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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. that's good. been hearing a lot of stories about low level lakes lately.
  2. you poor bastards in dayton. lol so far away from the good playgrounds of KY. not the jelly you sick o. if you guys ever want to meet up and ride just hit me up. me a a few others are almost always out on sundays. usually around 11:30am til whenever.
  3. wow the low levels of that lake are startling. I have family about 40 mins south of there and I've never seen the lake that low before. it's always feet away from the wood line. startling because that's a tel tale sign of global warming they claim.
  4. just a FYI, your bike came with a AGM battery. which does not need charged up that often. they have a 15 month shelf life (they can sit for 12-15 months without a charge and only lose a little bit of their charge). lead acid batteries on the other hand are about 4.
  5. it does matter. the reverse protection is for the tender and battery if you hook up the polarity wrong. it simply shuts down. if you hooked up a normal charger in reverse it could damage the charger and battery. always disconnect the neg on the battery when working on the bike also. if you leave the neg hooked up and the positive unhooked a charge can still be present in the system.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=ULU&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=fflb&q=steel+suppliers+in+columbus+ohio&oq=steel+supply+in+columbus+ohio&gs_l=serp.1.0.0i22i30l10.23456.24342.0.25612.
  7. it was actually not a lie. they did switch payroll companies. I wish they would have came out and told everyone instead of just keeping to themselves and everyone wondering where the paychecks are. I'm still gone the first chance I get. they keep piling on the responsibilities along with the drivers not giving me the keys to the cars they bring in but they say they do and the keys are missing. I got the "you're losing keys" speech today and I about blew up on them over it. I'm not losing keys they'd be laying around the office or the parking lot (fenced in). they're not giving them to me like they're supposed to. the banks get pissy over this stuff and of course I get all the blame. I work for a repo company. it takes me about 45mins to process each car. they have to be cleaned out and all property documented(this is the worst part of my job, you would not believe some of the bullshit and the amounts of shit people drive around with), then put in storage and documented, then I have to take detailed pictures of the car, take pics of the miles on every car that has keys, upload all that info into the computer system, organize the lot, get the cars ready to be transported to auctions, release cars to debtors and the transporters, release personal property, on top of having to help the girls in the office with their job. there's not enough time in the day. then I have drivers not bringing in cars (they stash them at their house etc) until a day before or the day they're leaving to the auction. then I have no time to do my job properly. the place is a dysfunctional unorganized mess. and I'm supposed to be keeping tack of everything when I'm not included in some of the day to day decisions that takes place. for instance when they decide to take a car to the auction and i'm not aware of it. so they forget the keys or something etc. no one knows it's gone because it wasn't reported in the computer and we tell the bank it's still on the lot but it's not....so when something goes wrong it's all MY fault. this is by far the most stressful lowest paid job i've ever had. the way they do shit is making too much extra work for themselves in my opinion. for example, they hang the keys up by case number. instead of the vin which is written on the key tag. so lets say i'm out in the lot and I need the keys to a car for whatever reason, I have to go all the way inside (this is a large lot about the size of a football field) down through the basement up 2 flights of stairs, get the keys to the key room, look up the car by vin so i can see what the case number is so I can find the right hook the keys are hanging on. instead of just going straight to the key room with the vin to find the keys. now does that make a fucking lick of sense? I organized it by the last 2 of the vin and it's so much easier. even though they didn't like it. it was just too much of a pain in the ass. I could go on for an hour about more shit they do that is a joke.
  8. a good way to tell if a chain is worn is if you can lift it off the sprocket at the back side. at least that's the way i've seen a honda tech do it on a race bike.
  9. sweet I have 2 members as fans. it means you're the fuckin newbie bitch here not the other way around so don't sit there and act like you're the forum hero against someone that's been here much longer than you. of course I also have a life and couldn't possibly post 2500+ times in a year like your loser ass. so who's the actual troll around here???
  10. wait you both realize I've been an official ohio rider longer than both of you. I only troll to fuck with you guys because some of you get crazy bent out of shape and it's hilarious. hell even gixxie750 knows better than to take what I say serious. he's had plenty of chances to tell me off in person. I'm actually surprised he hasn't. and just so everyone knows...the bastards paid me monday. darn I was looking to turn them in. interview at a new place monday too.
  11. I'm not in dire need to pay a bill or two...I just want my fucking money:D
  12. I got a call last night from a lady that works with me. she said its because they switched paycheck places and we will be paid monday. if they don't have them by monday I will throw a fit. and if not monday I will just go ahead and report their ass.
  13. I seen a few funeral bikes out the past few days. f that noise. but they do make $65 an hour for it. I had a place wanting me to do it before but I said no thanks.
  14. then I'll resort to vigilante justice lol
  15. I was signed up on a forum for business owners a few years ago when the groupon thing became big. a lot of them liked the boost in business but quickly found out that it created a lot of problems for them so they stopped using it or made it really hard to use the coupons because people were trying to take advantage of it. then came the stories that groupon almost put some of them out of business because too many people were showing up with the coupons and they were losing too much money. another reason a lot of them quit using it.
  16. thank you. wow dude you really worked at this. thank you a lot.
  17. I'll just go down to the local high school and find the first emo kid that wants to shoot people and hire him. lol doing it via the law is the best way to go about this. nothing more troubling for a company than having a gov dept breathing down your neck about compliance issues. these kinds of things don't go away easy and it's going to be on official record.
  18. trust me I'm a lookin. my biggest problem is no time to interview.
  19. well I do know where the owner lives....
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