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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. First I need to know if anyone here might have a broadband card I could use for an upcoming event? I would need it for an entire weekend. If not no worries. The second question is, If I have a browser open is there a way I can make it only display one website, and not be able to surf the web?
  2. Yeah, there more then adequate in making a customer happy. When I bought my 24-105L they rang it up, and I said...Oh the guy on the phone said it was _____, no problem, price adjustment and out the door.
  3. I've never heard 2 loud pops any anything I've launched before. I'd of shut it down right then.
  4. They dont push you into buying anything Jesse. Im there at least 2 times a month. They are more then educated and helpful. My mind set in comparison is if I walk in with 1k I will spend it, only because the options are so vast, and I want want want.
  5. Years ago Jesse told me about Alum Creek, I bought a bike and have been going ever since. It kicks my ass. So does it get boring? I'd have to say no, its a challenge every time. Once you master part of the trail there is still more to master. Ride it dry for some time, then go a few days after a good rain. And you have options to take on some sections of the trail.
  6. Go buy a $600 Diamond Back. Or you can buy mine for $400.
  7. Chris, nice to meet you. I want to see some photos from this weekend. I almost went down yesterday.
  8. I dont know too many people handing over CD's. Only when someones starting out. And you'd be lucky to get a few good one. Great recommendations in here.
  9. Sorry to hear. If there is anything we can do let us know. I can't imagine loosing my father. I don't look forward to the day. Think of the good times, and keep moving forward.
  10. Still on mobile. That's a great price isn't it? Making me weigh some options.
  11. Apparently I need to log back into AOL mail? Sorry can't help.
  12. Drop the DSM, so we can see the updated Circle K picture!
  13. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/431048_3218699228420_1294582135_33378302_1553963097_n.jpg http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/426790_3218691228220_1294582135_33378300_545205863_n.jpg Its pretty easy to screen shot an image then clean it up later with all the technology we have. These photos were just shot this weekend, put on my webpage, and now I find them on facebook today. And there's 3 more so far that I've found.
  14. Last time I was in Indy. This time was Cooper's 1 year Birthday Party. One day I'll make it.
  15. Thanks Andy. The sub I have will rock your world, literally. I just dont have room for it where I am now. Maybe the next house. Im in the middle of painting another truck so I will come back to this.
  16. Unfortunately this is not true. There is a whole block of number dedicated to advertising and promotion, believe it or not.
  17. Strobist is a great site. And as they will recommend, get it off the camera. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=35
  18. Aftermarket pads were way to thick. Got OEM pads and solved the issue.
  19. Pretty neat. At 6:45ish I realized why we got to see so much of the windshield wiper.
  20. That's correct. Every 350 I've built, at some point had ridges. Put a gauge on it and see if its in spec. Make sure you can run down the cylinder with the gauge though. You'd be amazed at what the slightest piston slap will do.
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