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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Glad to hear you guys made it home. I hope I wasn't going too slow for you guys. I wasn't trying to hit it too hard today....it had been over a month since the last time I rode and I couldn't get my rear tire to hook up today. I think Hutch might have seen my back end get loose once or twice. I'd love to hook up at Mid Ohio...or have you guys come over again and hit SE Ohio. You're more than welcome to spend the night at my place.
  2. Sorry guys..I'm not at home and borrowing a computer. If we want to keep it simple, we'll keep the same schedule as today. I would've gotten to millersburg speedway at a little after 11 but I got held up by a sheriff for a few mins. If we want to change up the route we can do it at Speedway....or somewhere on the road. I'm leaving Grafton at 10...and should be in Millersburg at 11:10ish.
  3. Well...the original plan was to ride the same route. I have no problems riding different roads but someone else would have to lead. Sunday traffic is nothing like it was today, but with the temps, everybody might be trying to get out again. Dunno. I'm open for suggestions if someone wants to hit some different roads.
  4. Yeah man...Normally I wouldn't cut it that close but that rolling Harley road block was really pissing me off. I figured there was no way you'd be able to get around that until Wooster...so I just kept going. The rest of the ride home was just as painful. I hate riding Saturdays....too much traffic. Nice to meet you..anytime you wanna ride just say the word. ^This. Getting back in the saddle and hittin it like you did....you deserve big props. Just ride your own ride...and take it a step at a time. Hopefully the guys from TSBR will chime in when they get home. I feel bad for them...drove all that way and they didn't get to ride that much. Normally I'd have all day to ride but this weekend I've got to cut it short.
  5. I stopped for some wings in Avon...but I'm only a few minutes from home. Glad everyone had fun. I wish I had time for a longer ride. I'll be back at it tomrrow though.
  6. Roll call beaaatches! Hutch, I'll see you at the Speedway sometime around 11..no later than 11:15-11-20. Todd...are you joining us somewhere?
  7. Who said I was surprised? Just disappointed. China will attack us (already are attacking us)from the inside, out. This I already know.
  8. If the government can't lock down the systems controlling the drones, then I've really lost all faith. Baring a breach of the hardware itself, these systems should be protected from ANY and ALL ingress..USB...Firewire...PAN's...etc. SMH
  9. Not doubting that. Just saying it doesn't matter if you had one or not, because the GPS should be the last word in the matter.
  10. The GPS is what counts..speedo healer is irrelevant.
  11. Don't base that on your speedo. It's off. I assure you. And the faster you go, the worse it is.
  12. If everything is to Buddha's pleasing..we'll be there at 11. PM your cell # for updates in case something happens on the way down.
  13. R.I.P. Steve Jobs, and eat a dick to these assholes: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/westboro-announces-protest-steve-jobs-funeral-iphone-141530936.html
  14. This ..in part...boils down to your head shape...but... I have a Shoei RF-1000 and it's the best helmet I've ever worn. I'm in the market for a new helmet soon, and I will most likely get another Shoei. Air flow...comfort...I love it (except for the fogging).
  15. We're not going any slower than triple digits. Shhhh...don't tell anyone.
  16. There's a separate thread for the individual rides. It's still on. Millersburg will be the first gas stop...so that would be the spot to meet at. Right now, I don't have anybody 100% committed to meeting up there...so it's gonna be a normal gas stop unless I hear otherwise.
  17. ZOMG where did I say THAT? Everyone rides their OWN RIDE and no one gets left behind. I don't know how much clearer I can be on that topic.
  18. Holy shit son, they must be gettin' ready to make a sequel:
  19. No later than 11:20, factoring in Saturday traffic. Ride your own ride..I think people are getting the impression that this is going to be a balls to the wall ride for everyone. Hell, it's been weeks since I last rode and I'll be gradually working my way up the skill chart.
  20. No, it just means he likes to fap to Playboy.
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