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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I nearly fell out of my chair. My cube mates felt the need to come over and ask me if I was OK.
  2. Here's a couple more of ours from my 365 Project:
  3. We get 22-25 highway in a 2005 Legacy GT Wagon and my coworker gets about the same in his WRX wagon.
  4. With spring fast approaching and everyone itching to get out and ride I figured our first challenge should be fittingly motorcycle related. Our March challenge is: Motorcycle still-life This can be anything motorcycle related like parts, macros, clothing, toys... The still-life part is to avoid whole shots of motorcycles. We will have a have a motorcycle shoot challenge at a later date when the weather is more pleasant. Now for the challenge rules. This is a first shot at the rules so we'll remain a bit flexible. I'm sure we'll work this out as we go. - You must be the photographer. - The photo must be shot during the month of the challenge - Each photographer gets 1 submission a week during the challenge. - Photo must be embedded/attached directly into your post. - Keep file sizes/photo dimensions reasonable. You can link to a larger with the smaller embedded if you wish - No voting or anything for a monthly winner yet. Let's keep it fun and positive. - No comments that can be considered bashing. - No explicit shots. - All skill levels welcome. - Get out and shoot!
  5. Oh I'm a bit excited to see it especially with the weather slowly changing.
  6. I've been wanting to, but only had one person show any interest, but since there seems to be more that are... I will post up the first monthly challenge in a bit.
  7. I'll probably be up again this year. I was hoping to have a new exhaust and a bazzaz/PCIV on before this though and so far I have neither.
  8. I don't think the release of the T2i will affect the pricing on the XSi much if it even affects it at all.
  9. Shot a photo of our P22 for my 365 Project last night.
  10. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be one hell of a grumpy old man.
  11. It's our way of bumping your thread
  12. I sent a text a while back but didn't hear back. I've lost his number since when my last cell decided to crap out.

  13. Been busy mostly. Fishing takes time I just haven't had lately and it's not nearly as fun as it used to be.
  14. Holy shit you guys crack me up.
  15. Well I was giving it the benefit of doubt. The 400 is my to get list along with a ton of other crap. I'm going to have to sell the wife's bike.
  16. I like both the Mark III and the P22. The P22 is about half the weight of the Mark III. So if you have any younger kids that might be shooting with it, it's more comfortable for them. The Mark III is a tad more accurate also.
  17. I think this is a bit older, but I hadn't seen this before. "If I call your brother he will probably kick your ass hefty!" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9f4_1266638306
  18. fusion

    Shaun White

    Yesterday was a good day for the most part to watch the Olympics in general. Replayed the halfpipe event for the kids this morning and the grins on their faces were huge.
  19. I'm across the street from Jarvis where Kodak is. Well for another two months or so until our downtown location is finished anyway.
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