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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Call me a dick, but I would have called the staties on that asshat. Why?


    1) He can legit cause a fatal accident. The previous marks on the road are evidence said log went accross all lanes of traffic before. Some woman and their kids goes off the road avoiding this guy- their dead.


    2) He is destroying state property (signs) he ran one over as the Lambo pulled up to him, hed probably did it many times before. That will come out of my tax money at some point. Fuck that.


    3) Fuck that hillbilly! Keep an awesome road clear for people with cool cars to rip on it. ;)

  2. Im not trying fight for some cause here-I am just telling you what I have seen with my own eyes. Its not a myth, its not BS. is every Radon "inspector" legit? Im 100% sure the answer is NO. Can this shit you cant see, smell or taste kill you? Im also 100% sure it can.
  3. I guess I'm highly ignorant also...but has he heard the earth is round or that the sun doesn't rotate around the earth.

    Again.. it's everywhere..it's been around forever ..money grab





    When (not if, but when) someone in yoru family gets caner and the doctors diagnose it as comming from radon exposure, just tell them its fake, and its just a money grab. I'm sure they will be sympathetic.

  4. Im just telling you that every house you could possibly go into has radon in it, yours mine, everywhere. Why do radon testers immediately head to the basement and throw a sensor down the sump pump area? Because its there all the time, everyday.


    Now when you get a test, to get a true reading living spaces need to be tested as thats where exposure overtime happens, if there is a threatening level of radon.



    I dont disagree with you there, but my house for example has 1500 sq ft of nicely finished basement+ the kids toy room. We are down there EVERY DAY! If its an issue, its an issue.


    I am just stating you cant discount it as "Just a scam for money". That is ignorance at its highest level.

  5. You and me both brotha.



    2 ports- 1 port goes to right side of VC (as it already is) and the other port goes to intake pipe, before filter. Reinstall the PCV system (luckily I kept it) and call it a day. It's that simple, right? Fuck.




    If you want to improve venting under boost when the PVC is closed-you would simply add more vents/increase the line size from the VC to the Can, and increase the size of the line from the can to the intake

  6. Radon is fucking everywhere. Just a scam for money. Hope this helps :)


    Dont be so sure. I personally know someone fighting lung cancer right now. Healthy, would (late 30s) never smoked. Got the cancer, no idea why. a year later he had his house tested and it was 6 times the accepted levels of 4 ppm





    Yes, it is everywhere. But there is a big difference from it being dissipated into the air, and you collecting it in a well sealed box that is your home!


    Also I am sure as fracking becomes more popular down there, the problem will be augmented. This will be commonplace.

  7. Thanks so much JP. This probably sounds dumb, but should I just run the line that's on the back of the VC to where I plugged my PCV nipple? If that's the case, I'll do that tonight, change the plugs and see how she runs. Then it's off to SlowMo so I quit fucking around.


    IMO you still want a PVC ran to the intake manifold if possible. If you don't want to or that's not an option, I would add a line from the catch can to the intake of the turbo to keep the vacuum in the can as much as possible.



    As RC mentioned-having this wrong will cause all sorts of issues!

  8. I'm sure on of the line have to go to the intake.


    Start here. It is CRUCIAL to have the excess crankcase pressure being draun from a turbo motor unless you have messive vents. If you removed your PCV, you have to run a line to the intake to keep things kosher. Trust me, it makes a huge difference. I just bought a Colt for dirt cheap beacue the owner thought the turbo or engine was bad due to smoke on decel. He just had his catch can hooked up wrong! :dumb:




    You could have fixed that dipstick with a quick pintch on the tube BTW.


    As for the issue of the black exhasut wetness, there is a 99.5% chance that is just black water. Your car is showing signed of running very rich. This will quickly coat the exhaust in black soot. On cold start up-the pipe will form condensation inside the pipe and it will look like that wne it exits the rear. Trust me-if oil was making it that far back you would smoke out the neighborood before you left there driveway.


    As for the turbo being bad-there is not one sign of it pictured in this thread. Pull the intake, check for shaft play. Pull the outlet pipe and check for oil. If both of those checks look good-there is a 97% chance the turbo is not hurt.


    Good luck!

  9. I've seen it happen at MIR, but that place has the longest shutdown in the country, so its not a big deal.


    I've also seen Steve Summers have chute failure twice, one time at Indy where he flats spotted all 4 tires after a 254mph run, made the turn, and did not roll the car. He also did ti at Norwalk this year but ended up in the sand.


    That sand is evil, but a life saver

  10. Being a decade older than JP, its been entertaining reading your maturity through the years. Cleveland gets a bad rap in general, all depends on which suburb you choose to live in. But I still plan on moving to one of the Carolina's when I retire, tired of hibernating cars for 5-6 months of the year.


    I dont know how to take that, but thanks. ;)


    As for a retirement goal keep going South. Alabama IMO is the best Easter State to Retire in. Great year round weather-super low cost of living, and no proerty taxes on the elderly. :fuckyeah:


    Look up Gulf Shores Alabama.

  11. What's the point of living in a decent suburb if the whole surrounding areas are crumbling? The whole city of Cleveland is crumbling, hell the lake was useless the majority of the summer from insane algae growth.


    The "man child" is the most sucsesful young entrepenure in the US Car Delaer game right now. he is one of many very rich, very successful poeple that live around here, and he is not originally from here. If its so bad, why stay?


    And like many things you have it backwards, the good surrounds one small pocket of bad. That same pocket that every major metroplitan area has. Suburbs like he, and I live in are surrounded by other great suburbs.


    As for Alge, I was at PIB and on the water every other weekend this summer. Did not see one spot of alge anywhere-so I am not sure what you are refering to? Unless by Alge you mean you, hot talent. In that case yes, there was a fuck ton. :lolguy:


    Cuyahoga County stats dont mean dick for the health of the area. 99.9% of the new hosuing market is out of the county simply because there is more room there as the North is occupied by the lake. I am too looking to move out of the county-but I like everyone else will still consider myself living in the Cleveland Area. So county stats dont mean much here.

  12. On the topic of how the suburbs are not comparable to the Ghetto....


    I saw this thing drive by me on the way to lunch being tailed by a cop. Never have seen one before. Well, thats because its 1 of 24, and its 2.3 Million to buy. LOL






    Funny this guy lives 3 blocks from where I just put an offer in on a house. He also has an FXX, Lambo, and other high end junkers.


    But yes, its all bad in CLE. Nothing good goes on here, and everyone is poor and miserable. ;)

  13. Dude you completely pull shit out of your ass. Saying I'm salty and she broke up with me and I'm alone? That's humorous. I broke up with her, allowed her to live with me till she could afford to move out. She was forced to get roommates, and still has them three years later. I stopped liking her and saw her as a friend, were much better friends than being a couple.

    Oh yeah my current girl has lived with me for two years. Furthest thing from salty,and alone, constantly busy and couldn't be happier. I just dislike Cleveland, that doesn't make me a unhappy person. I'm currently sitting in Cleveland, I just hate this place. Everything is just so dismal. Nasty roads, rusty cars everywhere, falling apart buildings, 60 mph speed limits with cops everywhere, bad weather. There's a reason it's cheap living. Just not my speed.

    I wouldn't change my life for anything, extremely happier where I'm at.



    Props! :)

  14. I've been waiting til I'm stable enough to buy a sprinter van, load it with my climbing gear and taking off. There are jobs in every town there is climbing and most have their own little climbing communities.


    Head north in the summer and south in the winter.



    How many climbing jobs though? Not sure those that resume would work.







    Yes, Im mad cheap living and great opprotunity in NEO has led to my uneducated immigrant ass to become part of the "5%". :p

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