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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. I am planning on leaving Monday morning for the gap. @2talltimhas a room at the gap motel for Tuesday and Wednesday. Heading back Friday, probably.
  2. Looking at September 17th.
  3. Change of plans. Going down next week. The wife is traveling for her new job this week. Need to be here, just in case.
  4. The wife is starting her new job, Monday. Heading south for the Gap and other roads. No definite plans, hoteling it. Want to be back Friday afternoon. The FJR has fresh oil and tires.
  5. Similar item at Harbor Freight $125
  6. Since Ohio Riders is no more, I have changed the name of my FB group to Ohio Riders. I know some of you don’t Facebook, so I thought that I would post it in here. September 17th looks good at this point. I haven’t picked a meet spot or made up the route. I will keep this updated.
  7. Welcome to it! I love my retired life
  8. Unfortunately my garage is not just for the bike. In winter weather it will house the wife’s car. As for the floor and center stand, my floor has some kind of grooved coating, plastic of some sort. I have a 2’ x 3’ sheet of stainless steel that I use under the center stand.
  9. My mom, Bonnie Howard Steck, passed away this afternoon around 5. She was my rock and the last parent or grandparent that I had. Love you mom!
  10. My mom, Bonnie Howard Steck, passed away the afternoon around 5. She was my rock and the last parent or grandparent that I had. Love you mom!
  11. Double yellows are for slow ass cars…
  12. Power is out, here. Bad storm!
  13. Pauly, Roamr, Tony and Blitz are there now.
  14. Looks nice! I grew up on a dual sport, but we just called them enduro bikes.
  15. Left Robbinsville this morning around 9. Rode the Skyway and then hit the Dragon Slayer in Va. and Kentucky. Came out a left hand corner on the Dragon Slayer and there was a black bear with 2 cubs. 600 miles today, 1450 miles in 58 hours. Old guy my ass.
  16. Staying at the Two Wheel Inn tonight. Rode some BRP, 276, 215, and 28 south from 74 to War Woman. 850 miles for 2 days, not too bad for an old guy. The pic is Looking Glass Falls.
  17. The wife says 63 isn’t old, maybe, but I feel old.
  18. I will be 63 in 4 months. 440 miles today. I just need more breaks. In Jefferson, N. Carolina tonight.
  19. Him and his buddy are both on C-14s.
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