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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. Still for sale! Current price back at $6,000
  2. For those of us with one, remember to charge it up. (Every 3 months) and put it back away in the cradle to put it into sleep mode. I'm looking forward to next year also. Just need to get trailer fixed up and a few things to make sleeping in it better.
  3. Year end deal about to end. Going back up after the start of the year!
  4. SJC1000rr

    Deer Season

    Nice bucks there for sure. I ended my year with a 6pt that was an 8pt (broke 2 of fighting). A button buck and doe. Also add the antelope I got back in September. Still regret missing a 150+ class 8pt in bow season.. Guessed 45yds and was more like 55 and went right under.
  5. Gas line run in for my kitchen thanks to dad and some cash towards a gas range. Which resulted in this: Just gift cards for Bass Pro and Home Depot other then that.
  6. If it doesn't, that sets a pretty good precedent in court for all defense cases. And could give ammo to others that have been sued to resue RIAA for violation of its own terms on a class action level. As for what I feel will probably happen is an internal investigation into who actually downloaded the episodes and RIAA will sue that person for the damages.
  7. Let me know when you want to do the rest of the work!
  8. As someone who has delt with these yearly it seems like. Ask yourself about liability. Its not so much if it is or is not....as can we risk not doing anything and risk the saftey of police/fire and the public. I could make a pretty simple ied out of an ammo can. As to X-Ray machine being used it situational depending on what the bomb tech see's and wants to do. Xray interference could set a device off if built accordingly. And as for what they use to blow it up with is a water cannon off an eletronic robot similar to those used by the army. Heres one on OSU from a few years ago.
  9. Its the sensor for the bazzaz QS system for the 600. It attaches to the shift rod and would trigger the ignition cut for the shift. However, the ignition plugs and box aren't for sale and only reason to get this woild be for a spare or if your going to Gp from standard shift.
  10. I can't say for UC Davis, but even at most campus's there are steps required to have a formal protest. Its a simple notification to Student Life or Admin that its being planned out before hand. Even if those steps weren't followed, the protest would still probably be allowed. However, if said protest disrupts services at campus then yes, you could be arrested depending on state or local law. For example Columbus Code: 2317.11 - Disorderly conduct. (A) No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another, by doing any of the following: (1) Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior; (2) Making unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display, or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person; (3) Insulting, taunting, or challenging another, under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to provoke a violent response; (4) Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road, highway, or right-of-way, or to, from, within, or upon public or private property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act which serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender; (5) Creating a condition which is physically offensive to persons or which presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act which serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender. The protest was loud as one would expect, and if that disrupted class rooms or services on campus, #2 applies. Also, by them screaming profanities at the Police, other civilians/passerby's very well could be offended by it. Also, if by means of encircling the area on the block, that hindered or prevented movement of persons to and from, then #4 could possibly apply. I would say the charges were dropped due to the bad publicity in the media and the school trying to save face. As for the obstruction... (same scenario) The officers in the middle have arrested several protesters and are trying to exit the area with those arrestee's. The protester's have now encircled the police and are preventing them from leaving with said arrestee's and demanding the released. The officers have told them to move repeatedly and yet the protester's sat down to block the officers from leaving. Ohio Revised Code: 2921.31 Obstructing official business. (A) No person, without privilege to do so and with purpose to prevent, obstruct, or delay the performance by a public official of any authorized act within the public official’s official capacity, shall do any act that hampers or impedes a public official in the performance of the public official’s lawful duties.
  11. Probably go back up to 6-6,200. I'm still watching CL and keeping on the lower teir of things, but most are still the 6-7k range depending. And most of those seem to be more stock based. PM me and we can see if we can work something mutually agreeable out.
  12. No. It was sodexo/osu against sweatshops both times. I worked the summit also and those folks were respectful and pretty fair. They made their point, protested and never got arrested. Though they didn't really know who all was there watching them
  13. I'm not condoning what the UC officers did by any means. I think the biggest issue there was a lack of training and possible procedures. If one doesn't deal with a situation much its difficult to respond accordingly. Initially the pd did well and held safe in the middle while giving advisements. Then the guys coming in from the outside went a bit too far. Yes, the actions of the crowd were growing hostile and surrounding the police like that increases tensions. You never use a fogger style OC as direct spray as seen in the video. But as I said, I would have just gone hands on and then once someone resisted spray them. If it hits anyone else near-by..well casualty of war.
  14. My instance was at OSU campus in The Ohio Union and Bricker Hall. They were allowed to protest initially until they blocked stairwells and or disrupted services. They were then asked to obey the rules or leave and upon refusal were arrested and removed.
  15. Protest...fine....people get arrested and then they block the way for the pd=asking to get arrested. Personally, I would have told them to move and if they didn't I'd have gone hands on and begun arresting them for failure to comply and obstruction. Then move them out of the way and into the middle until there was an exit route is established. Wouldn't be the first protester I've arrested this year...
  16. Goes to show there are always two sides to a story.
  17. Trust me, I wish it had One guy on CL semi interested, but seems to have stopped. Just put it away for the winter and hopefully something may happen closer to spring.
  18. Yep, phone typo there. Not required sorry.
  19. Yes its legal and fine. Anyone can be subpoenaed to court. Your son isn't involved in the case criminally, hes a witness to a crash. A minor can also be interviewed criminally without parents present as long as the miranda is read to them and witnessed to another officer. However, most departments/prosecutors wish to have a parent/guardian present at the time to ensure that the court will accept it. Esp if the child is of a young age, say under 15. As for appearing in court, only your son would have to be there to testify if needed. You would be more then welcome to appear also as the parent/guardian, but you would not be required to be there legally.
  20. Yep, as always! If I have room its open to whomever to help get to places. Sleeping quarters are as needed/decided. My plan is on getting a cot instead of an air-mattress that keeps deflating.
  21. Though not many knew. I dropped out of WERA for 2012 and already applied for my MS race license. Will put in all my vacation in January for all the rounds and will try to help whomever I can to go.
  22. 2nd question: I'm noticing the blk/wht are all vented from the pictures. Do they make a blk/wht non-vented version? Or is it just plain black for non vented only?
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