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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. when I look at them I try the adjustments etc. (pain in the ass without a remote) but the LED and LCD's just look so much better to me. I honestly figured plasma's were dead technology since they're always marked down $100+ less than the comparable LCD's. that's why I almost bought one. it was a 50" samsung for I think about $499. but hanging up next to all the led's and lcd's it just looked noticably less bright in the whites, colors were more washed out(soft) and over all looked more like a rear projection tv.
  2. I still cherish the 2 5 gallon rubber maid cans with the long flexible hose and a valve in the back to let the fuel flow out like a garden hose I have. you can't buy cans like these bad boys anymore.
  3. I can't believe you think the brightness on a plasma looks brighter than a led. you're not seeing the same pictures I'm seeing on them then. white on the plasmas always look yellow/dingy
  4. I don't think you understand physics at all to be honest. saying the top levels made the lower levels fall by falling straight down on them breaks the 2nd law of physics. the materials above would only accelerate at the rates they did if they didn't meet any resistance on the way down. the buildings were designed to carry 5 times the weight they had to. yet they fell at almost 0 resistance and actually accelerated on the way down through undamaged structural steel columns. it can't happen.
  5. don't mistake my posts as something "I" came up with. there has been thousands of experts around the world doing studies on this stuff. there is also the odd fact they started getting rid of all the steel before anyone did any kind of tests. basically destroying evidence. when a plane crashes there's always a reconstruction and investigations of the materials. yet nothing was done to any of the steel from the buildings. there's a lot of damning evidence to the whole "conspiracy" that contradicts the NIST report. and the fact that NIST even put in it's report that back up some of the evidence that was never investigated. basically it was the sloppiest crime scene investigation in world history.
  6. they fell too fast. 12 seconds? no. it's not physically possible you clearly don't have a open mind about the whole thing. you're over looking significant scientific facts about the whole thing.
  7. explain building 7. no plane impacts but it also fell? that doesn't just happen from fires.
  8. a open air fire like in that office building isn't the same as a coal forge designed to heat up steel. besides, the jet fuel was all burned up in a matter of minutes. the rest is just the office stuff burning. and no one seems to be able to explain all the eyewitness statements from firefighters and cops about the loud explosions right before the towers started falling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2A8VMg_B64&feature=related
  9. you can't heat steel up to failing temps with a oxygen fueled fire. jet fuel which is kerosene burns at 700degrees. nowhere close to hot enough to effect steel. plenty of physicist, architects, engineers and the like will gladly explain this law of thermodynamics to you. and the fact building 7 fell without being hit by anything. highrise fires do not make buildings fall. that would be a major design flaw not taken into consideration by architects and engineers. which isn't going to happen. there is plenty of proof of this because plenty of them have burned completely before. then there's the fact that all of the buildings fell without any kind of resistance. physics can easily prove why this cant happen without help. an no one can explain the molten hot steel pouring out of one of the towers you can see in videos and pictures. it's physically impossible with that kind of fire. thermite on the other hand can and does turn steel into molten metal. plus there's plenty of pictures of melted/fused concrete boulders laying all over. nothing in a normal fire can melt concrete except thermite.
  10. I'd believe it since 9/11 was an inside job. especially since they can't explain the nano particles of thermite and microspheres of iron (caused by 2000+ degree heat) collected all over in the dust and metal that was left out of Nist's investigation. heat at which steel was molten which cannot happen in a open air fire that was the only type of fires burning in the towers. buildings don't fall in seconds without resistance of some kind unless it was a controlled demo. any architect, physicist, engineer, demo experts etc etc will happily explain why a building cannot fall that fast unless it was a demo
  11. I'd rather have the yamaha. the built in diagnostic system on yamaha's is the shit.
  12. ubuntu went to hell when they started using that annoying fucking menu shit they have. get linux mint maya 13.
  13. ok well it looks as though 8 is officially been released. microcenter (a computer store) has a few computers with it installed and had a demo area set up . after messing with it for a few min I realized it still works like windows 7 and looks just like it once you turn off the start screen thing they keep showing in pictures. there's a normal desktop. but it lacks the start button. they're trying to mimic ubuntu it appears. which is exactly why ubuntu got replaced by linux mint on my laptop
  14. well I'm guessing a CBR see if it has any kind of numbers stamped on it. you could possibly use those in a parts fiche to find the year etc.
  15. when I load up vista I go looking for things where they are in 7 and it's different. even a lot of the control panel operation/layout is totally different. I have on one drive installed via virtual machine ME, 2000 pro, XP pro, Vista home. and another drive is 7. yeah Im dork. lol I also have ubuntu 11 and linux mint maya 13.
  16. I have vista and 7 ultimate, it's no even remotly the same when you compare them side by side. looks are not the same. there are countless variations. I actually liked the vista's folder icons a lot better than 7. 7 and xp were their legacy. I don't see them making it much longer if 8 is what they're banking on. I just don't see tablets taking over desktops or real laptops in the near future. they're still "entertainment" devices at this stage. for one, humans have fingers. a keyboard is pretty much the thing for input of text etc. a mouse some can live without via touchscreen but the keyboard isn't going anywhere unless we develop telekinesis.
  17. could you imagine the outcome if those bikes had 200hp?
  18. my brother might be able to debunk this guy's claim. if he was using that telescope to photograph that object since it's daylight and how much that telescope's field of view is. and how hard it will be to find and track an object like that with such a small field of view he's way into astrophotography. here's his website. http://aeonblueastro.webs.com/ he's way into it...just that mount is $1500
  19. windows 8 sounds more like a big mistake than anything they ever made before in my opinion. http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/money/consumer/dont_waste_your_money/someting-big-is-missing-from-windows-8
  20. I don't know but I got scolded on another forum for using the word anymore. supposedly it's wrong. you're supposed to say nowadays or any longer
  21. is it missing the engine?
  22. you know who uses facebook? idiots. actually they're so dumb they make my repo job easier when they post where they work. now i can find their car and take it while they're at work. and i don't feel bad about it because they use facebook and deserve it.
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