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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. We can trade bikes. I'm down with that.
  2. I was eyeing Saturday as a 'make up ride' for me...so I'm in, depending on the start time and temps. I need to scrub in my new tires as some point though.
  3. The dealership bought the car back http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/dealership-camaro-thrashing-story-buys-back-car-satisfied-221510197.html ...but you know the only reason they did that was because they got caught red handed.
  4. It's only a problem when they stop talking about you.
  5. All of you guys and your normal autoimmune systems. Pffffft.
  6. Thanks Captain Obvious
  7. Requesting a Carfax for my own vehicle. PM me if you can help out. Thanks in advance!
  8. If you load that sub in the corner of the room and you're worried about your neighbors, you're doing it wrong.
  9. I'm gonna call it..I'm out. If it were 10 degrees warmer when we left NEO I'd be in, but I've been on this pony before and it doesn't end well for me. When I can't feel my hands and feet, it's time to get off the bike.
  10. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. It's a problem for some of us, that's all you need to know.
  11. I don't think the forecast is gonna change much between now and then. The highs are barely above 50...so I've gotta tap out. And of course, the high for next Saturday is close to 70. Meh.
  12. If you left a gun laying around for your niece to pick up and shoot herself in the head, um maybe YOU should be in jail?!? Just sayin'. You don't need the government to tell you to make sure you don't have guns laying around. And if you ARE one of those people who need that, then you should tell your friends that you're an irresponsible cunt, and if they are going to be irresponsible cunts and leave their firearms laying around at your house, they need to NOT come over when they're carrying. Simple as that.
  13. That second law is so open ended and ripe for abuse and subjective interpretation, that I literally felt one of my testicles retract. I'd be interested in the real story behind this.
  14. This thread suddenly delivers. If this was next year...I think I would bite. I can barely afford to put tires on the bike I have now though. Hopefully I'll get the other house rented soon.
  15. Speaking from experience Kev, be grateful they caught it and got him to the hospital on time. That clot could've been really bad news. Really bad.hang in there.
  16. I'm hoping the weather for Wed-Fri slips into Saturday. If the hourly temps stay where they are, I'm out.
  17. Pics? I'm just whoring it up in here. Carry on.
  18. Nice find. I'm gonna make this happen later today.
  19. The sudden change in the temperature forecast is causing my vag to turn blue. It's going to have to warm up considerably for me to make it...it's a safety issue at this point for me.
  20. This has serious ramifications for the money shot in the porn industry.
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