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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Just made pit stop at liquor store for vodka and red bull . Mmmmm They said it should make about 20 or 30 shots....mmmmm.
  2. You should take Mandie's suggestion and call off! It's gonna be fun! If you're drinking and working make sure you eat a full meal. I know from experience that crazy things can happen when you drink on an empty stomach! OK i'm leaving work now! Any last suggestions of food just text me and I'll pick it up on my way home! I have to eat something if I'm going to have a drink of mandie's special stuff...I haven't eaten anything today except 2 bites of a carmel apple.
  3. ^^ I can def fit 3 adults in it. Not that anything like that will ever happen.
  4. :confused:It's not quality time manuvering your way thru a haunted house?
  5. Hey we are all going rain or shine so if you intend on going with us after brewskies and food then bring a poncho or something that will keep you dry if you care.
  6. I don't have a pool table ya'll but a HUGE bed and a big couch! I WISH I had a pool table tho!
  7. Ok so it's raining this morning. I checked accu weather this morning and it looks like it's suppose to clear up after 8pm tonight. We won't be leaving my house to go to the hoochie until after 9pm anyway. If all else fails we can stay at my house and drink ourselves stupid....well you guys can anyway.
  8. ^^^Don't you think that coming into a thread and inviting people away from an already planned function is just a tad bit inappropriate? Just sayin...
  9. Umm ya it's not like I spent $50 on food or anything Chris!
  10. Huh? How'd we get him all riled up? He wasn't talking about women but man whores! Actually last Thursday night got me over my hump of pain. AFter talking to everyone I realized that you ALL were right! Sooooo I'm VERY happy I decided to go hang out with you guys last Thursday. I would have missed it had TomCat not called me and told me to get my smelly butt out of bed and stop crying over spilled milk.
  11. WEll in all reality it was kev's frequent f bombs and then your stern look that made the night.
  12. ???? How would you know? I can't come. I have to get some stuff ready for tomorrow's hoochie.
  13. Ummm I LOVE ME SOME MEXICAN! MMMMMMM I don't discriminate.
  14. hey now it's not just her boobs. Liz is a beautiful woman.
  15. Ummm no...he's so old news! and you weren't merging two stories. same guy.
  16. Her hair color changes frequently.
  17. I understand. Jeff and I will still do our weekly eats there tho. Right Jeffrey??!! We've been hitting that place for years. It was fun b/c I was there telling crazy stories about my crazy life. Just admit it. Without me there the KoC is meaningless. Jeff! OMG. I so wish I could give you rep right now. It's like you're texting me all over again.
  18. Yota...yes is was convenient for me. I live 3 miles down the road but i also traveled several times to hooters on rome hilliard which was a 35 minute ride for me. I liked the people that worked there too.
  19. Mandie....I have some cheese dip I'm making with sausage, salsa, cheese, etc. I have tostitos to go with it. I don't know what kind of dip you have but if it's yummy in my tummy then I'm game.
  20. Yota....I spoke to someone who works there at length about this last night. There are two sides to every story. There always is in EVERY situation in life. Nobody is 100% in the right. I don't think all of us should be punished b/c one person doesnt' work there anymore. It's just my opinion. I really liked it there and several others did too. I understand you have loyalty to your friend but I don't think this group as a whole should cut this option out completely. Plus I LOVE THE NACHOS THERE!
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