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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Talked to my wife and we can't let this dog die. If someone else can't take him, we will until we can find him a good home.
  2. You could find a road with decent paced traffic and practice panning or even just find someplace and walk and shoot whatever catches your eye.
  3. It's a good camera. A friend has one I've played with. It's definitely geared as an entry level dSLR so it really depends on what you intend to shoot.
  4. Yeah I was typing from my phone and inadvertently said contrast based, thinking faster than I was typing. The AF is as fast as the XS, but slower than both the Xsi and T1i. None of which I would ever recommend as a decent camera for a track day. A used 20D would probably even get you better results at a lower cost.
  5. Man I wish we had the space for a third. Looks like a great dog for someone. Would be well worth the drive.
  6. I shoot mostly with my Glock 23 and my wife's Springfield XD sub 9mm.
  7. You don't need to shoot with a pro cam to tell the difference. Shoot enough with your sisters Xsi and your 50D and the differences will become apparent enough. Having access to the right controls when you need can make or break your day. I could never go back to something less than an xxD.
  8. You'll also fine the controls change as you move through a line of cameras even in the same brand. There will be a good number things that remain consistent, but the you'll find often the feel and controls improve the better camera you buy.
  9. Wish I would have seen this. I would have gone shooting with you.
  10. I would be OK with that if she hadn't commented Clinton's reaction to criticisms from the media from the get go.
  11. Has nothing to do with brand loyalty. If Canon hadn't been releasing the 7D I'd probably have a Nikon right now.
  12. Sorry knowing people that switched from the D5000 to the Xsi the focus is far better on the Canon. It isn't about the number points. The contrast based AF on the D5000 isnt very good and is a well known issue.
  13. ...,but is the camera? The D5000 AF is notoriously slow. Combine that with slow, entry level lenses and the camera is mostly only good for still shots in good light.
  14. fusion


    Torture in the end is meant to be psychological not physical...
  15. Doubt it. The media has been like that for a long time. She just seems to whine more an anyone about it. Doesn't help she's too dumb to answer event the simplest of questions and she talks like she barely made it out of the 8th grade.
  16. Funny stuff. The guy doing the interviewing did a great job it seems.
  17. I've seen more than a few machines that looked like what IP posted from smokers. Back when I smoked I've also had machines that looked pretty bad, but I clean mine regularly. Still not as nasty as some of the keyboards I had to touch over the years.
  18. Unless they've changed it since I read about it, I believe Ohio Castle Doctrine supports this..
  19. Ah if only I didn't have to spread it around more ...much like your mom and VDs...
  20. OMGWTBBQ!!! Why hasn't anyone ever thought about that!???!
  21. I didn't turn the tables at all. You said, "...they shouldnt be able to fire somebody for what they legally do on their own time." Your words, not mine...
  22. Never took you for the more government regulation type. Personally I'm against the government telling me who I can hire and fire.
  23. Sounds like that's what you are suggesting comrade. First, if I have a company I should be able to hire or fire you for just about ANY reason I want whether or not it'son you're own time. It's my business... Second, if a company pays a good chunk of your health insurance doing something that affects your health whether or not on you're own time certainly affects their bottom line.
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