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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I'm not even sure that makes any sense. So basically you don't know if he actually did or not either. You heard something, somewhere at sometime? As many people that like to make the Bush meeting in private claim you would think there would be a bit more out there to reference. Clinton and Gore are't nobodies and are both still very active. Gore admittedly is a bit of a nut though. Bush however is done for politically. Bush Sr even has a little political life left him.
  2. No, I was responding to Kawi. You must have missed my reply to your source while replying to that though.
  3. That's pretty much my thought on it. I actually don't expect almost any sitting president to be able to make a visit somewhere without media present.
  4. Wait so how do you know Obama hasn't gone in secret? So your source is http://www.current-movie-reviews.com and it's dated November 10, 2009. That's how long after he's been out of office?
  5. When you make a claim you back it up. Otherwise you have nothing more than people spouting bullshit just to hear them selves speak.
  6. Which promises is he going back on related to this speech?
  7. You tell me how many times Bush went without any media. Feel free to cite your sources.
  8. Every president gives speeches at places that show some tie to the speech given... I guess every president only does things for photo ops then...
  9. No problem. I've had the opportunity to see both sides and it helps a bit. There are still areas I just don't get. Wright-Patt for example contracts out gate guards and that doesn't make sense to me. I don't see how it works from a cost perspective and I would think there wold be less continuity in base security. Not something I know a ton about though.
  10. Snuck that second part in on me. Depends really. Contractors get paid more as they are supposed to save the military money elsewhere and be in the long run be cheaper. It's also one of those situations where you have to do a role by role comparison.
  11. No it's not better, but it's also not a regular occurrence for items like that. After the hammers incident happened quite publicly, in the '80s I think it was, it became tougher for companies to pull crap like that even if it only really happened a few times. I've heard of more complex or specialized equipment coming with some outrageous "support" costs, but it's still often cheaper or no cheaper than the commercial equivalent would be. Depends on what exactly it is.
  12. Nope that's not how it occurs at all. It's a myth surrounded around rare instances where simple items are contracted with support costs bringing the cost of an item to what would be an insane amount. This doesn't happen often at all and pricing information is actually closely watched for all parts. It's one of the systems we do business intelligence work for.
  13. No wonder he went with something that has a rally car heritage.
  14. You might have wanted to leave this out then...
  15. It's nothing new. There has always been a large number of contractors in the DoD. Being in Afghanistan is less of a waste than Iraq.
  16. You don't honestly think the other browsers haven't had significant backing do you? Not too mention one hell of a head start?
  17. I've been using Chrome since it's release and it's easily the best browser out there right now. There's only very few things I fire up another browser for anymore. Why would you need a tool bar add-on?
  18. http://wave.google.com/
  19. Don't say that jerk face. I'll be distracted until you find out other wise.
  20. I haven't used it yet, but a coworker has toyed with it. He's quite picky and doesn't hate it. I'll have to mess around with it more when I get a chance.
  21. I can't wait for the crash thread.
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