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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. Also, if you're just feeling lazy...Take 55 up to Urbana from Troy someday. It's a really fun road and not very patrolled...I can't think of a time I've ran the speed limit on it on my bike, usually average 70-80 most of the ways to Urbana.
  2. Here's another link Those are a bit more spread apart, but it's a decent loop... You wanna be careful on Medway/Osborn road down by WPAFB it's usually got some gravel. And it sounds like Rudy is in rough shape, there's ways around it though...
  3. Yuegling is just ok once you've found home in Nashville. The best beer around is called Yazoo. It's sort of a microbrew, local to Nashville, that is some of the best beer I've ever had. They brew a high alcohol beer with a smokey aftertaste, about 8%abv. Most of their beers are at a 5-6%apv and all are amazing! www.yazoobrew.com Here's a quick map, I probably missed a few roads, but this will get you a decent ride...Though like Brandt mentioned I don't know how the road conditions are so beware.. This should keep you busy for a bit Click for map
  4. The tour would be difficult, but I can get a link out to you...I moved from Tipp city to Nashville last summer. Heading over to eastern TN for a day ride tomorrow.
  5. Tennessee has some nice roads However, I can send you a link to about the best roads you're gonna find in the Tipp/Troy area...There's a couple on here that know them from when I led the rides...
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/09/hillary-clinton-der-tzitung-removed-situation-room_n_859254.html
  7. This stuff too...just remembered it. http://www.eriebrewingco.com/Fallen.html
  8. I've heard decent things about them. Locally there isn't much option in the Dayton area for a good shop...
  9. This takes the cake... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A_h2AjJaMw
  10. Reuters has pictures of the inside of the place as well as pictures of the three other bodies that were shot... http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-pakistan-photos-idUSTRE74370620110504
  11. I wasn't impressed. I've seen better on google image searches.
  12. I find it hard to believe that an agent can do anything other than be polite...I've done a lot of searching for new insurance since moving and every company has a slightly different rate, but within the company all the agents quote the same price. Even if they're on opposite sides of town. I don't know jack (no pun intended) about how insurance is figured, but from what I can gather from getting quotes there is a standard rate and every company follows that standard.
  13. Hey Darius glad you found a motor. I meant to call you back, but completely forgot about it. Next time shoot me a text, I'll reply to those a lot better man. Sounds like another one of those, only Darius stories! haha good luck man, stay in touch!
  14. This isn't true. Your credit is looked at as well as driving record and location. My g/f and I are mostly identical with everything from bikes to age to time riding. Our only difference is credit, her's is pretty bad. Her rates were nearly $700 more than mine for that reason alone. It may vary from company to company however.
  15. As most of the Dayton locals know I've moved out of state. However I wanted to post some news that my father has picked up where I left off to a point and is going to be doing some bike work out of our shop. He asked that I make a post to let some of the locals know this. If you or anyone you know is looking for parts or work be sure to get in contact. If you are looking for motorcycle or ATV parts we have an account with KK cycle and can offer parts below MSRP as well. Use www.kkcycle.com to see what is available. They have an online catalog. Send part requests to the business email and he will reply back. Also that would be the best way to contact him for work requests. I'll check this thread occasionally. The business email is 20sf@swohio.twcbc.com
  16. I like staying at Fontana village in the cabins if I'm making a trip out of it. However, now that I've moved I like staying at my house and riding over. It's only a 3 hour trip
  17. I had allstate and always liked them, until I moved to TN and the rates when sky high. I use foremost out of Michigan now and i like them a lot.
  18. So who'd you go with? I'm going to be shopping around for insurance soon. The company I work for doesn't offer any and I've been without for about a year.
  19. I'll stick to my dirt track...world of outlaws sprints.
  20. My family owns a cruiser at Grider Hill, cuts down on the rental costs. Which dock you rent from largely will depend on how much you want to spend on gas and where you want to park the boat. State dock is by far the most popular for houseboat rentals. The dock always has activities going on. Grider Hill, Conley bottom are somewhat of an equal, but on opposite sides of the lake. The dam being under repair has no effect on boating, don't worry about it. Oh and I think fuel was close to $5.00/gal at the end of the year last year. Here's links to some of the more popular marinas and their rates. http://www.conleybottom.com/houseboat-rentals/ http://www.griderhillmarina.com/houseboat_rentals.html http://www.statedock.com/houseboats.htm http://www.jamestown-marina.com/houseboat.html#rental_rates
  21. Its too bad I don't live in Ohio anymore...
  22. whats rooting? I'm brand new as of this past Sunday to droid...
  23. Been awhile, but she's in PT now. Is walking again, though slowly of course. All of the casts, braces, etc are gone. So I guess you can say she's fully recovered and just doing the whole physical therapy thing to get back to normal. She is thinking about riding again, not committed to it yet though.
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