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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Perfect. I'll have all the slicks you need.
  2. They are 55s. Satan do you put the bike in truck and take it to the Drag strip? Yeah drag racing at 15 psi these tires will give him more grip then any street tire. I don't expect him to use them on the street. He is just getting the rears from me to burn at the strip.
  3. Kind of why I suggested getting a 2nd rim for Drags. I will sell him my take off rears all day for $15+ shipping if I don't meet up with him. That way he can waist the middles on cheap tires at the strip and use a longer lasting compound for the street.
  4. Hey Satan I will have some race BT002s if you want some tires just for drag racing. the middles are still good and are good for 30 or so passes if you want a tire you can blow at the strip. Yes 190s Just get ya a second rear rim for drag racing...
  5. Saw a bunch of Vettes down in Birmingham and a saw a newer Lamburgini too...
  6. I like what you did with your makeup... Nice color one of my favorites.
  7. Although I have seen Rossi a few times when he is already in hot and off line he puts it out to catch it. Mostly I see this at Estoril with Rossi (first time was his coming together with Gibernau), and his leg you can tell he is preparing to loose the front. But Lizard hit the nail, they are only repositioning their foot back on the peg out of the way. Some do it without taking the foot off and some take it off.
  8. It was interesting in the rain with the Rain tires, kind of fun except for going over T6 and under honda bridge. Turn 1 in the rain was awesome. I would like to get back and see if I can get knee down in the rain there.
  9. That is pretty expensive. I picked one up for my company at a local shop here for $29 dollars. It was about 6ft and 1ft tall.
  10. Did the lower have the kickstand cutout already? You still going to street some times? I'll post some pics of the K6 with decals and Slicks
  11. He is famous on several boards for his War and Peace posts.... But I have to say after reading JRMMiii's post I couldn't finish all of Lizards.. I was too tired..
  12. Chrisoh


    Yep got one of them too, but never ride it ...
  13. That is the issue. According to Nick's example even if a member of your own family is Gay/Lesbian that gives you the rite to treat someone How do peoples who feel this about their own family treat others who they do no know? (just a guess on all people with this feeling not one person) And to VMX12C I get your resonse, yes people have a right to their beliefs on both sides. There is no problem with a person not liking one set of people, but when that person takes action to act out that belief is where the problem lies IMO. Now by action I don't just mean physical action, it could be verbal, economical, or political. I am leaving Religion out only because there are so many forms and those beliefs too are a person's business. I guess my take on religion would be, it may not be accepted, but a lot of religions seem to lean to kindness to human kind.. So to take action against them for any reason and method is not showing kindness to Human kind, on the contrary it would mean that they are not Human..
  14. Chrisoh


    It is a the prolonged Boing..... kind of like what Beavis used to do....
  15. Chrisoh


    Don't worry I will be riding at Barber.. Booooiiinnnnngggg
  16. Welcome. I would like to hear your opinions on the new 08 250 as I am curious how the update made to it's performance. Is the SV a 650 or 1000. I would love to make a severly lightened SV 1000. I saw a guy took a TL-S and made a true street fighter that weighed in under 400 lbs. That thing would be a blast to ride.
  17. This pic needs an arrow pointing down as well in the middle. :lol I like the long trips too. I did 1300 miles over 2 consecutive weekends last September (Cincy to an hour south of Macon, GA then next weekend to Nashville)
  18. The feeling is mutual...
  19. I love the trash talking. I may miss not running the 600 there. I figure I need 33s or less on the 1k to guess that I can run 34s or so on a 600... I seriously need to improve this year or it may be my last year racing and just go back to Track Days.
  20. You know them guys on 1098s are over compensating. (even more then us on our 1k inlines..).
  21. Yeah performance they work. Does Brock make any megaphone style cans for it??? I know Kerker made a nice set for that bike too that were more open then stock. I filled out a survey on what I thought of their changes to the V-Max and they contacted me for an interview on it, but I never did anything about it. I wish I had though. Would have been nice to be involved on bike design.
  22. And this is why the NGLCC exists...
  23. Rolling off because of bumps is the worst thing you can do... You should know that... But I saw where the Brits have not liked either the 1098 or 848 as street bikes, but good as track bikes.
  24. You got that right. You just arrived in it..
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