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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Did you know the founder of Cleveland didn’t even stay there? Even he knew it was going to be a shitty place to live.
  2. Casper

    My new friend.

    Aaaaaasshat vs acehat. Does it sound like the letter “a” when you sound it out? No? Short “a”. Funny enough, both ass and hat are short “a” sounds. Hat == short “a” Hate == long “a”
  3. Casper

    My new friend.

    Sure, so Carrie is still pronounced carr-eee. Double consonant means short “a”. Carie is pronounced with a long “a” like care-eee. The other correct spelling would be Carey.
  4. Casper

    My new friend.

    So you admit that Carrie is incorrect.
  5. Casper

    My new friend.

    I’m content with him being my side chick.
  6. Casper

    My new friend.

    Technically, Carrie is the incorrect spelling. Sound it out. The double r means it’d sound like car-ee if pronounced the way it’s spelled.
  7. Casper

    My new friend.

    Hey! You spelled her name right this time! Good job!
  8. Welcome. Pretty sure that’s what @max power has too.
  9. A whole lot of stupidity. Hopefully that person never drives a semi again.
  10. https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/photos-bicycle-path-closed-after-semi-truck-gets-stuck-under-bridge-1/1497270713
  11. I just replied to your PM. This made me realized I never had. I'm about 75% sure I'm still going to head down. Just waiting on a few things to figure out details and confirm.
  12. Wow. That was really bad. You feeling ok?
  13. I literally said “yikes” out loud.
  14. Who would’ve known there’d be a market for horse-on-nerd porn!? Great job dude. Very happy to see success stories like this.
  15. Exactly what I was thinking.
  16. I got nothing but love for you, homie.
  17. So cute acting all hostile towards me in front of your friends. 😘
  18. I’m going the better weekend.
  19. Oh!!! Give it to the lady across the street from him. She feeds all kinds of animals.
  20. I’ll do you one better. I’ll PM you his address. He has a barn you can stash the cat in.
  21. Plus Bowdog is good people. He should've gotten a dog anyways. Dudes with cats creep me out.
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