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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. About time! Damn jarheads just eat all the food anyway. And we're nice enough to give them a ride!
  2. Conducted yourself very nicely. I see nothing wrong with posting the video, but some officers might not like it. About removing your helmet, I've never been pulled over on the bike but I always assumed that I should remove my helmet as soon as I had the bike stopped?
  3. Pretty freakin' drunk, I would imagine... Or having some serious dimentia issues. Whatever, damn good thing you saw him coming and weren't checking for the "real" oncoming traffic in the round about!
  4. What Isaac's Papa said... I used a long screw driver last night. It works, just more low tech than I like. BTW, Iron Pony doesn't carry Klotz chain lube. Where did you end up finding it?
  5. JohnG

    Ride 8/25

    I'm on call till Monday a.m. or I'd love to go on this ride. Have fun and a safe ride!
  6. *bump* Still lookin'...
  7. Thanks for the update on that. I was going to swing by the Pony today and see if I could pick some up. That and a freakin' chain adjustment tool...
  8. I liked it! Nice mix of clips. Thanks for posting Dan!
  9. Love it. Grandpa needs to work on the combat stance a little...
  10. Maybe been posted here already, but I just got it in an e-mail. Some cheese, but otherwise pretty sweet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20XsaHpRQC8
  11. If for nothing else, I need the chain adjustment tool. But it would be nice to have the whole kit. Looking to spend 30-40 bucks. Let me know!
  12. JohnG


    Some good info in this thread: http://www.vfrdiscussion.com/forum/index.php/topic/70179-hid-light-scatter-explination-and-solution/page__hl__projector#entry821823
  13. JohnG


    I decided on these when I was rebuilding the VFR: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00544ZD86/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00 I read up on HID's and decided that, if I didn't do a projector retrofit I probably wouldn't be happy. I was also concerned with the splatter effect on aftermarkets, especially since being blinded by other people's headlights is a pet-peeve of mine.
  14. I was out on 56 yesterday afternoon between 3 & 6. Don't remember seeing any turkey vultures, but we passed deer standing by the side of the road two different times!
  15. Been using Bel Ray for the last four years. Not all that thrilled with it. Think I might try to Klotz KLR, too. Nice video, btw. Thanks.
  16. Tried it here once, but that was a long time ago. We had heard the stories, No closed season, no limit, no firearm restrictions... Grandma Faye's Grocery used to have a bunch of hero pics of hogs killed locally. Reports are apparently exaggerated. We spent a day and didn't see any sign at all. In contrast, I went on a hog hunt in '04 in south central Texas... You could tell where the hogs had been. The ground looked like someone went crazy with a rototiller. We had a riot. Would have killed a lot more but we were using archery gear and mostly spot and stalking.
  17. You're gonna be riding solo and the pace will be "moderate"? I have a commitment at noon on Sunday for an hour or I'd go.
  18. Sweet! Thanks for posting up the pics!
  19. Oh yeah! I remember seeing you guys go by... There didn't seem to be many bikes on the road yesterday. I was kind of surprised. Not that it was a bad thing.
  20. Definitely glad there were no mishaps. Especially not me! And thanks for the tips on braking, I'll put that to good use and stay off the rear.
  21. Went on my first ever group ride today. Out east on 256 to 555 and 669 and I think 37? Not sure since I was just following and working the viffer to keep it on the asphalt. Never done anything like this before - always been a loner and a commuter. Was nice to have bikes in front and in the mirrors, too. Thanks to Hoblick for putting this together and Baccus for calling me this morning to make sure I went. Don't know the logins of the other three riders in our group, but I think we all had a good time. No mishaps and the only moment was when one of us thought they lost something off their bike and they stopped. Me and Hoblick were out front and had to double back to see what happened. Fortunately, everyone was OK. Nice to meet Ryan's better half too, by the way. Ryan, I think she might be a keeper there man. Thanks again to all for making this a real treat of a day for me! Can't way to do it again!
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