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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I'm looking at what I did last year, and it's a lot of the stuff UP posted. I won't be doing 555 though....that dirty whore of a road. ..slapping it together as I type this.
  2. Mmmm I wish Phil The Fire was still open downtown. Nom nom nom. Fried green tomato goodness. There was that other spot on the other side of the flats that was open for a little while too...years ago. Anywho...enjoy the food. I won't be back in town until like 7 otherwise i'd join you. I'll have to try b spot...I keep hearing good things about it. Everytime I hear the name I want to confuse it with the b side.
  3. Don't let the black guy fuck my thread up. I didn't say I was going to keep HIS route and just shit on top of it. I'm not insane. I like my ass and taint to be somewhat intact when I get done riding. I'll get crackin' on it tomorrow night sometime. Too much going on with the family right now.
  4. There is some fine spanish food to be had, but not in N. Ridgeville. I would say Fathead is prob your best best for what you are looking for, with a minimum drive. if you had more time...and could drive further east, the selection gets better.
  5. And there you have it. We're leaving at 8am on Saturday....at least that looks like the time that's gonna work for me. I'm still going to check out one route I did last year and maybe incorporate some of those roads. We'll see. I'll start a separate thread.
  6. I'll come up with a route this weekend...most likely one I've done before and saved in my stash.
  7. Are you coming by yourself? Do you want bar food, slightly better bar food, or fine dining? Do you want a big beer selection? Don't care about alcohol? What TYPE of food? Answer those and you'll get it narrowed down. The offer still stands for you to go in through the back door and rummage around. ..my house you guys. Seriously. Grow up.
  8. Yes..sarcasm was duly noted when I posted above. Tpoppa, you're asking me to take a leap of faith here..like the leap of faith I took going from clip ons to XB9 handlebars. I still need to order that rear.....hmmm.
  9. Waiting 1-2 hours for my meal is not my idea of dining....unless dining includes the owner getting paid while you drink his liquor and beer. Everyone is different...but if I were the OP I wouldn't want to waste 1-2 hours of my limited time on Sunday waiting around to be called for my table. Unless there were hand jobs and back rubs to be had.
  10. InyaAzz


    Chicago and Dallas/Houston....teh sux.
  11. I'd like to go on the record by stating that my post above was not a personal attack. I just like pissing in my tank and I'll use any means to justify it.
  12. This, except slowing down isn't an option for me ...not yet. I'm really tired of buying tires every 2000 miles....but I'm not tired of leaning all the way over and feeling confident that my tire is one less thing I have to worry about.
  13. Group ride rules in effect. Usually 70-ish in the straights....and the corners is as fast or slow as you want. Bikes in the lead wait for the rest of the riders at the next intersection...no one gets left behind.
  14. Jbot's list is good. It just depends on what type of experience you're looking for and how far you're willing to drive. Are you bringing kids? That matters too. I can leave the back door open for you and you can dig up whatever booty you can find while I'm gone.. That last statement is ambiguously vague/gay on purpose.
  15. Tod is my interracial booty call. If anyone has a problem with that..then..well...you've never seen him in action.
  16. This is why I just piss in the tank.
  17. Fatheads has good food. My BF did the welding in there. John, if I weren't headed to MI in a few hours I would show you around..or at least meet you somewhere. Aces in N. Ridgeville has good food too. And a patio.
  18. WHHAAAAAT? Seriously, you don't know what you're missing.
  19. You should have been hating northern Ohio was before your dragon trip. SE Ohio or WV is where it's at....if you're not going to the dragon.
  20. Actually, I think that day is one of 2 that I picked out. I'm not sure whether Sat or Sun works better for me yet either. My plans for the weekend seem to be in flux, and of course, everyone else but me is in control of them.
  21. It's possible..but since the salesman was getting OSU game passes, and both he and the owner went to the 2007 Nat Champ. game and the 09 Fiesta bowl, my BS meter is flashing red. Does it happen in other places? Sure. Do I have a problem with it? Not really. I just don't buy the "This dealer will take care of you" angle. In my years on this planet, I've determined that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The players aren't going to this dealer (50 + cars) just because he's got good prices. And, I could care less about this part of the whole fiasco. I'm really not expecting the BMV (it's the friggin BMV) to dig anything up.
  22. Why don't you just give me that Busa...or the SV. You don't need em anymore.
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