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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. this is all coming from scientists. I didn't make up one single part of it. if you would open your mind past what the gov tells you and read a few books you might learn a thing or two. or not. jesus is real too right? and for your gas analogy....it doesn't "explode" it burns. so you're wrong right out of the box. and drugs can give you aids. aids is a term given to a immune system that is beyond help. some drugs will purposly do that. so basically they do give you aids. oh and the cereal in question is a can of coke has an index of 63. look how many "healthy" cereals have a higher index...oh and these pretty much all will have a "heart healthy" sticker on the box. Shredded Wheat - 67-83 average 75 Special K - 54-84 Total - 76 http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/glycemicindlist_2.htm some more facts to make your head explode... ◦There’s never been a single study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease. ◦As heart-disease rates were skyrocketing in the mid-1900s, consumption of animal fat was going down, not up. Consumption of vegetable oils, however, was going up dramatically. ◦Half of all heart-attack victims have normal or low cholesterol. Autopsies performed on heart-attack victims routinely reveal plaque-filled arteries in people whose cholesterol was low (as low as 115 in one case). ◦Asian Indians – half of whom are vegetarians – have one of the highest rates of heart disease in the entire world. Yup, that fatty meat will kill you, all right. ◦When Morgan Spurlock tells you that a McDonald’s salad supplies almost a day’s allowance of fat, he’s basing that statement on the FDA’s low-fat/high-carbohydrate dietary guidelines, which in turn are based on … absolutely nothing. There’s no science behind those guidelines; they were simply made up by a congressional committee. ◦Kids who were diagnosed as suffering from ADD have been successfully treated by re-introducing natural saturated fats into their diets. Your brain is made largely of fat. ◦Many epileptics have reduced or eliminated seizures by adopting a diet low in sugar and starch and high in saturated animal fats. ◦Despite everything you’ve heard about saturated fat being linked to cancer, that link is statistically weak. However, there is a strong link between sugar and cancer. In Europe, doctors tell patients, “Sugar feeds cancer.” ◦Being fat is not, in and of itself, bad for your health. The behaviors that can make you fat – eating excess sugar and starch, not getting any exercise – can also ruin your health, and that’s why being fat is associated with bad health. But it’s entirely possible to be fat and healthy. It’s also possible to be thin while developing Type II diabetes and heart disease. ◦Saturated fat and cholesterol help produce testosterone. When men limit their saturated fat, their testosterone level drops. So, regardless of what a famous vegan chef believes, saturated fat does not impair sexual performance want more proof cholesterol has little to do with heart disease? google the latest in heart disease research. you'll find it's little about cholesterol and a lot about inflammation. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2005/05/28/cholesterol-heart.aspx
  2. well i went there after the other place and i could have bought a set of bt-016 for another $50 over what i had to pay for just a rear. I heard wheeler will let you take the tire off the bike with his tools and stands and give u a discount for mounting.
  3. if you guys end up needing anything for your bike, tires, oil, fuses, brake/clutch levers, new engine covers (shit loads in stock actually) you name it he probably has it. go to wheelers down by robbinsville. dude does not rip you off on tire prices either. he sells them for what you'd pay for them online. and will mount them for a normal price. DO NOT go to the guy down at the bottom of 129 by the lakes. that guy got me for $200 plus tax for one rear tire. and he jacked my bike up with a normal car floor jack under one side of my swingarm scratching the shit out of it. then he hopped on my bike and rode it up the road. I could have beat his head. I had no choice mine got a huge nail in it and I couldn't make it to wheelers. http://wheelersperformance.com/
  4. I bought one last sunday...at lowes too. free bumpity.
  5. actually it's done up by coachmen. it's a old van but it's in great shape and runs like a new one. 84 chevy with a 305. needed some brake work but runs and drives great. some old people owned it and barely used it. it's fantastic for being at the track with it.
  6. $1500 a year, I don't think so. they were paying $1200 every six months in the late 80's.
  7. I was wondering why I seen a bike sitting on the side of the road at that corner when I came back from my ride. that corner isn't tricky to navigate by any means. I guess it catches everyone off guard. it's so smooth you can go through it pretty quick. a lot of that road is in bad shape but not in that corner. I rail up and down it. but there is a nice crack/bump now right as you are braking for it. I could see that being a issue for others easy. KYdot needs to fix that road in a bad way.
  8. lets not forget aids is something that magically appeared in gay men in san fran in the late 70's viruses just don't appear out of thin air. I think I seen it in a magazine a long time ago that the hiv "virus" has never been photographed or seen by anyone at all. it's just a theory that it causes aids. which is the name given to the condition of someone's immune system. some drugs can technically give you aids. the cdc is purposly missleading the public. people listen to doctors all too often. and what the doc says is the word of the land. the problem with that is a doctor that you go to isn't any more aware of anything that you are. they're only repeating what they've been taught. they're not doing any of the research. now if you talk to a scientist or biologist that is into the research of all of this you'd find out really quick the cdc and big pharm flat out fabricates a lot of what the public hears about. like eating animal fat is bad for you. but no research has ever proven cholesterol causes heart disease but they go around telling you it does. a bowl of cereal (heart healthy even) has a higher clycemic index than a can of pop. sugar HAS been linked to cancer. and the usda, cdc, and your doctor all tell us to load up on carbs....sugar.
  9. you need one like my brother has. it's converted into a RV. sink, toilet, running water, beds, propan furnace, table, stove, microwave, and a fridge. it also has the top added to it so you can stand up in it.
  10. miracle whip. /end thread
  11. http://www.roadracingworld.com/resources/tracks/
  12. I would say so. my parents were paying taxes for the schools when I went. plus the fee's to attend. which brings up a point that I wanted to bring up. why don't people in apartments have to pay property taxes to support the schools? why is it only the people who want to own a home responsible for the bill? all I want is a level playing field. eveyone chips in equally. get rid of all this loop hole exemptions bull crap. like apple is reported to have been able to skip out of paying a few billion dollars in taxes this year because of loop holes they use. where they keep their money, where they list their headquarters. in las vegas I think it is where there is some kind of taxless system for companies there. something to that effect. of course I can't blame them for using it but why are they even able to? that's bullshit. if you tried to list your home at a place like that but live where you do the IRS wouldn't let you even try that crap.
  13. you guys should register your outing with these guys http://www.campgayusa.com/CAMPGROUNDS.html
  14. common courtesy goes a long way. I guarantee any of you would hate to hear that thing all the time even if it is for the few min he's getting ready to leave. those loud ass pipes are the most annoying things on the planet. I want to shoot everyone that has them. I hate starting my bike up in the mornings to go riding. I go all the way down the driveway as far away from the building (condo) as I can. I know how annoying it might be to others.
  15. you should ask why you have to pay more taxes than rich people. why you pay more taxes than someone with a kid. why you pay school taxes for schools you don't utilize (no kids attending) why republicans want to be in control of a government when they claim the gov is the problem..... why do you want mit romney when he became rich doing the exact same business model that he slams the gov for over the bailouts. even claims it's "immoral". what a hypocrite.
  16. well I was told ohioriders new site with it's round corners on things is cutting edge. and you'll need the latest version of firefox. just ask casper the friendly owner.
  17. dude there are stories all over the world about people that have got rid of aids and cancer. it's the usda and the cdc will not approve all kinds of products that work for both.
  18. those old tails were enormous. my buddy used to carry a 2 liter in his. I was like wtf where did you get that from. lol your bike looks really good dude. I love the blue. it's like mine pretty much.
  19. I wouldn't say something like that if it wasnt true. and I have a job that I can't play at all day like some of you. odd some americans work still these guys were nothing but a bunch of idiot squids around here. thats why I have to laugh when I see some of you guys pat them on the back. if you guys could only witness the jackassness of these guys a few years ago.... it's not like they tried to be cool with everyone like some of you guys have the illusion that they do. they purposly tried to show off. he brought up something in the other thread I totally forgot about. the time he came flying by me in my lane on the highway doing about 120. no one even knew these asshats back then. that's when it all started for everyone around here. they found out about the good riding spots and just fucking ruined it. every summer it seemed like 2-4 people died riding with them. they couldn't even find their own spot to meet. they had to use ours at the same fucking time. some people I know mentioned they accidentally went with these guys and said it was accident after accident and jackass move after jackass move.
  20. so is that the story? I've never associated with any of them before. nor have I ever wanted to. you realize the guy you're nut swinging and butt grabbing on smokes pot at the rest stops and jumps on his bike and takes off flying down public roads? is that the kind of "buddy racer" you want to associate with?
  21. yeah get that nose all up in that taint
  22. I"m wondering if the clutch lever bypass has anything to do with it. can you start it in gear?
  23. when he's got you suckin his cock no need to come say thanks for support. yeah roll that tongue all around that head you filthy whore.
  24. he said the switch is bypassed. and the diagnostic mode shows the kickstand is up. on a yamaha we have a built in diagnostic scan tool we can use to test all of the circuits of the bike. no other manufacture does this. so we're very privelaged. you pretty much covered the only 2 things that kills it. so I have no guesses other than a open wire somewhere. a buddy of mine had a cut wire inside the plastic sleeve. you couldn't tell anything touched it there but I cut it open and there it was. cut right in half like someone used a pair of snips.
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