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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Sometimes it just becomes noise...
  2. Wait, so the government should force the companies to have to hire people they don't want? I'm confused...
  3. +1 This can only be settled by a wrestling match of some sort...
  4. Even with that big a flat bed, 70 would probably make me piss myself depending on what part of research you're on.
  5. That would be great. Research can be unbelievably fun (and scary) at times.
  6. Congrats man. Would love to see it after you get it. I was actually contemplating trying to talk the wife into letting me try and get it. If you drive it out to work sometime let me know and I'll run across the street.
  7. They should be able to make those kinds of calls all day long. Welcome to America. I agree with Justin's comment, but I'll also add (like I have a million times) that it is accurate in terms of larger groupings. BMI was never meant to be an individual indicator of health it was designed as a measure of a population (statistics).
  8. Uh wow. Here this is pretty accurate and a short read. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_class
  9. More teabagger propaganda. How about just writing your congress critters and exercising your right to vote?
  10. Yeah actually they can fire you for being too fat, or too short, or not liking the color of your nail polish,. Fat isn't a protected class, nor should it be.
  11. fusion

    Open carry?

    Sure there wasn't an iwb holster? I've seen a more than a few where you couldn't readily make out the holster because of how it blended with the belt or the clip was behind the belt.
  12. What IP said. Also, this lady is a whiny bitch. The student doesn't even have to loose weight. They just have to pass a class that's been a known since 2005.
  13. I guess you don't care if anyone comes into your home and doesn't follow the rules of your property. Private property is private property. A wise man once said, "It's my house, and if you don't like it, you get the fuck out!"
  14. fusion

    Open carry?

    This thread not that thread that spawned this thread. ah gotcha...
  15. fusion

    Open carry?

    ...and when it's open carried it's not concealed, people can see that you're armed. Hence the point of the thread CC vs OC.
  16. fusion

    AR Shopping

    So you don't know if open or concealed would have made a difference? For all you know open carry could have acted as a deterrent if that had been the case and no one would have gotten shot... so you agree open carry is better in this situation then? So you admit in this case you can't tell if conceal or open makes any difference because they are unpredictable.
  17. fusion

    AR Shopping

    So they shoot and go after the guy they know has a gun, instead of passing and going after someone or situation they think isn't armed?
  18. Apple only has more apps because the amount of time it's been around and the popularity of the phone. More apps doesn't mean better apps either. The fact that someone would make a phone that you can't replace the battery in is just more evidence to the fact that Apple is only out to rip you off just like they do with the slow rolling of features. On another note voice recognition on the Droid works amazingly well. Google Navigation is way better than I though it was going to be.
  19. fusion

    AR Shopping

    Police have that happen all the time. It's crazy...
  20. Yeah but in those days people didn't have better values or more freedoms, they were just ignorant. Today we have a plethora of technologies that open the world to communication and information that was never dreamed of in the 50s, 60s, 70s or even 80's. It's not that shit didn't happen then, people just lived in their happy little bubbles.
  21. fusion

    Go Pro HD

    I only saw the reg version for 199 the HD version was 299.
  22. fusion

    Go Pro HD

    I think I'm going to order a couple of helmet cam versions so I can use them on the kids snowboarding this winter. I can use my Motorsports mounts I have with the old ones for when it gets warmer again.
  23. fusion

    Go Pro HD

    Glad I don't live closer or my pockets would be lighter
  24. Congratz Jess! Glad to hear you're doing alright!
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