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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. I'm not salty? Just because I dislike Cleveland, doesn't mean I'm salty? I fully agree, if someone isn't happy overall a change of scenery isn't going to change that. I was never not happy, just grew up in Cleveland obviously because of my parents, so I made the best of it. I had great times, but staying in Cleveland my whole life wasn't something I wanted... I didn't want to be one of those people who never left the general area of where they grew up, I love new experiences. I left Cleveland in a happy state of mind, and moving only made things better. I absolutely love where I'm at, otherwise I would have moved back 5 years ago if that wasn't the case.



    I'm not alone in my thoughts about Cleveland.




    There's no denying the city is literally crumbling, tons of abandoned property's, the roads of a third world country (Even suburbs have shit roads), crazy crime, And the lake is useless unless you want a staph infection.



    No, I think your salty because the long time girlfriend that you stated you hung around" Cleveland waiting for her to graduate, and then left town with to start a new life, left you. Now your seemingly alone in a new town, forced to make a new friend network. Now, that's not hard for an extrovert (I don't remember you being an extrovert though) but true and great friendships are not forged over weeks, months or years, they are forged over decades. You may say you give no fucks about her, or that situation, but in reality that stance would seem an impossible feat considering the time invested and emotional commitment it carries. The seeds of that waste? Good ol' Cleveland.


    I only bring this up because in matters of opinion (like this) the perspective if the person giving that opinion is very relevant to the opinion they give.


    As for the decrepit roads and foreclosed homes, yes. The near east side (97% non white... only 30% homeowners..$13,900 average per capita income) is clapped out-because NO ONE CARES about the area, or the government supported people that live there. Comparing that area to any suburb is ridiculous. Yes, not all near city burbs are great either, but god bless america, because you are not forced to live there either.


    There is not one pot hole I could think of in the suburb I live now (Independence) or the one I may be moving too (Avon). Cost of living is crazy low compared to most of the US. My houses have appreciated 30-40% since I bought my first in 2007, and both school systems are ranked in the top 40 public systems of the state (out of almost 900).


    I will however never say I enjoy the snow, or salt. ;) But overall, after sampling several places in the US to possibly settle down, I'm more than happy with NE Ohio.

  2. Exhibit A:


    Exhibit B:



    I could come down to the hood of Cbus or any major city and make the same satire video. Although funny, it does not "prove" anything.


    Its all a matter of opinion so there will never be a winner and a loser. But the main issue is the area of Cleveland that is an issue, no one that likes Cleveland lives in! 95% of the riff raf live in once concentration on the east side of the City. All of the people that live, and love Cleveland live in the near suburbs. So, its really moot point.



    I grew up in the Cleveland area, have many reasons to dislike the place. You cannot tell me coming from 77 into Cleveland isn't depressing? it literally looks like something out of The Walking Dead. Everything is run down, busted ass rusty cars everywhere, and roads not suitable for a Ford Raptor.


    Things that do matter though, are stats, not some fluff article. Where is lovely Cleveland rated for crime? Oh yeah it's constantly ranked top 10 most dangerous city in America, and America is a pretty big place.... http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/ss-AAfDo9R#image=3


    Yeah I moved almost 5 years ago with my girlfriend of 6 years at the time, waited for her to graduate college and we moved. After two years of being here, I broke up with her. :


    If you come down 77, yes for 3 minutes of that drive you indeed drive though a large steel mill, which is situated in the middle of the east side- a place where no one of Merritt lives (see above) so its a moot point to argue. If you come though 90 east or west, you drive past some of the most affluent suburbs in the entire state.


    I wont harp on the GF situation, but I can understand why you at times seem like a salty dog. As others have mentioned, if your not happy in general, changing your location wont magically bring you happiness. I will be the first to say there are many things that are better about other places I have lived when compared to Cleveland. But overall for who I am, and what I am doing, I am very happy with the area an what it offers me and my family.

  3. Went to a race in Louisiana at Thunder Road Raceway...Finally got some decent runs. New PB for me and a platform record


    ForceFed 8.994@143.12. 1.40 60' 11/9/15 '07 Trailblazer SS Turbo








  4. Cleveland has a weird vibe though over most places. People are extremely proud to be from Cleveland, look at how many places survive from selling Cleveland related clothing.....


    There is a reason for it, because many people genuinely love living here.


    Some areas have really transformed, and grown. Overall it's still a seedy ass place, even the nicer areas are really nothing special... Depressing is right.


    You are insane, and you overly ambitious distaste for the area is evident in your hate!


    A Cleveland suburb is #33 on this list of the 50 best suburbs in the US (2 from C bus and 2 from Cinci as well). I don't even see one listed for NC??





    And just to clarify-didn't you leave Cleveland with you GF at the time? What happened to her?

  5. The biggest tire you can fit in the rear without getting crazy is a is a 235. How much power is too much for a 235?


    You see what I do tot a 275 DR LOL


    The LS1 will murder it. Period. Even NA, a non DR is going to be LOL to drive.

  6. But staying in one place your whole life, and being complacent with the daily grind of 9-5 work, come home to kids, sleep, rinse and repeat for 25+ years doesn't work for some people either.



    I never thought I would have kids. NEVER! I have lived, and rocked out in multiple places, and can honestly say I am a bit selfish with my needs and my time.


    But I will also say having kids is BY FAR the most rewarding thing I have ever, and will ever do. My kids are ridiculously awesome. Every day is a new adventure. I can agree its not for everyone, and it only works this well because my wife is a great mother and a great teammate.


    There was a time when I was making more than all my friends, cash. It started with living 5 months in Hawaii, and then finding a great nitch in NE Ohio. I was literally with a different woman every night of the week, and was in South Florida, The Cali Coast, or Vegas once a month. I did multiple cross country and cross continent trips just to site see. At the time, had the fastest car around, and traveled to multiple racing events a season. In retrospect, it was indeed fun, but in the end unfulfilled. It was only as good as what I was doing at that time, that day. In some aspects, it was in a lot of ways the loneliest time in my life.


    Having a family is incomparable to anything I have ever done in the past-and I can without hesitation say its the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. And, as much as I could pretend I could be "single, selfish and happy" forever, realistically there was always a woman trying to lock me up. Good problem to have a guess ;)

  7. I follow multiple people on youtube that do this for a living and i am envious of them.




    Trust me, the grass is not always greener. I did that shit for a while. What I want. When, where, and how I wanted to do it. Between Vegas, LA, Dallas and CLE via multiple cross country drives and flights, I was wore out-and had no "path" to life. You have to be one unmotivated motherfucker to be happy with just "existing" and "seeing new shit" I'm just glad I came out of it without any kids or STDs


    The only people that life works for long term are super odd potheads, and trust fund babies. (Oddly enough, they are often one in the same). That being said-I would advise everyone takes a 2 week cross country drive. Do it once-get it out of your system. This country is pretty epic when you take it all on at one time and should be experienced that way by every American at least once if they can. But, once is good enough. :)


    I can tell you that a normal, blue collar American would not enjoy a true vagabond traveling life very long.

  8. fk a go fund me. that whole thing with the supra was a joke. The rest of those imports were nothing to scoff at, but I was obviously pleased to see a DSM take the win. I have interacted with Trevor a bit in the past and that combined with his demeanor on the show leads me to believe he is a humble, classy dude that knows how to put a car together. I only wish I had the money earlier this year for him to build me a trans at the price he quoted as I would venture to guess the price will be quite a bit higher now.


    Your description is spot on. Comes off as an introvert in person. That car WORKS for sure!

  9. I was disappointed with Jamie's old Supra.


    Thats not his car. His is still sitting under a layer of dust.



    Owner (Don)and Shop owner at AP (whom Build Jamie's car) Started a go fund me to get the car to Oklahoma. No Fucking Joke. He goes there, DNF, and mysteriously closed on house a few weeks ago.



    YOU DO THE MATH. I hope anyone that donated to that fund kicked themselves squarely in the dick! LOL

  10. I lost faith for this dude when he started a go-fund me for a motor when it pop'd in Ohio. Yet, his car is fully sponsored, and he is the one making bets for everyone during street outlaws (per people there, yes, he did have to hand over cash)


    I'm sorry-you own a shop. Figure it out!

  11. As we are all being entertained by the collapse of Dwiggs, put yourselves in his situation. No, not that you made tons of bad decisions, you're better than that. What if you had to liquidate everything for say, a sick family member needing treatment that insurance wouldn't cover. That's pretty extreme. Evaluate what are the luxuries you have, and what do you get rid of? Do you even get $50,000? Does it even make a dent in what is needed for the emergency?


    What if you hit what I call the "Fuck it button"? Sell it all, and your life is in your back pack. If I was in Dwiggs shoes, this is where my head would be.


    We have so many common expenses and luxuries. Even if we are not ballers with tons of money. Most Americans run our lives with so many expenses, other than food and shelter. Dwiggs created his own problems. For that, I have little feeling for his situation. His situation just makes me think about all the outside operating cost most of us typically have. Let alone, if you run a business. I'm just thinking out loud here. The easy answer is, don't be a failure or a dbag. Thoughts?



    1) In America-anything considered an emergency must be treated-so I would not sell a thing. Let it go to collections, figure it out later.


    2) *IF* There was situation that down the line could come after my assets-I would sell everything, cash out- and live off cash for as long as needed to settle it in bankruptcy, and be right back to "good". The reset button is there if you know how to use it



    On Wiggs-considering he is 100% trust funded, I dont think any of this related to him. But if he leaves nothing for his kin, he is an unspeakable douche. So far, it looks like there i will be nothing left for the next generation.

  12. To add to that fire they also somehow came up with funds to be an 'investor'...


    Could be as little as 5-10k in the big ticket items (dyno, tool boxes...ect) are financed.

  13. They "will" come if your word your call correctly........


    Kinda like this ...... Yes, that is correct, there is no injury from this property damage accident, but I will be waiting for the owner to return, and then there WILL be injury.


    And yes, I have done that before, it will generally get a couple of units to arrive quickly.


    He is right- you know.



    Men need to use their balls more these days. ;)

  14. Ah the cop who said he was going to kill me! The FBI ended up getting involved with that, and I realized he had a kid. Felt bad and kept playing things down when I would get calls over it.


    Wait- fuck I remeber that. That was on here right? Fint the link to that old thread!


    I wonder if he actually believes the shit he says? It's also amazing to see how many people actually think CTD was a legit company, and was going to dominate..


    Have you been to a "stance" show? There are so many non car smart cream-puff vaping faggots out there that they will literally believe anything.



    I blame Facebook. And, anything club with the word "Grip" in it

  16. So the initial buyer backed out and is going with an Iron Block. Because of our agreement, I am keeping half of his deposit. I am also reducing the price after many inquires for separate pieces because I don’t want to deal with taking pieces/parts out. I already had to reassemble it to get a video of it running which was annoying enough.


    So here is the update


    $1100 you will get a long block with a bare Ls1 intake and a truck oil pan. Motor is stock besides MLS gaskets- nice dual valve springs and comp hard pushrods. No accessories/sensors (video of it running below)


    Turbo Kit

    $2700 turbos, manifolds, downpipes, IC plumbing, FMIC good for 1300 chp, cold pipe with dual f'tial Bovs, dual gates, dump tubes all clamps and couplers, oil feed and drain lines




    You will get the full pull out with tuned ECU, harness, injectors, accessories. Everything






    To answer a few common questions I have been getting


    -why am I selling? Because I enjoy the build as much as the end result. I will happily use the turbos next year to go for 1000whp, but would not mind trying a single China 88mm either (paging Chad:p). As for the motor, I know I’m on borrowed time-and she wont hold 1000whp


    -yes, the turbos spin free and have zero shaft play


    -yes, I was hard on this motor and it has made more power than any true Ls1 to date. Could something be hurt/bent/chipped? Sure, but the motor is prices accordingly IMO. When I installed the MLS gaskets about 2 months ago, the pistons and cylinders looked perfect. I can tell you it runs, has good oil pressure, and does not smoke. Bare Blocks sell for $500. Add in the heads, aftermarket dual springs and hardened pushrods and you’re already over my asking price :)


    -no, I will not pull anything else apart. I simply don’t have time with 2 young kids and a demanding career.


    Here is a video of it running from today. Offered will be entertained but likely shut down. :) Will consider trades for STD more 5.3 or 6.0 pistons/aftermarket rods, valvetrian parts, and freakishly large turbos.


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