That is the issue. According to Nick's example even if a member of your own family is Gay/Lesbian that gives you the rite to treat someone How do peoples who feel this about their own family treat others who they do no know? (just a guess on all people with this feeling not one person) And to VMX12C I get your resonse, yes people have a right to their beliefs on both sides. There is no problem with a person not liking one set of people, but when that person takes action to act out that belief is where the problem lies IMO. Now by action I don't just mean physical action, it could be verbal, economical, or political. I am leaving Religion out only because there are so many forms and those beliefs too are a person's business. I guess my take on religion would be, it may not be accepted, but a lot of religions seem to lean to kindness to human kind.. So to take action against them for any reason and method is not showing kindness to Human kind, on the contrary it would mean that they are not Human..