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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. Did she elaborate on the deformity? She's a cute little pup, hope she finds a good place! Sent while riding
  2. I have TCX boots as well. I need to buy a new pair because the ones I have are not waterproof. I spend awhile trying on all different brands and the TCX really just fit me the best. Sent while riding
  3. I think I'd have to go with a drz450 or something....the ninja 1000 really is the perfect street bike for day rides, cross country trips, track days, and general debauchery. Sent while riding
  4. There's a total control class down here in Nashville in April. I think on the 4th. Sent while riding
  5. My dad did it a couple years ago on his Connie 14. Took the bags off and sent riding at mid Ohio. He was probably 54 at the time. Sent while riding
  6. This is getting more interesting to me, I keep checking the thread. Not sure if I could pull it off, but I meant to go west last year and ended up in Duluth, MN instread. Sent while riding
  7. http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/20/pf/expert/debit-credit-cards/ http://budgeting.thenest.com/tips-debit-card-users-22305.html Read through some of the Clark Howard links at the bottom of the page Sent while riding
  8. I agree, it's about time we embrace the rest of the world's technology. You don't get it. I don't buy it if I don't have the cash to back up my purchase. I still don't pay with my debit card though. That's for atm withdrawals and nothing more. If your debit card or number is stolen and used it's a much larger pain in the ass to get your money back. If your cc is stolen and, it isn't your money to begin with. You place a fraud alert on your card and the fraudulent charges are dropped in less that 24 hours. Using your debit card is the equivalent to giving someone your bank account and asking that they be honest and don't take your money. If you are stubborn and still plan to use your debit card, at the least run it as a credit, so the less than honest don't get your PIN. Sent while riding
  9. Couldn't be more wrong. You should never use a debit card for transactions. Use a credit card and pay it off each month. So much safer. Sent while riding
  10. I'm an AMA and a ROK member. I have the ROK primarily for the roadside assistance, it is more comprehensive for the bike than the AMA. However I can use both and get a pretty good ways down the road if needed. The AMA I use often enough with the hotel discounts. Both memberships have their perks. As far as the actual association, I'm with the masses, they don't seem to be doing much of anything except raking in revenue. Sent while riding
  11. I believe all this thread has done for me is make me want to give this company a look. They seem pretty reputable. One person has a gripe and wants his voice heard, the other 15 have nothing but good things to say. Give it a rest. Sent while riding
  12. There's no doubt! I've been to a couple different events with groups at Fontana, it serves its purpose well. This particular trip for me is a quiet trip just hanging out with dad. We go do the shenanigans on the street during the day and enjoy the quiet at night. I see at least a couple of ya'll out riding every year. Sent while riding
  13. Not sure...I got mine back in early November. It's sat in the bike unhooked since I got it. I've hooked the bike up to it a couple times with the cold and just fired it up to let the bike run a few minutes. It's fired nearly instantly both times. Cold doesn't seem to have much effect on it. Sent while riding
  14. Well there is that...haha I prefer the little tuskeegee motel down the street. It's nice and quiet. This is a trip my father and I have been doing for a few years and we have just rolled it into the same weekend y'all are down. I usually meet up with a couple people, but just prefer the little quiet motel. Sent while riding
  15. I will most likely be close by again, but as always won't be staying at Fontana Sent while riding
  16. Watched Air Force Once fly over the backyard for his visit to Nashville...he's speaking about a mile down the street from me. I don't care for Obama or his policies, but it's neat to see the plane and have him and the motorcade so close by. Sent while riding
  17. I've never met a bigger liar than my boss... Sent while riding
  18. I bought from Starkpower a few months ago and while it hasn't gotten much use so far I'm happy with it. Sent while riding
  19. Target is providing free credit monitoring. Sign up began this past Monday...I thought I read that includes ID theft as well. Could be mistaken though.
  20. I've talked my sister into reading the book and just found out that she's 24 hours non smoking. It's pretty exciting, I hope it sticks!
  21. I don't have facebook how should I keep up to date with this trip?
  22. You can use the 20 and 25% off coupons on top of the sale price
  23. I agree, price is high for this time of year. Good starting point though I suppose. Definitely disagree with the miles comment though. That bike is just barely broke in. Come spring time and a $500 drop in asking price and that bike will go quick.
  24. Why's it gotta be on ESPN...
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