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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I need to get rid of these. I used them for wine making. I've have had several hundred pounds of wine on them. Easily support a motorcycle - maybe a small car! Ok, so maybe the car would be stretch... But these things are STOUT! They are commercially made steel angle iron frames with solid wood doors for tops. The doors are 36 x 84" and the stands are 17" tall each. I used them stacked like this to get heavy wine carboys off the ground to work with. I have no use for them anymore. You come get them and they're yours for FREE. Sorry about all the crap piled on them in the pic. The basement is trashed and I'm too lazy to clean them off for the camera.
  2. Subscribed! Hope the weather holds out...
  3. Damnit... I thought I already had all the great vfr links. This ones awesome. Definitely come to the Dream Ride! and post a pic of the new viffer soon! Congrats!
  4. Have watched the Keith Code "Twist of the Wrist" video. It's helped me a lot! Recommend watching it... Here's a link off youtube for the entire link. http://www.veoh.com/watch/v20959402FsQ2jz6A?h1=A+Twist+of+the+Wrist+2
  5. Don't see a thread when I click... What video are you referring to?
  6. lol (I think)... I don't travel that way, so I doubt that's me. And I sure hope I'm not THAT loud! :-) As far as I can tell, it only gets really loud when I romp on it.
  7. ^ This. On the other hand, I think you guys are way to critical of the kid, handing out good advice to keep others from making the same mistakes will only decrease the amount of AWESOME youtube video out there...
  8. Was out on the VFR at lunch yesterday and had a rather interesting mishap. I had been to Microcenter and picked up a USB to serial 9 pin converter cable so I can check out my PCII. Not wanting to put the thing in my jacket, I stashed it under the back half of the Sargeant seat. All was well until I headed east from downtown on 670 thru the construction zone - 45 mph and they patrol it heavily. When I hit the end of construction, I goosed it up to freeway speed and felt something bumping against my ass. The back half of the seat had come loose, the package under the seat must have interfered with the latch. So, pinning the seat half between my chest and the tank, I headed for the side of the road. After a quick fix, I saw an opening in traffic and hammered on it - hard - to get off the side of the freeway. Just shy of red line in first and second, then quickly back to normal. The acceleration was intoxicating. Exiting at 5th Avenue and coasting up to stop for the light, I see another bike briskly approaching from behind. A very pretty Ducati Monster pulls up and we chatted briefly while waiting for the light to change. He compliments the viffer and says, "I could hear you in front of me, even over the Ducati". To top it off, when I got to the Bexley Coffee Shop, my friend says, "I heard you coming." So, now I know how loud the TBR exhaust can be. Note to self: be mindful of the exhaust note in certain places...
  9. I read an excellent quote about Facebook onetime... wish I'd kept it, but it was something to the effect of "Facebook is for looking up all those girls from high school that you never had a chance of fucking" Yeah, it was a much better quote than that...
  10. I'm in for Saturday. Can't do Sunday.
  11. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=97435 Just read the actual dream ride thread... Answered pretty much all my questions. Count me in if it's on Saturday!
  12. Thanks for the input. I didn't want to spend the money for a Zero Gravity screen. Thought that the chin curtain or something like it would be a cheaper alternative.
  13. I either just had a seizure or a flashback...
  14. Jeez... Some mother's children...
  15. Anybody try the Breath Guard or the Chin Curtain for your Shoei helmet? It was 48 degrees this morning when I commuted to work and I realized that the windscreen on the VFR deflects wind right at my throat and up into my helmet. When I put my hand at my chin, it cut down on a lot of wind noise, too. Looking for some options/suggestions. Thanks!
  16. I'm thinking maybe DVR the game and head out around noon-30. It's supposed to be nasty Saturday until 12, then nice for the remainder of the day. Can't do Sunday myself unless it's after 2 pm. Subscribed!
  17. Very nice... Puts me in the mood to hit the road!
  18. Sweet! I've been a fan of sail planes for a long time, but never took the time to get in one. Took the cheap route and got into hang gliding instead. Damn... I need to get back into that.
  19. Tank bag looks pretty good. How often did you use it? Any trouble with the zippers? Any chance I could cruise by and check it out on the VFR?
  20. JohnG


    Subscribed... Got time and route ideas?
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