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Everything posted by fusion

  1. It is actually and most of the time when you see a concave stomach it's being sucked in. Not gorging your face like a cow will give you that body habitus. You have to consider also that a lot of those girls are young so being that thin is going to be even more natural. I think it's sad we have such a fat society that they think being thin is not natural or healthy.
  2. Most of those girls are probably naturally that size. The girl at :36-37 looks photoshopped.
  3. G10 is a good camera, but something like one of the Panasonic Lumix's is probably going to be better. Olympus also makes a great model or two.
  4. The same no matter the camera?
  5. Going to flickr isn't going to tell you anything about the camera. DP Review usually has comparisons that are at least somewhat standardized.
  6. Yes, yes it is, but it definitely isn't for everyday video use. I'll probably never use it other than the playing around with it I did.
  7. Yeah but if he's new to dSLRs starting with something on the same level as the D40x or there about is probably better than starting at the level of the 40D/50D, cost and of course what he wants to shoot is going to play a huge role in what dSLR if any he gets. Canon has the following breakdown which aligns with Nikon's decently well, although I think the lower end Canons are probably better than Nikon's. xxxxD - 1000D (APS-C): $500 entry level consumer xxxD - 500D (APS-C): $800 consumer xxD - 50D (APS-C): $1,100 prosumer xd - 7D (APS-C)/5DII (FF), $1700/$2700 entry pro 1DIII (APS-H)/1DIV (APS-H)/1DsIII (FF), $4,000/$5,000/$7,000 pro That's not even considering lenses yet. DP Review is a great place to start for most things as long as you avoid the forums.
  8. Cadillac Jacks used to have boxing on quite a bit don't know if they do any more.
  9. I'm trying to figure out if jbc ever got the answer he was looking for in this thread Understand Exposure by Bryan Peterson. One of the best books you can pick up when new to photography.
  10. Boxing sucks....that is all.
  11. I've had to look at these a few times. The dark looks cool but the aluminum tank on the 1198r to me looks like ass. To me at least in that photo it sticks out and looks unfinished as compared to the rest of the bike.
  12. No dedicated server support means no for me and a decent number of people that game on our comps.
  13. I got carded more than few times when I was younger. Mostly yellow's and only red carded once I think. Yeah I'm a loud mouth as a parent, but I try to bite my tongue at least a little as a coach. My assistant coach this last season a few times had to help me remember to settle a little. I usually don't get too bad unless it's a ref who is consistently making bad calls. The big ref though cost us a game and that really made fusion unhappy.
  14. It was a rec game so I can't complain too much. He's playing CUSA Courage (select) for the spring and will move to CUSA Galaxy (select) or high school until he graduates.
  15. Hahaha that's funny. I was bitching the other the week because one of the ref's coaching one of our U14 games couldn't keep up.
  16. I actually brought this up in a discussion with some coworkers about all of this. I'm not sure why (not that I know of anyway) they aren't giving tax breaks for things like gym memberships, martial arts and sports programs. It could encourage better health and give a little boost to those businesses.
  17. That reminds me I need to go look at shot guns this week.
  18. Yes because we don't already regulate things that are "bad" for you. alcohol, tobacco, gambling, porn, hookers, blow...
  19. Yeah that's way more than excessive. The ban is a bit much though unless she has a history of getting overly physical during matches. ...and yes soccer chicks are definitely hot.
  20. No it goes faster. I just through it in my backpack case and jump on the CBR.
  21. When my wife was stationed in South Korea they would bet how many dogs were left on the dog farms that were along part of the parameter they ran.
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