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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. My two cents would be this... If you are to noob enough to learn how to unlock something yourself then you might not even use or understand how to use all the features an unlocked streaming stick can offer. I would HIGHLY recommend you take the time to discover all the features the device offers locked and unlocked before taking the plunge. Considering these things retail for $40, why pay 200% of the value just because some guy ran a program on his computer to unlock it? It just does not make sense to me. Other things to consider. For $100 you could just buy a Fire TV which is much better in every single way. It has more RAM, better processor, and can connect to USB or MicroSD cards to increase storage. The Fire TV is also easier to install KODI on (yourself) if you want to go down that road. Also, in my opinion... The fire stick is not that good when you put it in the $80 price bracket. If you have an iPhone, Android device, or Laptop that you stream from then consider a Chromecast. The Chromecast NEEDS a phone or laptop to function and it not capable of streaming on its own, but the possibilities are endless on your laptop or phone when you stream youtube, netflix, etc. to the device. Google also rewards you each month with free goodies like free movie rentals, free music, and google play store credit for just owning the device. I have two of them in my house and I get double the rewards. Last thing to consider is a Roku 2/3. Both the 2 or the 3 are around your price bracket and could give you hours of entertainment without unlocking or modding. Roku are not that hard to modify in the long term if you ever wanted to run your own custom software on them. The Roku is a great streaming box and I know quite a few people who own them and love them. Hope this helps, sorry for the long post.
  2. ShowHBK

    Apple Vs. FBI

    Should Apple create a backdoor into the iPhone's operating system? I have been watching this story for quite sometime now and I have been interested in asking what viewpoint CR has on the issue. National Security Vs. Privacy? TL;DR (Too long didn't read) Version: The FBI has in their possession an iPhone belonging to one of the dead terrorists associated with the 2015 San Bernardo attacks. The standard (Apple) encryption on the phone is so strong that the FBI is unable to extract (possible) data about the attack. As a result, the FBI is asking Apple to create a custom iOS version with a "backdoor" to use on the phone so that they can extract the data. Apple has refused to create the backdoor, but has complied and helped the FBI in multiple different ways. The FBI is threatening to force them to create a backdoor. What is encryption? This video does a good job explaining things Should Apple comply? It's a heated debate. On one side you have people claiming that this is an invasion of our privacy, and on the other you have people crying for national security. Some people don't see that this could open up a Pandora's Box by Apple designing a "backdoor" within iOS. With 13.9% of all phone's in the USA running iOS this does not seem like such a huge number, but if Apple were forced to comply and if Apple were to create the backdoor then Google (82.8%) and other companies could be next. Now, I understand that this would not be a rollout of the backdoor to everyone's device, that would be ridiculous. The simple fact that something like that could exist is scary to think about. http://bgr.com/2016/03/15/fbi-vs-apple-encryption-strengthening-oops/ As a direct result of this controversy many major companies are now increasing their encryption to protect their customers data. Apple's letter to their customers outlines things very well which can be found here. I honestly think that the government has gone too far with this request. Yes, National Security is important and preventing disasters from happening is always a good thing, but what is being asked of Apple could be copied, abused, and possibly stolen in the future. Just think, if there were a universal key that could be used on any cell phone in the USA to get all the phone's data at any time. Crazy, right? So what does CR think? should Apple create the backdoor? or refuse? Maybe there is another way to get the data without compromising security? who knows... I'm interested to know what you all think of the issue.
  3. ShowHBK


    It honestly does not surprise me that it was delayed over and over. Seems to be a trend with products and games these days when they offer pre-orders. While (to my knowledge) Elio Motors did not begin as a kickstarter, The idea is still the same and the failure to deliver off promises. This should honestly be a crime! I know people are willingly donating money to these projects, but is there any accountability for accepting the money? If I paid money for one of those things and the company for years now had pushed back the date more and more, can't you sue them or demand your money back? https://www.reddit.com/r/failedkickstarters
  4. Going to vote after work http://thefw.com/files/2012/11/greatQuickmeme.jpg
  5. That is a little odd. A while ago I lost my phone (AT&T) and I gave them a call explaining the situation. I was able to prove I was the owner of the account and provide my information in store and they were able to locate the phone via the last GPS signal. Turned out to be in our house in the end sitting between one of the couch cushions. Cell phones are always broadcasting their position to cell phone companies. You would be surprised at the amount of tracking that they do. your location data is worth BIG $$$ to other companies. but, if this is day three the odds of that thing being powered on still are slim, depending on your power settings. Best of luck in the search, not much you can do if you don't have your "Find My iPhone" enabled. Did you ever sign into the iCloud on the phone? maybe the app store? It might be worth a try to login to your default iCloud account and see if you might have logged in and forgot about it? Just a thought.
  6. you can contact Verizon and ask them for the location of the device. If the device is on and transmitting a GPS signal via your LTE or 4G connection then there is a chance Verizon can help you.
  7. this is appropriate for that reply ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. Welcome! Lets hear a little bit more about yourself and your car. What other vehicles do you like? do you race, drag, or autocorss? Pix are always great to add to your intro as well.
  9. I'll be there for sure this week :thumbup: Should be great weather, and I'm looking forward to CC&C
  10. Friendly Reminder to everyone for those who missed this in the news
  11. I mean... Declaration of Independence? "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Some Old Guys - July 4, 1776 Don't get me wrong... A few fat guys with guns vs. the military would be a complete joke, almost would make for a good/bad movie plot. Anyways, by definition it is technically the people's job to maintain their own government and make sure its government is doing their job... in a democracy. The United States (by definition) is a "Fictional Oligarchy" in today's world. Sad, but true. No one is going to take away our guns... You can rest easy acklac7
  12. ok guys, ok... Lets be real here. If anything, this thread should include (Parts system) in the title. I'm going to be honest here. If you are just selling the following: Case Dead MB RAM Power Supply CPU Case Wires Ect. I would recommend pricing this at around $150-250 only based off what I know. Factors that can raise the value of the system in its current state are the following: CPU Model type Power supply wattage Amount of RAM Overall case condition I have seen people gut Alienware cases in the past for their designs, but your target audience would not be interested in ANY of the parts inside the system. I am really sorry you paid 4K for the system in 2012, but with a dead MB, no GPU, or HD it is virtually worthless to most people. If I were in the market looking for an Alenware case, I would only pay ~$100 for yours if the fins on the top still functioned and opened up. Just a recommendation and I hope this is helpful. For $500 you can actually build a brand new system that can 1080p game at 60 FPS (minus a windows license) just for reference. Your price of $500 would almost imply that it boots to something or could if it had an OS installed. I recently sold my M17x R3 which was maxed out and was $2200 brand new, But in the end I had to settle on $700 on ebay. Alienware systems depreciate REALLY fast and replacement parts from Dell or Ebay are expensive. Again, I am just trying to help put things into context here and give honest feedback. Best of luck with the sale.
  13. ** Final Update ** This thread can be locked. Might be useful for people to know this in the future in case someone else is looking to have their advanced key replaced. After undergoing a lot of research and considering options, I am going to wait a few months, maybe summer to buy the new key off ebay. I was also happy to know that the keys have dropped in price since I last checked, Thanks for the help everyone. As of 3/9/2016: According to (Byers) Mazda. Part# NFY7-67-5RYB will work with any Mazda vehicle from 2006-2009 Equipped with the advanced keyless system. 1 Key is $292.51 plus tax (Direct from Mazda) Reprogramming is $101.00 plus tax I was given confirmation that Mazda will reprogram ONLY Genuine Mazda Keys for the quoted price. Aftermarket key's may require additional charges. (Byers) Mazda also explained to me that it IS possible to program one key without the other, but not recommenced.
  14. I understand what you are trying to say and you make good points. I guess to most people they don't see the "war on guns" or "a call to arms" these days. I own a gun, I was once an active NRA member for a while back in College which was a really great experience. After my experience with multiple NRA members I noticed that some people simply don't understand guns or gun culture, much like people don't understand car culture. "I drive a to work, It's a car... it drives... what more should a car do?". Much like this understanding of cars, people will forever look at guns and say "It's a gun, it shoots bullets, so you kill people and are dangerous and we need to get rid of the dangerous things." Here is something to think about. you know the teenagers in their dad's old riced up Honda civic? ya know, the ones who think that "Louder MEANS FASTEEEERR!". I'm talking about the ones who rev their engines at a red light to just about anyone they can because they are so JACKED on testosterone that they need to satisfy their need for speed( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? When people see this display, some think to themselves... "Oh my lord Gerald, look at that boy over there! Car people are dangerous and need to drive a Prius like us and only drive to the store and buy milk on Sunday." I'm speaking very stereotypical, but the point I am trying to make here is that when people see car guys act like idiots on the road or highway, they generally begin to think that ALL car enthusiasts act this way by association. In my opinion this happens to gun culture as well. People look on the news and see "man shot to death by maniac" or "ISIS purchases more guns" and try and attack gun culture here in the states. I don't think a negative trumps a negative here, so a positive example needs to be shown what guns can do for the better in our society. I think what is happening here is people have forgotten that yes, guns are dangerous but when handled and used correctly they are no dangerous then any other household item. People need to been shown an example, a good example of how guns are actually used by REAL professionals and educated enthusiasts. Just my two cents, but I understand your passion for the topic.
  15. Dealerships can charge ~$5000 for a new Renesis, That was the last quote I got. They are no longer in production so Mazda will charge you an arm and a leg for one. Ebay or Craigslist with run you about $1500-$2000 from what I have seen for lightly used ones. I saw one go for $700 used on Craigslist with blown seals.
  16. Can you elaborate on this? I am honestly curious what you mean by the last four words being a "weakness". To me, the last four words are the strongest part of that amendment but I am also open to trying to understand what your viewpoint is. Honestly you seem to be very passionate about this and I want to understand your angle.
  17. What happened at America?
  18. Shameless bump. Still for sale
  19. **UPDATE** with a little more digging I was able to find the actual part number thanks to your guys help. Looks like they go for about $160-200 a pop. I am going to send Mazda an email to confirm what the price would be to reprogram a key. More updates to come. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mazda-MX-5-Miata-RX-8-Keyless-Entry-Transmitter-NFY7-67-5RYB-GENUINE-/171960297702?hash=item2809a1e8e6:g:xjEAAOSw0HVWE~~-&vxp=mtr Part # NFY7-67-5RYB http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Y1H5ugDEL.jpg
  20. Awesome letter man, Hope you enjoy your free track time
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