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Everything posted by kinkinhood

  1. The sportbike posers may think I'm an idiot, but the older cruiser crowd I do not believe feels pity on me. I've seen their pity talk, it's like being unfortunate enough to have seen 2 400 pound people try to make love.
  2. You can tend to also blame the crowd for creating a stasticial disadvantage when it comes to having to deal with motorcycle insurance on sporty bikes. I'm happy I run around on an SV650 with a pair of tail bags, the poserific sportbike crowd tends to disown me so I don't have to deal with them. Cruiser people seeem to love me though, they tend to be fun to talk to, especially the older ones just because I seem to attract the ones that have interesting stories to tell.
  3. One hitch girls love the common sportbikes, why do you think you see so many gatherings of them all parked and standing around their bikes, it's the method of trying to draw in the female.
  4. If you want some help I may be able to give a hand.
  5. check for relays, and be prepared to take off close to every plastic piece to search for the issue. Could look at it this way, you'll be learning more about the bike this way!
  6. After I got comatose from a skateboard accident I could never seem to ride on one again. I give props though to those who skate and don't act like asshats.
  7. Watch it eventually turn into one airline company for all the US. The new motto will be "What, do you think a train will get you there?"
  8. main thing that brings me to tell people to stay away from the RR and SS bikes when first learning. You can discover your limits faster on something like a gs500 or ninja250 for the main reason of they tend to start telling you much earlier when you're running your limit before the bike ends up on its side. I started on an 84 nighthawk650, then eventually got a SV650. If you don't necessarily mind running a standard position type bike the nighthawk rocks for the simple reason of it's rather comfortable and it can operate on very minimal matienance
  9. Would almost desire to trade my 02 sedan for it Good luck
  10. I am going to try no to sound like a killjoy with this statement, but "Just don't ride over your head" is a easier said than done, as often people don't know what is over their head, and teenage/college aged men tend to be run by their penis and hormones enough that they will knowingly push beyond their limit to try to impress someone, especially if said someone has a pair of boobs.
  11. If I had the money I'd buy it from you in an instant. Good luck on the sale of an ultra smexy bike.
  12. Don't you know, bikes don't have hydraulic turn signals, it's all cable run.
  13. I have a few laying around I think. Let me check and I can get back to you on that one
  14. I give them points in at least trying something new and different
  15. I think the payment waiver is only avaliable if you prereg.
  16. Lets see, I signed my girlfriend up for it, and I did that online 5 days after the registration opened and it was booked up until one week in July and later august. It books fast. When I originally took it I did a walk in and got lucky and got pulled for the raffle. One of the other walk ins mentioned he was on his 6th walk in and still hadn't gotten picked. He was none too happy that I got picked over him.
  17. I'd say allow guns, just make a little bit better prevention of crazy people getting them(i.e. people who are mentally unstable).
  18. Only if it's backwards in a schoolzone
  19. Hey now I have an SV650 Triumphs just require a bit more maintenance than the common Japanese crotch rockets. I will say the daytona is nice, though I'm not a fan of it.
  20. I believe the safety class fee may be waived if under 18 due to it being a requirement to get an endorcement. Even if it wasn't free I'd say do it, you won't regret it. At this point though you're going to have to do a walk in and hope you win the raffle.
  21. Go nab a battery tender from Iron Pony and trickle charge the battery. If that's the problem you just fixed it, if not you got a real good thing for if you need to leave a vehicle sitting for awhile and don't want to deal with a dead battery later
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