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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. RIP Marco. I feel sick after watching that video. Vale tried to get out of the way but there wasn't enough time.
  2. Just wanted to give everyone a reminder to winterize your trackday/race bikes soon. Next weekends forecast is down into the 30s so change out the water/water wetter into coolant before it costs you! Planning on doing mine this weekend if all goes well.
  3. I was about to make the same comment. Clearly most of us in this thread feel differently about the issue at hand and thats fine. I dont think either of us are going to change anothers mind and at this point its about as effective as running out heads into a wall. I think we all agree that some changes are needed. But how those changes come about and implemented are where the issues rise.
  4. Yes, you would be correct in that assumption. And I don't know everything by any means, nor did I state I did now did I. But I at least know more then you since I work in the environment in question.
  5. Clearly you work for all agencies and know about what goes on in all contracts and policies.
  6. If you read what I said, I never said it WOULD drop from 4-5 to 3. I simply stated that when there’s a lower number of people working that you could expect a longer wait time for a response of service to your call. Such as you stated, Layoffs and skeleton crews will mean people get to you slower if at all when you really need it. As for how SB5 affects this process, is that parts of SB5 that makes it illegal for unions and management to discuss staffing levels during contract negotiations.. which is when such things are set into stone for the future of the department. Otherwise it’s left in the open and can be changed as the department sees fit regardless of safety concerns. As for how out department operates, we have scheduling group/committees that works with management to come to an agreed upon level given safety concerns and the departmental mission. This would become irrelevant for the future with SB5 as management would have total say in what they feel is appropriate staffing, despite the fact that they never step a foot into a car anymore or deal with daily activities. I know when theres so few officers working, theres not much desire to get into a lot of activity because you have no help coming if you needed it.
  7. Thats fine, I think every person should be able to defend there home/castle. But the message that service responce times may be increase also serves to notifiy the public that they may want to consider some home defense. Outside of that, LE will still have to get there and process the scene as it is and forward all the info to a prosecutor for grand jury indictment. Some area's are going to be worse depending on how far out in the boondocks you are and how many LEO are on shift. Obviously the more people, the easier it is to send someone thats not on a call then someone that is. I can say that our responce times will at least double when we run with 3 vs having 4-5 people simply due to the call volume.
  8. Zomg....evil cops... Zomg...evil computer hackers.... Zomg evil high paid corperations.... Zomg evil high paid self exempt politicians If he’s wrong then I encourage you to make a complaint or file a lawsuit for civil rights violation. Not all cops are bad, but its easy to make them out to be. As for the topic at hand, No on Issue 2. No way to fairly make a system on "merit based" in public safety. And I believe in leadership from the top down...as soon as the governor takes the same hit as the rest of us and gives the million in security upgrades to his own house back to the public then maybe I'll consider it. In my last contract we agreed to lower comp/time off hours, reduction in other parts to gain minor advantages for the long term future. (Injury leave, officer injuries are increasing dramatically) This contract we agreed to 0% raises as we knew things were tough...I already pay more then what SB5/I2 would require. I would then have no input on staffing, etc...or safety? I don't think so.... I can personally say that there’s a level that must not be operated with and I've been forced to do it already. When it comes down to me alone vs 2-4 others...where’s the safety in that. I've delt with people that "appeared" normal...only to have knives, guns and even 12yr olds with hatchets. Drug users that feel no pain (recently hurt due to another one 2weeks ago) My goal is to go home at the end of my day, not many private entities have to deal with that issue. (outside of security forces) And as for "unions" saving people that should be fired...not quite. I can tell you personally of co-workers that while on probation were severely written up, but weren't fired because they filled a "minority" spot that had to be filled. Though, I imagine that happens in the private sector also with no unions... And I have seen several officers resign or be fired, all an administration has to do is investigate the problems/alligations properly and there’s nothing to defend. And as for the top of the chain, lets look at pay raises equally for where I work. Officers 6% for 3 years......Vice President of Public Safety- roughly 16% Its hard for the working man to suffer all the hardships of cuts and hours and staffing, when you don't see it being applied to the leadership also....reguardless of private or public. Outside of that, the people that will truly suffer is the public. Any type of "merit system" for police will be statistic based..plain and simple. Stats come as a result with the public from tickets, arrests, reports etc. I know that many a officers (myself included) that with this type of system that warnings can almost be eliminated and tickets will become the standard. Which taxes the public more with fines, court costs and time spend dealing with it all...and makes the government more wealthy.
  9. When I started out I tried all on the types I could and found what everyone else stated to be true. Sidi's are for a narrow footed person. I normally wear a 12/13 shoe and the Astar were the best fit. I got a set of SMX-R boots and they have been a great boot that I've put through some abuse. (2 race seasons+1 trackday season, 3 crashes) and they are still gtg other then a toe slider getting ripped out. TCX also make a decent boot with the Comptizone RS. Best thing to do is try them on and see what feels best and what size if possible. I know I normally wear a 46, but it sometimes goes between a 46/47 depending on the boot. Check out/Call TJ, Mike or Nate Ridersdiscount 866.931.6644 and ask for prices on: Starter boots: SMX-5, SMX-R, TCX Comptizone RS Step-up boot: SMX-Plus, Supertech R
  10. Switched from TWC to ATT U-Verse few months ago, lot better then TW.
  11. Unfortunately we aren't hiring and probably won't be for sometime (outside of regional campus's) Heck, they can't even afford new cruisers and we are Frankensteining cars together to make an operational fleet now. Trust me, I wish we were but I just don't see it happening for now.
  12. Sounds like you need to let more air out of the tires. Shrug. I ran VIR in the 50s and didn't have a problem. Though less windy
  13. Also consider getting a special deputy/auxiliary position if you need to keep your optoa certificate active. You have a year to get employed after you pass, before you have to take a refresher. And out of two diff places for me...it took just over 8 months for both to get through the hiring phase. (Test to start date) I'll let you know if I hear anything either. But I understand not wanting to go through another academy for CPD. However they will be hiring for a while as a lot of their "DROP" program officers will be forced to retire now and into near future. While a county SO may not pay as much, you would start out and learn alot working in a jail/patrol. How far are you willing to drive or go for employment?
  14. Cold and rainy, never a good day when that is forecast. Just be careful if you go, mid ohio isn't normal asphalt in the wet.
  15. I'll be there also, but working unfortunately.
  16. I'm thinking of making this my last race for the year given funds and my hunting trip. Just thought I would see if anyone else was going to be there.
  17. I hear that, way back in the day I went to look at CBR's and one of their sales reps tried to sell me an 07 repsol. I started to look it over and notice both case covers are shaved down and all the rearsets/plastics are new. I ask him about it and he goes: "well ya know how it is when your dragging knee." I just up and walked out at that point and decided never to go back.
  18. Sucks to hear you crashed man. I skipped out due to possible rain and not being able to risk being hurt with training tomorrow. Check out the WERA discount at Honda East Toledo. If you need the login info to see pricing, PM me.
  19. Mine went down 7k in in Canal/Groveport.
  20. Registered for Advanced on the MTW. See you all there.
  21. Windscreen with J mount. Rear Tail with standard mount able to face forward or backwards. I did like how nate had one mounted on the swingarm facing forward, but I could never do it out of fear of killing it in a crash.
  22. Will be last minute but considering the MTW. My tires are pretty toast though, so not sure how they will do. 2 trackdays, 4 practices and 5 sprints is a lot to keep confidence in for a late day at MO but they were still turning some good times (for me @37s) at the end of the last day so who knows.
  23. Uh, it hasn't been me lol. I still work at OSU East hospital till next month. I have seen that red 1krr lately, but mines black/gray :D

  24. Mine is having the same problem. I hadn't commited it to memory as a problem till now though. I was just testing your video on my phone and the lights worked maybe 1 out of 10 times at best. They seem to flash for a split second then just stop.
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