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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. a real shop wouldn't have a run around like a online store I'm sure. they're not out of a tire per se. and since they are a dealer of that brand of tire, they'll have no issues getting a replacement. there's no reason a customer should have to deal with the wait. that's why a dealer exists. edit, I see cadre said basically what I said.
  2. go in the options(more commands) by clicking on the downward facing arrow thing in the top of the page. (forget the name of this area) and go to the advanced tab. then go to the cut,copy, paste section and set the pasting between documents to the default option of "keep source formatting" other than that option I couldn't tell you.
  3. serpentracer

    Fat Fucks

    the caption should be something about this is the hot babe your actually chatting with lol
  4. being so old you will have a harder time. ebay would be my first resource. second would be some racing forums. such as wera road racing forum. http://www2.13x.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12
  5. I hope you made backups(somewhere online) and put a password on it. I know of a guy that got busted with a stolen government laptop. as soon as it got online, the tracking only took the cops 30 min to show up at the hotel. but good luck getting them to even show interest in a private laptop.
  6. hence the term "scared the piss out of me"?
  7. the xbox rings of death are from over heating. the heat sink they use on the processors is not sufficient. look on youtube, there are cooling kits you can buy and the youtube videos show you how to install them.
  8. the bush family is great friends with a lot of terrorists connected people. but you over looked that... dems want you to have free health care. they're so evil! a republican will stab you in your back as soon as you are done shaking their hands. they prove it to you guys every time they vote and make up new laws.
  9. real dog trainers say it's more of a friendship you build with the dog, not it's fear of you being it's "leader". Cesar milan is teaching people bad things that are considered very outdated in the dog training community.
  10. a co worker just had a toshiba take a shit on him right at the end of the warranty lol it was just the power circuit in it though. easy fix cost him $200 I think.
  11. I wish everyone would do their own homework. the Republicans put that in there as their "contribution" to the health care bill. that's right, the republicans want that in there because they are trying to protect insurance companies. you know, the same people who charge 90 times too much and drop you for no reason. oh and they knew it would piss people off of course.
  12. what's your dealer's license #? the fact of the matter is those cars will start at what the seller wants for the car to begin with. I've never heard of a car at an auction worth lets say $6k selling for $1800 and the seller sells it. matter of fact, I've never seen that happen in 2 years 4 times a week. you must have all the "special" auction houses no one knows about. hell I watch the auctioneers run up the prices even if no one is bidding.
  13. come on, you know the only reason you'd vote for her is because you think she's hot. she's as dumb as sara palin and speaks without thinking. wait, that must mean she's the perfect republican candiate:D
  14. you have to stop using that psycho babble from Cesar Milan he's a self taught nut. none of what he teaches is used by real dog trainers since the early 60's. there is a reason he's on history channel and not animal planet. my pit bull knows her place in the family and we didn't have to train her. she just acts like you would want a dog to act. we talk to her, everyone feeds her, everyone walks her, everyone repremands her. And I guess it helps we treat her with dignity and don't put her in a cage. (not joking). that's a terrible thing to have to do to a pet. unless they are there to keep them safe, that's cruelty. try locking yourself in a cage all day long and see if you like it. that's one major no no to do with a pitbull they say. it will make them mean. so does not taking them for vigorous exercise every day. so my "NON" professional advise would be to do more with the dog. even if it's just talking to it.
  15. sounds like that guy from assfault junkies. I think his screen name is predator. was the bike black?
  16. I have one question. why would I vote for something I know nothing about? hell it could be killing people.
  17. 2 live crew was hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik7xTLvS8Mk
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sc_nQiuDN0
  19. at putnam it takes my buddy 1/2 of the straight to pass me on his 1000. by time we get to the bottom of the hill. he's finally able to out run me.
  20. well my R6 will bang the front wheel off the ground all the time without the clutch. you should consider a yamaha. and sorry skullcrusher, no 96 fzr 600 has 98 hp at the rear wheel. you'd be lucky to see 85 I bet. I bet a FZ6 would smoke it even.
  21. here is adesa's guidlines about IF's. be consummated and final when the auctioneer calls out the Buyer’s bid badge number and the block clerk records that sale and all of the specific terms thereof. Notwithstanding the above, “if” sales shall be final and binding only when the highest bid is accepted by the Seller and recorded or a subsequent offer or counteroffer is accepted and recorded. #4... http://images.adesa.com/publicweb/dealerregforms/US_Auction_Policy_EN.pdf Again, these are real auctions. now you can clearly see I'm not an idiot and I know what I'm talking about. all you little smart asses can go suck a fat cock.
  22. here's OKI auto auctions guidlines on IF's. IF" Sales All "IF" sales are binding for one hour after the auction ends. Bid price approval after the hour is binding to the Buyer if the buyer has not declined the sale. It is the Buyer's responsibility to check with the Auction on the status of the "IF" bid. As long as the Seller has approved the "IF" bid within an hour or before the buyer declines the sale, the sale is valid and binding to the Buyer. All "IF Turndowns" must be processed through the arbitration department. http://www.okiautoauction.com/gp.asp the seller has the right to refuse to sell the car at a real auction.
  23. first that's pretty much a fictional tv show. just like all the storage auction shows. and they're not selling cars. key difference. I've probably been to more auctions than you've seen on tv. Oki, adessa, Manheim, west harrison auto auctions just to name a few. all of these are a weekly basis. my buddy owns a used car lot...where do you think we went to every single day?
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