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Everything posted by kinkinhood

  1. I suppose fwiw I believe Otterbein College's IT department is looking for someone to fill that position.
  2. It's essentially a thing of you don't want to lower the back more than the front. Now lowering the front more than the back is a different game, just don't go overboard.
  3. Outa curiousity why would you want to extend the swingarm? All that's going to do is hurt the handling of the bike by making it's possible smallest turn circle larger.
  4. Battery Tender works quite well at pulling batteries that are dead back to the world of the living.
  5. Unfortunately you probably fit a profile of many riders in Columbus that tend to disregard public safety and was given the short end of the stick on this one. Hope you're able to get it back in the same condition it got picked up in and can fix the tail lights.
  6. I do wonder how fast he was going if his impact speed was 140 mph.
  7. Ya know, out of curiousity what makes any of those bikes "beginner bikes"?
  8. I's be the new owner of the Smexy MR2
  9. Why do so many people take pride in their own ignorance?
  10. For the simple reason of it's a commercial station. They have to make profit and often people don't want the truth. If people don't want the truth then they're not going to watch the station with the truth. If the station with the truth is not watched advertisers won't pay as much for airtime for their commercials, making the station go under. Kinda sad really.
  11. Every time a new movie has come out within a year my insurance rate went up because I still fit into the under 25 male stupid and drive an Impreza. The paint job is well done, I just think it looks tacky, like someone was trying too hard to make something stand out.
  12. Well, there are some speed bleeders at Iron Pony that you can get that I've heard work rather well.
  13. remove as much of the padding as possible, hand clean and hang dry
  14. bump for a good card. If you use AGP this is bout the best you're able to get.
  15. He could also be doing all deliveries of like the parties where 8 or more pizzas are delivered at once. Those useually have a good chance of being high tip deliveries.
  16. There are some that'll still take them. You just gotta search for them. No I have no clue as to where you'd go, I've always just ebayed mine.
  17. I know almost all the pizza places in the Westerville area are hiring, and alot of them will net you a decent pull in.
  18. gah, stupid double post thing.
  19. They make parts of my brain commit suicide
  20. I've never been a fan of the slightly orange hue tan.
  21. Rice Patty down on 11th going west off of 71. They are a good source of motorcycle parts.
  22. Fwiw a Katana's motor is a sleeved GSXR750 motor if I remember correctly(or it's a detuned GSXR600). If you really wanted to you could probably swap in one of the two motors without much trouble and switch out the ECU for cheaper than it'd be to pay someone else to do work on the tranny, as you have to disassemble most of the engine to get to it.
  23. It's something that shouldn't be required, similar to how the seatbelt shouldn't be required. The issue though is how the country has become a country that alot of the population is nearly incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions. From this the government has to step in to help people from killing themselves or others and not being willing to accept the consequences of their actions. Such is the reason I'm really not opposed to it.
  24. Definetly a great camera. I would pick it up if I had the money.
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