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Everything posted by fusion

  1. This isn't necessarily true. They are killing and capturing those they are claim are terrorists or related to terrorists. Iraq had next to no terrorist ties before we went in there. Afghanistan and the Taliban didn't attack us either. Terrorists are hiding in and/or are from places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. This is definitely one of those cases where we've made as many enemies as friends. I hear more stories of they hate us than I do they love us from people coming back from there (Iraq or Afghanistan).
  2. I almost posted up to see if anyone wanted to even just ride around today. Not going to be many more days like this.
  3. Kind of takes away from the meaning of war when any douche bag of a terrorist can declare it on us.
  4. Damn you're thick. I never said skinny = healthy and even said I don't think skinny automatically equals healthy. You should try actually reading the posts you are actually responding to. Here let me even quote part of it for you... Go talk to your mommy then. I'll take my classes in nutrition over your bed time stories with your mother. Or maybe I'll refer back to the million conversations I've had with my wife on the topic who did nutrition/dietary management for 11 years...
  5. If that works for you, but you don't have to.
  6. Just keep it unloaded (gun and mags) and in a case then it doesn't matter where it is in your car.
  7. I'm willing to give him a few years to see how he pans out. It takes along time to affect any real change any country none the less one like ours. No president is going to make everyone happy and the country will almost assuredly always be split into 'two camps'. I'll wait and see how he averages out at the end of this term.
  8. You just compared too skinny with being a little over weight. You're already failing you're argument. You just unfairly compared to unalike opposites. How about too skinny and grossly obese? You're failing again. Almost none of those girls would be considered super thin. Fail again. None of those girls would be considered emaciated. Although you comparing them to dogs is amusing. Reading comprehension would be your friend. We're not talking about skinny versus fat. We're talking about healthy and unhealthy. Skinny doesn't equal unhealthy. I never once claimed skinny = healthy. I only claimed that skinny doesn't automatically equal unhealthy. At least being fat would be more instantly accurate in the assumption that the person isn't healthy. I'm not making the claim that slightly overweight people are automatically unhealthy esither. You like to claim a lot of things as fact. Would love to see your sources... Once again feel free to cite your sources... "Government and private sector health experts now estimate that 65 percent of America’s adults are overweight and 31 percent of adults are obese and at risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension." http://www.news-medical.net/news/2004/06/11/2381.aspx "Percent of noninstitutionalized adults age 20 years and over who are overweight or obese: 67% (2005-2006) Percent of noninstitutionalized adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 34% (2005-2006)" http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/overwt.htm
  9. We are only as good as how we apply the standards that we expect for ourselves.
  10. I'm not sure. He was with Southern Pacific if I remember right though.
  11. That's awesome. My grand father was an Engineer.
  12. IDK he just sounds young and (maybe a bit too much so) naive about crap.
  13. It's kind of creepy how you tied my comment about health to how hot you think 12-year old boys look...
  14. Those look kickass. Great looking VFR.
  15. No one has forgotten. People are suggesting the girls in the video are unhealthy purely based on on the opinion of them being too thin. It's not backed by anything practical what so ever. You are forgetting that you can be thin and perfectly healthy, rarely can you be decently over weight and perfectly healthy. There's plenty of people that fall in the "medium below overweight and above 100 lbs" that are disgustingly unhealthy.
  16. So you have evidence to support those girls lost weight in an unhealthy manner to be as thin as they are? Come on man, just say it... you like fat chicks. You're personal preference has zero bearing on whether or not any of those girls are healthy or lost weight in an unhealthy manner.
  17. I don't know maybe it's this screen or the pictures, but to be sure I'm going to require additional photos to be sure. My email is in my profile.
  18. You're skinny? By the comments you're making you actually sound like you might be a bit of a chub.
  19. Which is rarer than you think and is a mental disorder. I think it's more of an issue that you assumed the girls in the vid are anorexic or bulimic not matter the intention of the video's creator. There's more of a problem with fat chicks thinking it's OK to be a "BBW". There's nothing beautiful about being fat and no fat girls aren't real women. This line of thinking is increasingly more dangerous as the number of people that thinking being fat is OK.
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