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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. stop using rock salt on it. it will litterally make little spots pop off the surface. I watched it do it one day at my house. I always heard about it and never had any issues until this one day and I could stand there and hear it poping and watched all the little chips flying up from it. craziest shit I ever seen.
  2. I don't recall how good the breath guard works but I keep the chin guard in to keep small bugs and what not from getting in. my chin guard is a net so it's not any good for blocking air.
  3. custom tunes are where it's at. I know someone that got one done at fast by ferraci and they got a stock 03 R6 (just a few bolt on mods) to pump out 115.15 hp
  4. the newer verson you can. I don't know about the older version. I have the newer streaming player. http://www.wdc.com/en/products/homeentertainment/mediaplayers/ if you have windows 7 you have to share the whole drive for it to work. or have copies of everything you want to share in the shared folders.
  5. I just asked my buddy that owns a car lot and he said that gto is only worth about 4700 with all that shit wrong with it.
  6. I'm missing your point about putting weight on anything other than the seat. and why you need grip while cornering. I simply do not do any of that and have no issues. I can feel physics working to keep me from falling off to the inside of the bike. I honestly don't understand what any of you are talking about. there's a reason why race seats are neoprene like foam. it grips your suit very well. wonder why that is....
  7. be the rock for eveyone man. it's not the end of the road. look for other support groups with people with that kind of injuries. I bet the docs or hospital staff can point you in their direction. it will help put a bright light at what seems a very dark tunnel right now.
  8. I cant believe you're considering a car with those many miles on it. both of those are pontiacs. probably the shittiest cars gm ever made and gm makes some shitty cars. 200k is just beyond nuts for a gm vehicle. that car wont last another 40k. hondas have a hard time lasting much past that. I will guarantee you that car will nickle and dime you to death from day one. you don't want to have to work on it...lol...you're picking probably the 2 worst vehicles for that my friend. and that dealer is smoking crack wanting 8k for a car with all that damage. you'd be very smart to just walk from that one. I know someone that had one and it sold for about that with no damage.
  9. first or all, I didn't see that he was at the track to ride that day. second, I said I THINK that someone would be a pussy to not at least go out and ride if they spent the money. I never said YOU'RE a pussy dude. OVER REACT MUCH?
  10. we all get the tank is being used as a anchor. it and the seat. you guys are making it sound like you are using your leg to litterally hang with and not anything else but the leg by pressing it against the tank on the outside. some of you are even making it sound like you're using the inside leg to push down on the peg and hold yourself up. if that's the case you're 100% wrong if you think you are. your seat is doing 99% of the work. why you guys or anyone else would turn it into a workout session is just stupid.
  11. oh I don't know, because it's my body and and can tell if I'm using my muscles or not Einstein
  12. really because I've never slid the front in a corner i wasn't over braking in. and that was only once. and um I can leg go of the bars while sitting on the seat leaned over in a corner.
  13. oh so you've been to all the "top level" schools have you. show me that they teach that. the force...INERTIA...is holding your ass on the bike. show me you using your inner leg on a stationary object to hold your whole bodyweight up. go try it sometime and let me see you do it over and over again the length of time you ride around the track. I bet you're underestimating how much you're using the seat to hold up your body. there's 0 reason you should be pushing down with your legs on the pegs or gripping the tank with them at a lean. we're not talking about when you stand the bike up and accelerate out of the corner and grip the tank with your legs. want to see what mladin says about schools? also pause the video at 1:34 and tell me his knee is being used against the tank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksIOaYAeFqA&feature=player_embedded
  14. you guys mean to tell me you're holding 100% of your weight up with your legs in a corner?
  15. Ferodo makes some of the best brakes out there for race bikes and street bikes. I personally think they're better than the likes of galfer and ebc. http://www.ferodo.co.uk/ferodo_web/ brake tech is the importer of them, http://www.braketech.com/ if you're a quick guy I'd get the sintered pads not the organic. do not buy race pads for street use. array cooling pads have holes drilled in them and the compound is different if I'm not mistaken. if it's just holes then it's a gimmick. I have a set of the ST pads http://www.braketech.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86&Itemid=104 and I can tell you with 100% truth they have more stopping power than Galfer sintered do.
  16. spark plugs for the bike. they can order them if not in stock. I get mine there because they're $6 not the $11.75 the dealer wants.
  17. what do you think a seat is for? I never weight pegs. I'd be tired after 4 laps. I use my legs to transfer my body around up and over the seat and that's it. and I don't hang on with my arms. inertia is doing most of the work along with the seat. the faster you go the more you can hang off without needing to "hang on". you have noticed this before haven't you? yes, it's inertia holding the bike up. I asked physics professor.
  18. that's your personal choice. but I think if you didn't at least do it you're a pussy. go out there and learn how to control your bike in wet conditions. it will make you a much better rider. no one said you have to blaze around the track trying to set personal or track records in the process.
  19. I use easy tether. but it's not free. $10 I think. but it works great. cricket throttled my internet speed after I used so much bandwith lol but they changed it back a week later after I quit using it. and I have an unlimited plan. I would bet verizon will do the same thing.
  20. his knee is nowhere near that tank. his thigh of course is touching it because you'd have to be legless for it not to.
  21. I think ktmbrian is looking for a pair of boots for his kid
  22. sounds more like you're doing it wrong. you shouldn't have to hang onto the bike or be pushing with your legs for any reason other than switching side to side. there's lots of crazy myths of riding going around. even Mat Mladin said in an inteview all this monkey like hanging off these guys are being taught is rediculous and even rossi agrees with mladin. so two of the fastest riders to ever race agee on that. you look at pictures of both of them and their outside legs aren't planted to the tank at all. and they're def not using it to hold themselves up on the bike because they're not hanging off too far.
  23. look at it this way...when mother nature throws you lemons...make lemonade. you spent the money, there's no going back. might as well make the best of it.
  24. putnam is slippery wet. some tracks you can go almost full out and not slide around. I heard jennings is this way. plus riding in the rain teaches you how to be smooth.
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