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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. thanks but those are what I've already looked at. the first one is just for "consumers". I need a link about wage and hour. the unemployment site has more stuff about it but no way to file complaints. hopefully I don't have to wait till monday to call. but it's probably the best way. but i'm sure I'll be on hold for an hour.
  2. I had a bunch of bad luck in the last few weeks. so I had to spend some more money than I like to. I try to keep a min of 1k in my checking at all times. but my damn truck's fuel pump went out then I crashed my other truck and needed to buy new tires for it and have it aligned to keep driving it. it blew out a tire and busted a shock. the other truck is still sitting because of the weather. that's besides the point anyway. it is 100% illegal for them to not pay you on your pay day. I've been told this by past employers many times. I'm growing tired of their bs and I'm going to do something about it because all of the other pussies there wont. I've only worked here for 4 months. they've put up with this shit for years. the bouncing paycheck shit was one thing but to not get a paycheck at all...fuck that noise. the one time I deposited my check on friday well come next wed the check bounced. then it cleared on the following friday. I could steal a lot of things but I'm not a thief. and I pride myself on not being a thief. I would however download a nasty virus onto the the computers they use that have 0 security stuff running on them. (yes they're that dumb) my computer is the only one running anything because I'm not as stupid.
  3. I'm sick of this company i work for. they've bounced my paychecks before now they're not even giving them to us. ' what gov dept do I turn these bastards in to? I thought the attorney gen but there's no form on their site to do it. I want to do it now while I'm fuming about it. I have god damn bills due this weekend and now I can't pay them. this is fucking bullshit. sorry I'm just pissed off so bad right now.
  4. they probably have a policy for that and he didn't read the one he's got and it probably has something in there about it. I'd like to see his political stance on things about health insurance etc. like i said I'm willing to bet he was all against any kind of healt insurance reform before. now he's seeing the light in the tunnel of what people are saying about the health insurance industry and how they fuck you over just like geico is doing him. except they wait till you're half dead laying int he hospital bed to tell you you're not covered.
  5. immigraton laws tend to border on racisim for one. and 2 you don't need an assault type weapon. riffles, shotgun and handgun is all you should be allowed to own. and if you want to get technical about the constitution since it was written when the only kind of "arms" was a musket you should only be allowed to own one of those.
  6. insurance companies fuck people over daily. I bet that guy was even an outspoken advocate against the obama care. now that he's a victim the tables have turned i guess. they probably found out he's using it for business. even if you deliver pizza you have to get a different policy on your vehicle. reading is a lacking american skill and he's paying for it.
  7. and if you actually pay someone $250 to replace belts drive your car into a conctrete bridge support at 100mph. we don't need more idiots breeding
  8. headlight mods. I don't think that would matter. now if you dropped in a aftermarket clutch or flywheel etc...you might have some issues.
  9. uh, yes. if not under warranty it could just use some grease on the shaft. they'll put a new starter in it.
  10. I had this problem on my gmc sonoma when I bought it. I took the starter off and greased the shaft and it has not done it since (over 5 years) it was eating(stripping) the teeth off the flywheel because it was barely going out far enough. it was into the flywheel about 1/8". there are actually a few missing chunks of teeth on the flywheel now because of it. it was actually embarrassing to start it up and hear that stripping/grinding sound like when you hit the starter while its running. dohhh!
  11. sounds like a cheap thermostat. if it's not digital get one. if it is digital they have a heating cooling cycles per hour setting that may be wrong. I have a cheap $25 honeywell, it's instructions online show a bit about this setting. (part 4) maybe it will help you, https://customer.honeywell.com/resources/techlit/TechLitDocuments/69-0000s/69-1799.pdf
  12. you can't make that kind of money doing actual work. you'd have to be some kind of snake oil salesman or inside trader.
  13. wiki leaks had one up of them shooting some innocent people just standing on the corner and a van with 2 kids in it. nice work guys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0
  14. you need to upgrade your router. don't settle for using wpa. that's long outdated. I was having connection issues with a new laptop. bought a new router and it works now. some newer stuff just doesn't work on older stuff. (they know how to get you to buy shit) lol it's a G router anyway....it's long overdue for an upgrade. you're not getting all the potential speed you could be with it anyway. I upgraded mine and the speeds of my browsing jumped up a ton. I like netgear so I went with this one. http://www.netgear.com/home/products/wirelessrouters/high-performance/WNDR3700.aspx#
  15. omg stay the fuck away from huntington bank. they fucking sold my credit card with a balance on it to bank of american who jacked up my interest rate. I'm not sure why anyone banks with these large banks. they charge you for having a checking account. find yourself a credit union. I use kemba and get 2.50% interest on my checking.
  16. I guess you never seen any episode of cops. try it and see if you don't end up in prison or on death row. I can't believe some of you "law abiding" citizens are promoting shooting up cops in the face and having stand off's with them. interesting...all you really wanted a gun for was protection...or so you say.... I guess you're really no different than the guy who shoots up a movie theater or elem school
  17. doubt it because as gun lovers proclaim they're all "law abiding citizens".
  18. maybe it's because they're actually a pos?
  19. thought you guys were proud of it.. who knew you are shameful of it. you should have to register like sex offenders too. with the little blue dot on your house and all.
  20. serpentracer

    Ducati babes!

    thanks for posting the pic...it reminded me out of butter.
  21. it's a saturn. throw it in the trash lol
  22. should be similar to the other one there next to it. something probably broke off. it's not your fault the car company decided to cut corners for cost savings.
  23. I think the news station deletes the story after a few days. searching the site yields 0 results. however so does searching for the headline of the day:rolleyes: I went through that site the other night for 30 min and couldn't find it again. I knew you would ask and I wanted to show you I ain't no lier.
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