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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. the sprocket is on the wrong side....
  2. blazer is a baby tahoe the teen and the sub is the dad. it really gets confusing when some are 4x4 and some are not.
  3. do they talk about what bandanna protects your hair the most and what "benefit" ride is coming up?
  4. here's you guys, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJq-CWZf8as&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc4j7iMCaNY&feature=related
  5. that's MR megadouche to you. now go run along and talk to your girlfriends about your makup, hair and facebook.com
  6. these social media outlets are not how you should be communicating with those you are close to. what ever happened to actually TALKING to someone? jesus christ people have become so pathetic! what's worse is corporations have turned them into marketing outlets. besides, they're all fads. remember how everyone you knew was on myspace? yeah, no one uses it now. you guys going to prom too?
  7. yeah what better way to avoid actually talking to someone you are so "close" too.
  8. harleys suck because their 1200cc engines put out a whopping 80hp at the crank. lol what a pile of crap. I don't think there is a 600cc sportbike made since the late 90's that didn't have more at the wheel than that. plus look at the technology used on them. like already mentioned. 1980's tech for 3 times the money.
  9. didn't you see that IE is actually a safer browser than chrome and firefox? I'm not even making that up.
  10. I'm sorry but if you're over 15 and have a twitter, facebook or myspace account...you need to get a life. anyway, you just copy the damn web address from the address bar.. fuck all the share button bs.
  11. serpentracer


    and because of idiot owners stuff like this happens, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_p-cF3Bhic&feature=related real facts about pitbulls, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1aNLQ4QMM&feature=related
  12. some people need to learn how to post links to youtube. instead of copying it from a fag twitter link post the actual page address in a post. so it embeds in the post and no one has to worry about bs links to a virus laden website.
  13. he just needed some more speed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usKFoZ244sk&feature=related
  14. serpentracer


    it's people you have to worry about not the pitbull! they make them mean. I have a pit/bulldog mix and she's one of the most people loving dog you'll meet. but most people are scared of her right off the bat. she's loyal, smart, easy to train, and good with other dogs/cats and small kids. she's the best dog I've ever owned. is this the face of a meanie?
  15. the wave rotors will give that bike away. I'd post the last 6 digits of the vin that way someone could walk up to the bike and know it's your's really easy.
  16. under water train...duh.
  17. that's why most cars have plastic tanks now. if it was me, for a 1400 car it's getting this, http://www.permatex.com/products/Automotive/specialized_maintenance_repair/radiator_fuel_tank_repair/Permatex_Instant_Gas_Tank_Repair.htm
  18. maybe...but that's what everyone wanted back in 01. so there it is. can't bitch about them doing their jobs. the thing is, people know they do this. she doesn't like it, she can take a train... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43528942/ns/us_news-life/
  19. you're going to have to post a much bigger pic than that. but the problem is, It's either in parts by now or spray painted something different. does it have any special hidden marks that anyone could walk up to and spot? what about your vin # or the last 6 digits of it is more than enough. also post this on www.localriders.com and assfaultjunkies.com
  20. I never put any thought into it but damn, my bike is literally 8 years old now with over 40k miles and still rides and runs like a champ! I still have the original battery too! YAMAHA
  21. that's pretty cool. I had one of a bomb actually it was a missle exploding and leaving a what looked like a 30 - 50 foot diameter crater in the ground.
  22. most cruiser riders do not ride them much anyway. but they always claim to have the bike to do it. my buddy bought a frigging 1997 suzuki intruder that only had 1900 miles on it. most riders who like to ride own bikes that are more like a sport touring bike. a cruiser is something most people take to the local hangout after work and that's about it. if you have one and you ride it awesome! but statistically, you're a minority. and I've rode cruisers...they are more uncomfortable than my R6.
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