heard a story about the true reason. energy companies are converting over to natural gas because it's cheaper. the real head scratcher is Duke energy contributed a bunch of money ($10 million) to obama.
another thing that makes drop shipping great for the end user is they might have multiple warehouses. so the store might be in california and you live in maine, and the warehouse is in new york, you get your stuff super fast.
if you're just starting a little shop or something don't be sweating all the legal mumbo jumbo shit. I know many small business owners who basically just opened the doors and worked through shit as they came up. (staying legal etc) keeping your taxes on the up is the highest priority. they can throw your ass in jail and all that noise. the rest is just background noise. you're going to get calls every day from places about insurance, advertising and all that. don't let those people purseude you into all the other stuff that you will come to find out you probabaly will never need. go talk to a small shop owner and see what they have to say. most of them will recommend an accountant because the taxes and paperwork can consume a lot of your time. which you need to spend on your work not that stuff.
this is how most online retailers operate. you order from them, they order from the supplier. they don't have this stuff sitting in a warehouse behind their office. typically your stuff is shipped from their supplier warehouse to you. (drop shipping). other times like oem parts go to them then to you. I know this is how mr.cycles and ronayers.com does it.
alright you mex food freaks. there is a place called blue agave here and they put some kind of white cheese sauce on my food that was the best tasting cheese I ever had. I just forgot to ask what it was. anyone have any idea what it might be? also we have a place called cancun mexican grill. they have really good steak fajitas. and has anyone ever wondered how you can get so much food under $10 at these places that you can't finish it all but $10 everywhere else gets you a burger and fries? oh and if you like the real salsa they have, kroger sells herdez which is pretty much what the restaurant has. http://www.herdeztraditions.com/herdez/salsa_casera.aspx
someone I know said they tried to get there at the local store last year at midnight thanksgiving eve....and it had 30+ people already camping out. fuck that. not worth my time. it would be sweet to get a $800 tv for $400 but I'm not spending 24hrs sitting/standing outside the store
yeah I'm not usually a sucker for this kind of thing but my old 54" hd samsung just took a shit a few weeks ago. not having a big enough screen because i'm sitting 13' from my 32" tv is just not cutting it. I can't even read the damn text on it from that far away.
ok so the local news has a article about best buy's black friday deals. I was wondering how this works because people commenting on the story are saying you have to get a ticket a few days in advance to be able to get these items on reserve or something to that effect. I want to get in on this because they are supposedly selling a 50" toshiba LED for $399. http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/money/consumer/dont_waste_your_money/best-buy-black-friday-ad-leaked
good place to start. http://business.ohio.gov/starting/ the biggest thing to remember is to pay your quarterly taxes. oh and beware of the berry company. they control the phone book lisings around here. pure crooks.
he said it's done it since new. could be bad coils. I suspect it's a tuning issue to be honest. I'd get a power commander or whatever and have it tuned on the dyno
I'm not impressed by samsung tv's anymore after mine only lasted 8 years. hell my bike battery is older than this tv. and i've heard the same thing about the ccd's in digital camera's. there's only like 2 companies that make them. I think sony and kodak. I'm probably wrong on that. but I know they said there was just a few companies that make them. edit a quick google search said that's correct.
hell I bought a stereo reciever that was a display unit from circuit city. it was the high end one at the time they used in those rooms they had set up. it was more than 1/2 off and they had all the manuals and remote with it still. from reading a few online sources they all say plasma TV's are better than lcd and led in just about all aspects except burn in. which one said if it happens should go away in a few days. didn't realize that. but the latest tvs have really good anti-burn in stuff to help eliminate this problem. which is a good reason to stick to well known name brand units like panasonic etc and not vizio etc. this is a big hang up for me since I had a HD samsung rear projection tv that got the black bars burned into the screen. you can't avoid it as most shows and movies have bars on either the top and bottom or the sides. this will burn a image into your screens. I have a 32" panasonic LCD I bought about a year ago for the bedroom and don't notice any kind of motion blur that everyone keeps talking about. and supposedly a lcd can't display black images like a plasma but they look fine to me. maybe it's not big enough to see the effects? I have noticed it on my mom's cheap ass RCA tv but not mine.