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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. I am going to change the coolant and replace the hoses on the FJR, tomorrow. On the only ride that I have taken this year I kept smelling antifreeze when I stopped. I hope that I ordered all the hoses that I need. Not looking forward to it.
  2. Howabusa

    My mom

    Yep! He is truly fucked up and bitter about his life.
  3. Howabusa

    My mom

    We just got done having it out. He says that he isn’t going to see her anymore. Just really tired of it all! I have only talked about half of all the BS that I have been through with this whole thing.
  4. Howabusa

    My mom

    I need to rant about this! Mom is still in the nursing home and will be there till she passes. Sometimes when I go down to see her she is good and we have a nice visit. The next time it is not so good. I went down Wednesday to see her. When I got there she wasn’t in her room. They went and got her. As soon as she came into the room I could see that she was hysterical! I asked her what was wrong, she said everything and that my little brother had been there and that they had got into an argument! What the fuck! It took me over an hour to get mom calmed down. My brother is a total asshole that has driven almost everybody in his life away, even his only daughter. He is an alcoholic and a compulsive liar! I am not really a violent man, but!
  5. Something like that @Pauly. Doesn’t matter where I heard it.
  6. Just deleted mine before I saw your post @2talltim
  7. If I could have two bikes, I would have already bought this!
  8. Me and @Killer_kaw tried to keep up with Pauly on this bike on a ride to Hundred, WV a couple of years ago. No way!
  9. The wife talked to Elk & Elk. They said that with the way Ohio law is and that her knee was able to be fixed, that we have no case. So, her being in constant pain for 2 years due to the first surgeon’s incompetence doesn’t matter? Fucking crazy!
  10. Howabusa

    Ammo prices

    What is their price?
  11. Howabusa

    Ammo prices

    Supply and demand. Manufacturers can’t keep up with the demand.
  12. Howabusa

    Ammo prices

    I have a 1000 rounds.
  13. Howabusa

    Ammo prices

    The latest flyer from Vance has 9 mm rounds for $29.99 for fifty! I am sitting on a fortune in 9 mms.
  14. I was going to say, it worked for Pauly.
  15. I put a new battery in the FJR and took my first ride of the year. A little less than 800 miles and she will have 100,000 miles on her. Enjoying my Terry’s custom seat.
  16. Congrats to you and Morgan on your beautiful daughter! I found out a few weeks that I will be a great grandfather in November.
  17. Howabusa

    My mom

    My mom ended up having open heart surgery a few weeks ago. She made it through the surgery but she appears to have had a small stroke. She had some dementia before this. She has been in a nursing home for almost 3 weeks. Physically she is getting better, but her mind is gone! I went down to see her today. I now know that I can never have a real conversation with her again! Really sucks, we have always been close.
  18. The wife had a folllow up appointment today. She is still doing great. Her and the doctor had a discussion about the surgery. He said that her knee was one of the worst that he had ever seen. There were pieces of bone left in the knee that should have not been there! He said that he didn’t know how she was walking! Looks like we will be finding a malpractice lawyer!
  19. Someone is responding to an 11 year old post.
  20. I am actually planning on getting more active and walking like we used to. It has been kind of hard to do that for the last two years with my partner being in constant pain! Thankfully that will soon be over. She is doing great with the new knee.
  21. I just got a new Bell RS-2 for $145 off Amazon. These were $300 when they came out in 2017. Fiberglass shell with a drop down sun visor.
  22. I just read an article the other day that sustained weight loss hardly ever happens. Life’s too short, eat what you want. LOL
  23. Mine is really old, bought it used. My battery was down to about 7 hours of use.
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