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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I know quite a few guys that are into car racing and have piles of parts. I'll check with them.
  2. maps are often misleading. sometimes they make the road look nice and curvy and it's not quite as nice as the map makes it appear. I feel for you guys up north. down here we have kentucky. lots of great roads in kentucky. ohio can't hold a candle to it. lots of guys around here don't know about 227 that goes into georgetown ky. it will wear your ass out it's so curvy. go fast enough and you can almost get motion sickness lol
  3. it idea of the cut out is what makes it most comfortable. biology wise it's a great idea.
  4. it does it on both of your sig pics too.
  5. I was about to say how can something bad happen at a speed a old man in a walker could pass you at. there's 3 riders in that video that need a "skillz day"
  6. they've been around for a while. I thought about getting one at least a year or two ago.
  7. wow that's actually a great idea. it might not get all the shaving cream out but it the shavings should come out with the majority of the cream.
  8. I just realized my uncle is on their website. on the homepage looking up into the car with a customer. http://www.smithmufflerandbrakes.com/
  9. it's a lot more work than it appears on the surface. I know 4 guys (brothers) that own a transmission shop. 3 of them have nice houses etc but they also work 12 hr days 6 days a week.
  10. my uncle worked at a standard muffler shop doing brakes and exhausts and made commission. (smith muffler and brakes in covington KY) he would routinely make 48-51k a year. I seen his tax return. now he works at ram motor freight fixing the trailers. not as much $. but he went there because the shop he was working at slowed down too much and he wasn't making but $12/hr average. he has 0 training or degrees in anything. so don't let those dealerships push your ass around. they're fucking you if you're not over $22/hr
  11. warming vibrator without the embarassment of carring a dildo around.
  12. I've had my current phone for going on 2 years. each year the battery is shot. only lasting 30-40 min off the charger. and yes I do the trick of running it fully dead 5-6 times in a row battery shops tell you about. I vividly recall all the ipod complaints about a dead battery and having to buy a new ipod.
  13. don't blame anything other than motorola on that issue then. it has nothing to do with android. did you leave the screen on?
  14. you're talking about one single phone model here. there's like over a dozen different model phones. I have a cheap ass android phone from cricket and never have issues like that. it has restarted on it's own once or twice. but each time I was using google nav. so I believe it was google nav causing it. ever since they came out with an update to it it hasn't done it since. and the sweet part is once it was done booting it went right back to the nav and continued without interuption. I've also got plenty of calls during the nav and it never stops working like they suposedly do. I still prefer using a real nav device over the phone's nav though.
  15. does anyone here use sprint? I want to know how much their hidden fees (USF charge etc) are. I don't want to get a bill with an extra $20 on it every month. they're disclaimer says it's up to 17.5% per line. I'm used to plans that include all of that in their original quote they give you. sprint has a lot of little disclaimers. but their unlimited 4g data plan is only $69 a month. that's only $10 more than cricket's plan without 4g. and radio shack is selling the S3 for $99 online.
  16. have you seen the galaxy note? it thought it wasn't a phone at first. it's like double the size of most phones. I want to see pics and videos etc without holding it up to my nose to see it. fuck that tiny little iphone shit. might as well be a clamshell type phone again.
  17. they're just my personal reasons. but 1/4" is huge. go compare one side by side sometime. the iphone is a little tiny thing. it's size is too much like a entry level phone for my taste. plus the S3 has true HD screen 1280 X 720. I have a android phone and never have had to take the battery out to reboot. I think you're making things up on that. besides why would I want to have to take the phone apart and void the warranty just for a battery replacement.
  18. boy you got lucky on that sale. I know a guy tring to sell a R6 for the same price. with a ton of mods and it pumps out over 112hp at the rear tire and isn't getting any offers.
  19. no, it was like phone arena or something like that. it wasn't a typed up review. it was just the guy talking to both phones and letting you see the results. maybe the network plays a role in that one. don't get me wrong I think the iphone is a good phone and all but I like more things about the galaxy. 1. bigger display 2. replaceable battery 3. memory card slot 4. google apps 5. android market 6. 2 gigs of ram
  20. when you talk and both devices are working at the same time and siri for the most part takes much longer to look things up on the web, it's hard to downplay the video. I stumbled on it the other day and have been looking for it again to show you guys. but I'm failing here. and it was done by a legitimate test site. not some youtube video of a guy in his basement
  21. the app google makes is supposedly so much better than both. but I don't think you can get it on the iphone. too bad I seen a video of it whipping the snot out of the iphone5 siri. lots of android phones need rebooted here and there. probably due to linux being superior of course. lol (that's big time sarcasm) but my buddy has a motorolla droid razor and he doesn't have any issue with reboots.
  22. battery life isn't an issue because now you can get extended batteries or external snap on extra batteries that look like a case cover. some are double the size MAH of the stock battery. it will last 4 days without a charge on some of them.
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