it incorrectly and lost one of my lug nuts almost resulting in my death. Looking for advice on how to handle the situation.
  14. Did you see how high that thing lifted itself?!? WOW! He officially has biggest dick at the drag strip
  15. lets trade you know u want it
  16. OH MY LORD! X10 is still in business?!? We had wall switches back in the 90's from them just like the ones in this video! My first question would be to ask, What is the most important thing for you? Just lights? appliances? I have a few TP-Link smart plugs controlled by my Kasa app and I really like it so far. They connect to my Amazon Echo network and I can turn things on and off from my Echos or Phone. What exactly do you want to connect to your future "Smart Home"?
  17. 2 hours on Google Image search has yielded me the following results. It is USB, no doubt about it (though... everyone knew that...) The damn thing has (or should have) data of some sort on it. If you are brave enough, plug it into a computer and see whats on it. HUGE WARNING!!! DO NOT HAVE THE COMPUTER YOU PLUG IT INTO CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET IN ANY WAY! Some USB keys have software on them that "phones home" and can compromise your system. The hole on the key implies that it belongs on a key ring, indicating that it might just be a novelty item. My conclusion? - It's to low quality and lacking in ANY makers mark to be for any serious business. - The USB side of it looks like it would be a 4/8/or 16 GB Size (If I had to guess) - The mysterious nature of someone "finding" it out of the blue is even more perplexing. Final guess.... It's a cheap China-Pakistana-Land USB drive 4GB Model Contents of the drive? Uncle Dave's self shot porn collection from his "experimental" years.
  18. I see what he is going for with the turntable idea... Though, it's more of a "show off" type thing then a functional part of the garage IMO. For someone with a lot of money, cars, and a love of racing... I could see this being a paradise, buuuuuuuut.... the people that "would" buy this type of property would be out making more money then living in these things 24/7. They definitely have that "summer vacation home" vibe. I doubt people live in these things 24/7... Maybe rented to track enthusiasts?
  19. I've run out of storage space on CR for images... Looking for a new hosting site to place all of these images for an update. Any ideas? What does CR use?
  20. A few pieces of information I need to know. How far are you from the Router when on WiFi? 20 feet? 60 feet? Are there multiple walls in the way? I usually ask people these questions right off the bat because interference is always a likely problem in most cases when it comes to console gaming. 2.4 or 5.0 ghz make more of a difference then you think. Here is a simple breakdown of the differences between the two. http://phorus.com/images/uploads/GHz.png The TL;DR is that you hop on 2.4GHz when you need maximum range or far from the router, but you use 5GHz for when you are closer and need maximum speed without possible interference. If none of this applies to you, then I would check to see how many devices you have on your WiFi. Do you have family? Kids? Wife/GF who are all watching YouTube or Netflix? If your bandwidth is getting crushed then I would look to see what the other devices on your network are doing. A simple test could be to disconnect EVERY other device other then your PS4, then game for 30-45 minutes and see if that makes any difference. If you can verify that your PS4 is the ONLY device using the WiFi, then you have an interference problem for sure. Do you best to rule out bandwidth or interference before going to hardware. I make that mistake sometimes and was just recently reminded by a good friend to follow proper trouble shooting procedure before jumping to conclusions. Check the simple stuff first, then move to the more complicated stuff like hardware, settings, and other things. WORD OF WARNING! Not Brian gave a great suggestion on using the Google DNS, and I have used them in the past. Just be aware that a public DNS (like Google) cannot guarantee that your data is always safe/secure. Always be cautious when making a purchase or doing anything confidential on your PS4 while connected to a public DNS.
  21. Project Update! 9/24/2018 Over the past few days The group removed the interior and began work underneath the car. The goal this weekend was to pull the engine, but the gas tank gave us a few problems... Let me explain... We started by cleaning out any rust and dirt that was lingering inside the cabin, then proceeded to move the car inside for the more important work http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9171 We... Kinda found a bullet in the windshield that we missed under all the mold and gunk. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9170 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9172 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9173 Once we got the car up, I got my first look at the underside of things... surprise surprise! rust city... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9174 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9175 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9176 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9177 So, in the end... We were able to remove the exhaust, muffler, and the rats nest of crap under the body, but the gas tank stopped us dead in our tracks when trying to get it out. Rusted bolts and stripped screws were the bane of our evening. After 5 hours of work... we said Goodnight to the MR-2 for the night. Ready to return later in the week to get the gas tank out and eventually pull the damn engine. We checked to see if the engine would turn over and it does in fact "crank", but from the sound it was making I would say that there is ZERO fluids in this engine. We popped out a coil pack and sadly noticed that there is water mixed with oil under there, so... blown head gasket? We're not going to be sure until we pull the engine and take it apart. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1027&pictureid=9178 More updates as they happen! Stay tuned.
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