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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. alright man I could probably help you out. I know the 2nd gen R6 like the back of my hand. I will tell you right off the bat the 03 and 04 was plagued with a throttle position sensor issue. and your bike sounds like it is having all the symptoms. random stalling was the biggest issue. first thing first. eliminate the PC like already said. they(dynojet) had problems with that model PC. second, the 03 and 04 had a Throttle position sensor problem. you'll need to replace it because it's a short not dirt in it, like everyone thinks. I could possibly let you borrow mine to see if it fixes it. (don't do this just yet) 3rd, what does your idle stay at once warmed up? you may need to raise it with the aftermarket exhaust. (I did too) 4th, it could be time for a throttle body syncronization. 5. in 03 they came with bad nippon denso coils but you should have the new mitsubishi coils. look at them and if they have a tan epoxy top you're good. but that doesn't mean one or more of them are not bad. a easy test for this is to spray a mist of water on the headers. if one of them isn't sizzling off instantly you know it's not getting fuel or spark. (more likely spark) here is the factory service manual... http://www.r6messagenet.com/forums/pdf/03-04R6_service_manual.pdf in the fuel injection section (this is why yamaha is superior to a suzuki) it shows you how to enter the diagnostic feature of the computer via the instrument cluster. in this diagnostic mode you can test all of the bike's electronics. this includes the ignition coils and fuel injectors. use the chart to tell what code does what tests. it's easy once you play with it for a few min. but it's a fantastic feature that yamaha built in the bike. (sorry suzuki fan boys, your bike doesn't have this) oh yeah I forgot...my R6 has over 40k miles on it without one single issue to date...
  2. actually she should have gotten a ticket according to ohio law. it would have been failure to control. when I crashed my bike in Kentucky many years ago I asked the cop how much it was gonna cost me. he laughed and said this isn't ohio. we feel sorry for you and don't tickets for crashes at all. they're a no fault state.
  3. serpentracer


    you missed the broader picture. he is an elected official who has hinged his political ambitions on making the private lives of women his business but now wishes to have HIS personal life NO ONES business. time and time again we witness Republicans pulling this hypocritical move. "it's only ok when they do it" on just about everything. just another example, the deficit, remember, they gave GWB a blank check for the war. and they didn't include that on the debt report. so when obama included it, the debt looked shocking. and now he's getting all the blame for it when he didn't really do it. and now the debt is a big concern to the rebulicans. who created the most of it, but put blame on democrats for it.
  4. you should have received a ticket though. in Ohio that's failure to control. and depending on what rolls out of your tank bag and pockets, failure to secure load. while they were there you should have had a field sobriety test too. this is ohio....land of dick cops.
  5. mtn dew also has orange juice in it. so double win
  6. forget the funeral for now. what about a stopped school bus on a 4 lane road? I watch people going the opposite way stop all the time and it drives me crazy. I don't act a fool and make a scene by blowing my horn or gunning it around them, but they don't have to stop and I shake my head.
  7. btw, I've been using my phone with Google navigation while following these guys I work with that have a tom tom. their shit is always taking us to odd places. it has us turn into a damn mall parking lot before and said that was the address. we've had to resort to using my phone 4 out of 10 times so far. and it has always taken us straight to the correct address every time.
  8. serpentracer


    probably more ironic now that the gov bailed them out?
  9. a point and shoot will never take as good of a picture no matter what CCD it has or what it's mp is. a dslr has a much bigger arperture, the lense is many many times better, there are a hand full of other reasons a dslr is better at taking pictures. the point is, a camera can have 20mp but without the proper lenses and arerture size it is very limited. case n point. I have a nikon P60(8.1 mp) a performance series point n shoot with full manual settings like a DSLR has. but when you compare my pictures to my brothers Cannon DSLR (forget what one he has) the pictures are cleaner, brighter colors, and with much higher resolution on his. here's one of the best pictures I can get out of my camera, here's one he took, as you can see the differences are huge.
  10. when the pavement heats up it expands. those pushed up sections are the result of having nowhere to go. that's why bridges and concrete have expansion joints.
  11. MP isn't what makes a camera. some high end DSLR camera's have 8 etc. then you see some $80 camera with 12mp. but it will never take a picture as good as the 8mp dslr.
  12. yeah even my cheap ol huawei acsend from cricket will. I'm sure any phone will since that's the point of having bluetooth so you can hear the phone with the device instead of the phone speaker. mine will even talk through a phone converstation so I don't miss any turns.
  13. this one has a little something extra in her shorts....
  14. that's what knee sliders are for lol. I wouldn't try the chalk. while it might not cause you to crash I'm sure you'll feel it as it rolls over the pavement making it feel loose. which could cause you to freak out and run wide and off the road.
  15. well those people are being the dicks. as long as someone is doing the posted speed limit in the appropriate lanes that's fine. but I get aggravated at the ones still doing 50 in a 65. why don't they just take the back roads? because it's clear they are only doing 50 because they are scared. and they shouldn't be on the expressway to begin with.
  16. actually you seem like the asshole in this equation. you know you are not going to be able to pass that other vehicle with a quick junt over the 70 limit you have. you're like those semi's that just have to get over in the left lane when they know damn well the truck they're passing will be doing the same damn speed they are in 1/2 mile. guys like you that feel like everyone else should stfu and deal with you being a jackass and taking your sweet ass time to do shit is what's wrong with the interstates. while I understand your situation, you should just quit trying to go around someone that is doing the speed limit that you're supposed to be doing in the first place. that's what I meant when I said you should just simmer down. and stay the fuck out of everyone else's way. it doesn't matter if you feel they're not running late or whatever, you are being an ass by not moving the fuck over. you shouldn't be there in the first place. that's the whole point.
  17. R&B no thanks, but most of it would be better than just one country song about the usa, a wife and kids, or truck and dog. while I don't usually listen to jazz i respect it. I don't know why but when I hear a country song I can't run fast enough to the channel select button. I just irks me. I think what gets me is just knowing the kind of people that like it. since I can't usually stand those types I can't stand the music. it's not country people I have a problem with, it's just the ignorant hillbilly redneck lifestyle all together. don't get me wrong, I like going to places like the smokey mnts n stuff, but get off the beaten path and look at what those people do to their "beloved land" they trash it with throwing garbage in the creeks, sides of the roads etc etc. in a city I expect to see a pop can or mcdonalds bag laying here and there but go to the south and you'll find shit like tires, washer and dryers n shit laying on the side of the road in the ditch. then their houses are always full of junk laying around the yard like on the tv show hoarders but on the outside.
  18. how does anyone listen to country music?
  19. maybe you should quit trying to pass and just simmer down yourself. you know you can't get it done in a reasonable time frame so why cause everyone behind you to have to slow down and waste their time?
  20. try driving down 75 south through kentucky and tenn. 2 lanes, you'll get semi's doing 55 in a 70 zone. why they feel the need to get in the left lane and stay there I have no idea. so they try to make a run for it on the next downhill but the asshole other truck speeds up with him so they basically road block the highway for miles at a time. meanwhile cars have backed up behind them for almost a whole mile. I got pissed off by this once and passed the whole fucking pile of assholes on the shoulder of the road. of course a cop pulled me over about 10 miles up the road but because he didn't see me do it there wasn't shit he could do about it. (bitches and their phones)
  21. barnacle bill's repaired my suit. but the work for the price wasn't what I was expecting. of course he had to sew the whole suit back together after the medics cut it off of me. but he missed a spot on the arm for one and it literally looks like Frankenstein. I was kind of pissed and very dissapointed. the guy was super nice on the phone but he didn't follow one single instruction I included with the suit. I wanted my suit's liner removed and sewn back together...what did he do?...sewed it to the leather so now it's a perminent part of it and I can't remove it to clean it.
  22. leather needs maintenance to keep it from cracking etc. if you don't use a conditioner on it eventually you'll end up with torn open seats.
  23. I was just ribbing you anyway.
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