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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Just ensure the bike isn't stolen, and verify that the person is who they say they are. The latter is all a notary does. If you want to have a bill of sale notarized, there's no harm in that either.
  2. anyone who wants to "goof off" that way can take the seat off their bicycle before we go out for a couple laps. I am more interested in trying to drag a knee on a kids bike with tiny wheels. Might be shockingly difficult given then you'll h ave to keep your inside foot at the top of the pedal stroke to avoid scraping that first...
  3. Teenagers only get candy at my house if they're in costume. Adults get 10 seconds to get out of the range of my garden hose. I have a sign posted in our front window that says as much. I've never actually used the hose on anyone, but I have turned away teenagers who aren't in costume, or those who have tried to come back multiple times. I'm sure my house will be targeted for some sort of prank eventually, but it hasn't been an issue yet.
  4. I'm not pissed off about it, but I'm kind of with Brian on this one... I remember going out in freezing rain and/or snow some years. At the time, I was young enough that my dad was still walking with us. I remember because at one point he started throwing snowballs at my friends and me. (he was on the sidewalk, and we were walking across the yard to the next house) But my point is that we were young enough that we required parent supervision, and we were out in cold and wet conditions without anyone feeling the need to cancel and protect us from ourselves.
  5. His dad has a Maserati in the garage. It's sweet.
  6. This whole thing is bad news for the gay community. For decades, there has been a sort of silent agreement amongst gay rights activists to explicitly avoid arguing gay marriage up to the supreme court until there is a clear liberal majority seated. This decision could go either way, and what are gay folks going to do if it's not in their favor? It would have been smarter to wait this out, or continue to push for Federal legislation to clarify the issue... I'm all for equal rights for the gay community, but this isn't the smartest way to go about achieving that goal. (and in response to Jinu's post about a cottage 'gay divorce' industry, there is already a niche market for estate attorneys who specialize in protecting the rights of homosexual partners to insure that families don't eff over devoted partners who the deceased would have wanted to provide for)
  7. I understand that there are some options, but "pistol grip, synthetic stock, 7 round tube, 18.5 inch barrel" would probably be a pretty thorough description
  8. it's a tactical Remington 870... are pictures really necessary?
  9. Park it next to the Maserati.
  10. Right - I think of a block pass as forcing your opponent to either slow down to avoid hitting you, or modify their intended line in a manner that hurts their drive. Either way, you have "blocked" them by putting the bike where they wanted theirs to be. An outright pass implies that the passing rider is substantially faster, and just went right around the other person. But when you're battling with someone, I don't really count the whole "pass, run wide, get re-passed on the inside" scenario as a real pass... If you don't make it stick for the next 2 turns, (or across start/finish) you never really had it to begin with. I think I'm on the same page as you; just struggling to describe it well enough. We should all take bicycles out on the track at Nelson some day after dinner and really illustrate this stuff, play out some scenarios, and have some fun goofing off
  11. Convince me that tapatalk is a good idea. I always decline to download it, because I'm not on wifi (for the download). Is it worth getting?
  12. I'm probably 50/50, but our power went out for 20 or 30 minutes last week, and I was on the phone pretty much immediately to see if it was just our neighborhood, or a larger area.
  13. I'm not sure how much the weather will affect power in Ohio, but I'm curious as to who and how many of us will be out-of-touch should the power fail. Sort of Sandy-related, but good website demographic info too, I suppose.
  14. I think "block pass" is a somewhat redundant term... Any time you execute a pass that puts you into your opponent's intended spot on the track, you've executed a block pass. "making a pass stick" is all about not only getting by, but doing it in a way that prevents your opponent from driving out of the corner as they intended. So not only out-braking the rider you're passing, but then also not running so wide that they can hold a tighter line and end up on your inside.
  15. Dealer might be screwed, but the manufacturer should be fine. Only question is who will step up and sell the brand if the current distributor gets pinched.
  16. If the thing can top 200 mph, then at least it's good for something. I just don't see it having enough room to turn around at the end of any runway without using that reverse gear <eye roll>
  17. I have one question: what does it do well other than produce horsepower it can't utilize?
  18. i vote rear brake, and keep your left ass cheek off the seat. I think front brake would be asking to lock it, and if (when) the rear locks, you want to force the bike to fall to the side with your available leg. A VFR isn't so large that you can't control which way you fish-tail when the rear locks.
  19. Two guys split me braking into 1 at Nelson. The one on my inside hit me. I assume I turned in earlier than he anticipated, and definitely braked earlier than he anticipated. Given that his alternative was slamming into my rear wheel, and knowing that I have come up in slower riders who do shit that I consider cooky and unnecessary, I wasn't mad for more than a few seconds. Easy to laugh when we all stay up, but I know no one involved intended to spook me or make contact. I try to remember that for every scenario. No one throws a leg over their bike intending to go out and piss off other riders.
  20. Energy drinks are okay, but straight caffeine pills get shit done. For reference, most are 200mg, and this girl had 480mg I I remember right? I use 100mg pills to stay awake driving or studying. 1 for "maintenance" or 2 if I am contemplating a nap. 3-4 if I'm falling asleep at the wheel. Worst I've experienced is a stomach ache...
  21. We all know Monster could fight this and win it, but they probably won't. They'll settle for some token amount, and the only real "good" that might come out of it is that the government will insist that "energy drinks" be evaluated by the FDA and no longer classified as "dietary supplements." Either that or you'll have to be 18 to buy them. Public relations is just as much about business and the almighty dollar as legal defense. Monster won't have the balls to fight this with any real vigor. They'll draft a motion to dismiss that proves to the plaintiff they are totally capable of winning, and then settle for a small sum.
  22. The OP's in a good situation overall regardless. He seems to have a solid grasp on "debt bad, equity good." There are much worse situations than selling a home for what you owe when you've only been there a few years. Starting over sucks, but starting over with only a car payment (presumably $10k or less in debt) sucks a lot less. For my part, I am probably trying to look at the bigger picture rather than answer the question he asked. Essentially he's only asking "should I sell my house, or keep it and rent it?" Renting mortgaged property is always a gamble. I vote sell the house. Put it on the market for what you'd LIKE to get for it for a few months, and then gradually drop it to what you NEED to get. There's no particular hurry here, right?
  23. Is it a partnership or an LLC? There are huge liability distinctions between the two. Is the lawyer retained by YOU, or retained by the LLC (or partnership, whichever it is)? If the LLC is retaining the attorney, do not make the mistake of assuming that the attorney is working in YOUR best interest. The LLC is his client; not the people who run it.
  24. you still interested in a track bike?
  25. looks like fun. there is a flat track XR for sale on cleveland CL for $650 or so.
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