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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. Well, I'm a little disappointed that I did not have much time to work on these this morning and my boss was micromanaging to the point where it was throwing me off a bit... but this is what I have *SO FAR* http://imgur.com/a/MvNmp I'm toying with the road course idea, but at the same time trying to keep things simple. I may hop into Rhino this afternoon and create the shapes I need and import them into Inkscape. These, as always, are just concepts of what could be. If these designs are on the right "track" (lol, see what I did there?) Then let me know and I will continue to develop them based off the feedback. My afternoon is clear so I should come up with more as the day goes on. Enjoy
  2. hmm... let me see what magic I can do with that. I will post new designs based off the feedback in a few hours (before lunch at the latest)
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. Anthony is more then welcome to use any of my work if he wants. CR is something special to me and I would really like to give back in anyway I can. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here, but i'm in the creative mood and I think these ideas could be good with a little more work. Bruce - I like the S into the R idea with a race track, Making the pattern with a vector cutout should be simple enough. I will try some more ideas at work on Friday and post again before lunch. Austin - which ones do you have your eye on? What can I improve on them?
  4. Anyone here have tickets they are willing to sell on the cheep? I am not looking to pay $100+ for tickets and I am looking to get two if at all possible. I would like to see the finals or some matches Saturday. If not, does anyone know where I can pick up tickets in town from someone?
  5. Depends on if your logo is squared off or not. If you have a logo that is even on all sides then that does not mater much in the long run. On a flag, you can get away with design choices like cutting things off or just showing parts of the logo or design. From an aesthetic point of view, it would be more pleasing to the viewer to not fight instinct and begin your image from "top to bottom". we tend to read everything from the top of something then move to the bottom. So starting your idea near the top of the flag would be the best move if you want to draw in the most people. Just my two cents.
  6. Here is the first round of logos and concepts I made this morning for CR. These are JPEG conversions and for those who don't know what that means, it means the edges look jagged and not very clean because they are compressed. The actual files are very crisp and clean. I also understand that these will probably will never be used... but I just felt like I would share. http://imgur.com/a/ybLo8 THOUGHT PROCESS: I wanted to build off of my sketches from yesterday and continue my ideas. Simple and Clean was the name of the game this time around and I wanted to try and create something that would be instantly recognizable by people within the community and outside as well. I am keeping things black and white until I can figure which design language to go with. Once I know more or experiment with designs, I will add color, graphics, and other items. **Note** The JPEG conversion process derped on the last image. the actual font is "Good Times" Feedback and comments are more then welcome. What do you like? What don't you like? What can I improve?
  7. I'm working on some concepts this morning at work. Today is a slow day (knock on wood) and I have a few Vector Ideas that I will post around lunch. Finding a design language is hard, but I think i'm on the right track. Feedback on my doodles is always welcome.
  8. not sure, I plan on creating digital versions of some of my concepts posted in this thread throughout the week. I think it would be cool to make an identity or logo for the website. Even if its never used
  9. Would you like me to sketch a vertical design? I am actually having a lot of fun doing concept sketches. If anyone has any feedback for my designs so far please feel free to let me know. This is actually a lot more fun then I thought it would be :-) This was all I had room left for. Little circles made from a quarter http://i.imgur.com/sqDH4vC.png
  10. no offence taken... I'm just having some fun. It's just some pencil, ballpoint, and passion This one looks nice in the patch design. It got cut off, but the idea is still there. I could have made it a bit thinner with the first tower in the R... but w/e http://i.imgur.com/1vtckPS.png
  11. doodle while I was on the phone http://i.imgur.com/JTu8iUh.png
  12. Welp, sorry guys... I only had a 35 minute lunch today and I have to do a few meetings this afternoon, but I have a good load of ideas going that I wanted to share. I only had a pencil and a ball point pen so I apologize that these are really crappy. http://imgur.com/a/o69ki (Going to hold back on Direct Linking...the size of these is to large and people seem to not like large images.) THOUGHT PROCESS My thought process for these designs were one of two ideas. Simple and clean - Easy to identify logo Original - Aggressive - attitude logo CR to me... has been CR... anyone who talks to me in real life has always shortened the name to simply just CR. It seemed to me that many people in the community understand "Columbus Racing" by an acronym. I wanted to start here with a simple idea and design something simple - clean - and easy to understand. By using fonts with clean lines and smooth curves I was attempting to mimic the lines and curves on many of the cars we are so fond of. This was to give me some insight into what could develop into a large banner, flag, or logo. The design language is key to me and I wanted to keep things consistent by working small and then working bigger. These small acronym are just a small stepping stone to creating a consistent logo/design in my mind. The second idea is merely an evolution of the first three by expressing more abstract ideas and aggression into the design. as cars have simple curves and flowing lines, they can also have an aggressive side with the rawr of the engine, the stench of burnt tires, or maybe the thundering charge of a drag race. My idea here was to attempt to inject a sense of aggression into the design. The final bit are just some one liners I found online. I felt like since this was a racing community it could use something like that in the foot banner or a rotating line a phrases just like the CR sponsor's adverts rotate. Maybe a one liner then a sponsor? idk, was just an idea. WHATS NEXT? After my meetings today I will do a little more doodling and then take things to the computer and see what I can do from there. All types of feedback are welcome. If you know of any fonts or design language then please feel free to link me to anything and let me know. What should the CR logo/banner say when people look at it? Simple, elegant, and clean? Aggressive racing? Or maybe a little of both? I am more then accepting to feedback.
  13. Sounds good... lets see what I can come up with. Let me do a few sketches at lunch and I'll upload them to this thread
  14. I could try and design one in my spare time. It's been awhile since i'v made something in vector and I could use the practice. just throwing it out there. any size requirements? or ideas? I have a few in mind and you don't have to use it ever... i'm just looking for a way to re-spark my creative side.
  15. I'm honestly worried.... Very very worried. #feelsbadman :no:
  16. I simply refuse to converse with you on the internet... you have no idea what you are talking about. Come talk to me at CC&C when a computer is not in front of your face and I would be more then happy to enlighten you on how wrong that statement is.
  17. Can confirm this is a thing... I did plenty of teaching experiences in inner city schools and even some private schools and most parents think there kid is the king/queen of the world. There was an interesting documentary about our school systems made a few years ago called "Waiting for Superman", and in the film they show that American children rank #1 in the world at " " link to the clip on the word. Though this is true many kids are falling behind in the world because they think that they are the best when in fact they are not. Like Wagner said, they are not prepared for "defeat" or understand how to deal with "tough situations" because their parents never prepare them for it and when they are faced with "defeat" its suddenly YOUR fault! I was lectured by so many parents at how I was a terrible teacher because little Billy got a D on a fucking art test about mixing two colors. it's unbelievable how none of these parents accept accountability for their children and actually take a fucking second to raise the properly. But why bother? society will raise my child while I sit in my government provided home, talk to my BAE on my government provided smart phone, and then when i'm done with that i'll go and eat a twinkly from my stash of government provided food. But life is so hard for me and my kids because the teachers are not good and I can't possibly take 5 minutes out of my day to teach my kid how to live in this world... so hard... i'm offended... these people are racist!!! ***Heavy Sarcasm***
  18. Patch Notes: v 0.0.5 Full compatibility has been confirmed and tested with the following: Facebook Instagram Google+ Youtube Twitter Spelling errors fixed text centered and resized on some pages More Pictures imported from Facebook Admin and content creators added
  19. yep... on Squarespace they will integrate the video with just a link from what my testing shows. If the video allows it to be linked then it seems to just work based off the URL. I will keep things as minimalist as possible. The site is just a prototype/concept. no worries if we never use it. buuuuuuuut.... not going to lie... i really like the look of it as well
  20. Really sorry about that, I wanted to show off the detail on the page and posting them any smaller would make things look illegible. I will keep this in mind in the future. I will try when I get off work. I took that image from the Facebook page. I can't remember who designed it, but I would need the vector copy of that image or the original file to make it any larger. I will try and create one without the box.
  21. I kinda like the CC&C logo on the homepage a little more. What do you guys think? http://i.imgur.com/9qYfx0C.jpg
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