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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Oh hush why don't you go get your oligodendroglioma fixed....muffin!
  2. Yota I'm surprised you're not still trying to get over that hangover from last years Indi trip!
  3. What colors did you pick Justin? Post some pics so we can see how perty it looks!
  4. haha ya but I was being very serious jeff.

  5. I actually had a patient die today from a HUGE brain bleed! It must have been an epidural hematoma! :)

  6. I'm leaving cbus around 6 or 630 on friday morning. If anyone needs a ride that lives in my area let me know.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie. My Reilly Bean has a terminal cancer...squamous cell in his nasopharengeal area that is literally eating away the roof of his mough. He drools blood on a daily basis. I though last week was the time to put him down but the vet said that since he's still running all over the house, playing with the other cats, and purring all the time he probably has another 2 months left. She just increased his pain medicine and he's even more perky now. Go figure. You're right animals are VERY resilant and you never know anything is wrong (usually) until the very end. I pray all works out with your dog. I understand what it feels like to have your heart ache b/c of your animal. I cry on a daily basis when I hold my Reilly. Animals are family you know.....and FYI we do care!
  8. OHHHHHH! So you're NOT going to Indi this year?

  9. Heya sorry I missed your party night on Friday! I was getting read for a garage sale for saturday. I'm sure you guys had a blast and you're probably still recovering? :D

  10. Congrats Kristen.....or is this gonna be da man's bike?
  11. I always have drugs.....well Ibuprofen and tums that is. As I age and cannot stop eating spicey foods I find myself needing this stuff frequently.
  12. Kristen how many bikes do you have now b/t you and Garrett?
  13. Thanks Pedro...don't know why I just read thru that entire thread!
  14. Kosmo you are so detail oriented. I can see now why you are on your second PhD!
  15. Is there something that I'm missing here? We still on that busa kick? But Kristen this would make an interesting halloween costume this year!
  16. Thanks for being a gentleman as usual last night!

  17. You are now the door god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I should be home by 7pm. Gosh that would be great b/c I came home last night...crawled into bed and found poop and pee in there again! GRRRR. I'm at my wits end! lol. I have prior engagement to attend on Sunday and it will probably be all day. :(

  19. hahahaha! Good one comedian! Jeff was being a gentleman as always and walked me over to my car so I could put some stuff away (umbrella). And the second guy was steven. He needed my ibuprofen to ease his injury pain from his motorcycle crash! See valid/legit explainations.
  20. I wasn't sure if you meant this friday or next for the door? confused? Can you call me when you get a minute to schedule. I have an extremely busy week ahead of me with several appointments already sketched in. :( Thanks. :)

  21. I've seen you with her a couple of times but didn't know who she was. Hey man some women get CrAZy when you're even friendly to their man so you have to be careful. Just introduce her to all of us....we don't bite either....well maybe nibble a bit! And Fonzie...Sambusa....Oh snap I forgot the other fellas screen name...................HAD A GREAT TIME TALKIN TO YA'LL! HOpe you all had a safe ride home.
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