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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. So in Europe, you can drive across the continent and everyone agrees on their license plate design, but you have to speak 7 languages? ;-)
  2. racking up credit for time served. it's entirely possible that they'll suspend the rest of his sentence, contingent upon meeting his parole guidelines. getting a job with a felony on your record is a bitch though. That alone can screw someone for life.
  3. I miss having a second bike around, and i barely rode the second one... Having options is a good thing. I say choose two. The only reason to drop to 1 bike is for financial reasons. Sell BEFORE you really need the money though. Get what your bike is worth.
  4. I got the same emails (although no texts... curious) and I was actually considering asking "The Gavel" what the hell they suggest we do in such situations. The armed robbery was not in a campus building, but I do a lot of walking from Euclid & E. 18th to my car on Chester or Payne. (near E. 18th if I'm lucky...) "be more aware of your surroundings" is fucking ridiculous. It's finals, and I stay at school late. I get there at 5:00, so I park in BFE. "utilize the campus escort service." Right. because that undergrad's orange t-shirt can stop bullets? Sickeningly, I believe the problem is that CSU is a PUBLIC university. Thus all of the facilities are "government buildings," and carrying would be a felony, not a misdemeanor. I hope to god I am wrong about that, but as a law student, I can't even SIT for the Ohio bar if I have a felony on my record. Finding out the hard way would be a $90,000 mistake...
  5. Now is about the time of year you start seeing commercials for all the "great" things companies add to their gas "to prevent fuel line freeze-up." If memory serves, BP "with invigorate" was supposed to clean your fuel system as well. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that those things hurt performance and/or efficiency.
  6. redkow97

    do want

    wonder what his reserve is... I am usually of the opinion that there are no more "deals" on eBay. It's too popular. I'd drop a couple grand on that bike, but I bet his reserve is over $3k.
  7. you won't have to get a new license until yours expires. They can't make you replace something that's still good. Between turning 25, getting her M endorsement, getting married to my stupid ass, and having her wallet lost or stolen twice in the last 3 years, my wife has had a LOT of licenses. I have had 1 that entire time, and I know she has had at least 2 different designs. She was among the first to get the pink license. I couldn't care less what the design of my drivers' license looks like, but it causes some serious delays at out of town establishments when we have the same last name, come from the same state, but have two very different state ID's... They instantly assume one of them is fake, or expired.
  8. redkow97

    $599 ar

    12 gun cases: fucking awesome 1 Jason Britton poster: fucking lame enough to make 12 gun cases look gay?
  9. ^ i agree with all of this, but most of their stuff has a lifetime warranty. for stuff I use once, or rarely, I will buy from harbor freight. I went through 2 of their $4.99 rivet guns to get my exhaust fixed, but it saved me from buying a new $400 exhaust can, and the minor inconvenience of driving back to the store to replace the rivet gun that broke after 2 uses (it had been opened before I bought it, but i didn't notice) was still worth it. I also like HF for 'dumb' tools like hammers. Torque wrenches, drills, or anything else I use a lot or want to be accurate, no thanks. the lathe would be worth a try for something simple, that doesn't require a lot of use.
  10. yeah, I am bettign that's the case as well. Tattoo artists are a pretty tight community. I would bet you could ask any tattoo artist in the Dayton area who this guy is. They'll either know him, and tell you this is bullshit, or they've never heard of him, which means it's DEFINITELY bullshit. ...plus I checked the Montgomery County docket, and there is no case on file with this guy as the defendant.
  11. I like my 10/22, but i don't think it's an ideal target rifle. Plenty accurate for me, but I'd have gone bolt action savage if I thought I'd be competing or anything. And the "plastic" trigger housings are less brittle than the metal ones were. There is a drop test on YouTube that shows the metal one breaking.
  12. All i heard was, "don't be a dumbass," although the lack of stability of the burner stand they used is disturbing. I would remedy that somehow. Over-filling the oil is a definite problem, but also easily overcome. Turn off the burner before lowering the turkey into the pot (DUH). Then wipe it off the pot, keeping in mind that the pot is 300 degrees. Yes, when you re-light the burner, some residual oil will light, but it won't be the inferno they showed...
  13. My understanding of turbos is limited to reading about Porsches, but wouldn't a twin-turbo setup be somewhat redundant on a motor with that much torque? Again, in Porsche applications, it's usually one smaller turbo (spools sooner, at lower RPM, and provides low-end power) and one larger turbo to add top-end. The truck should already have power down low, so you'd only be looking to add top-end, no?
  14. It may even have been a police officer (not a corrections officer) who was convicted. I want to say this was a NYC police officer, and he was in court to testify in Jersey or something. He was an active-duty officer, but the NJ carry exception only applied to NJ officers.
  15. I'd actually check and double-check whether or not Ohio would honor another state's carry law for police. I can't remember the case name, but the loose facts were that a prison guard(?) was convicted of carrying a firearm in a federal building. He assumed he would be covered under the "police personnel" exception, and was not. I'm totally biffing on these facts... But the bottom line is, unless someone in the same situation has done it before, I would not risk it.
  16. I was told Fox Sports reported a 7 year deal was in place this morning. Obviously nothing is official yet...
  17. cool thanks. Everything I'm reading about them, and all the online reviews make me feel like it would be a safe purchase even without ever firing one. - popular (i.e. cheap) caliber? check - small enough to carry? check - redundant safety features? check (i like that - some people seem to hate it, but I don't see what's so hard about not using the safety if you think it's redundant) - well made. Verdict is still out, but it sure seems solid so far. - accurate (for a concealed carry gun) check Mine will start off life in my night stand, and then get me through the CCW course eventually. now to find $400 laying around.
  18. I could craft convincing counter-points to each of the 5 reasons posted, but who the fuck cares? The 'resale value' argument slays me though. Paying more up-front means you're either A) paying interest to finance the bike (i.e. losing money), or B) "investing" money into a bike that is immediately depreciating at an alarming rate. It may not depreciate as quickly or as drastically as other brands, but the fact is that you could buy a less expensive bike, put the cash difference into a savings account, and come out well ahead of "investing" in your harley. I don't look at a ton of HD ads on craigslist, but every time I do, it seems like their asking price is beyond ridiculous. What I miss most about my EX500 was its ability to embarrass the shit out of big-mouthed HD riders.
  19. I will be hung over Sunday. Thankskegging 2011 is Saturday night. Don't schedule around me though.
  20. redkow97

    Kel Tec P-11

    I have been reading up on compact 9's and watch the reset on the trigger. If you have bigger fingers, apparently the reset is further out than some hands can manage.
  21. A buddy from out of town and I were talking about going Saturday anyway. Chances are I won't have time, but even if they don't have an LC9, I could get a 25 yard baseline for my scope on the 10/22
  22. Anyone know if stonewall has a ruger LC9 for rent? I want to put a box of ammo through that and the keltec competitor for comparison sake.
  23. redkow97

    CCW Issue

    I love that Scruit has a better understanding of Constitutional Law than most native-born Americans. It seems to me that this "problem" has been solved multiple times already. Don't get CAUGHT carrying, and there is no issue. If someone does catch you, it will take longer for them to evict you than to just let your lease run out... With regard to your car being searched at work, Scruit is 100% correct. Search & Seizure regulations apply to the government only. You do not have to allow your employer to search your vehicle (unless it's a company vehicle). If they want to fire you for that, then that's their prerogative. They can fire you for a host of other LEGAL actions too.
  24. I'll be "that guy" and hock my wife's employer: http://www.embracepetinsurance.com/ It's an Ohio-based company, and they really are pretty awesome. Unlike other pet insurance companies, they cover most "genetic defects," like hip displasia(sp) in German Shepherds, and other hereditary conditions. What they don't cover are "pre-existing conditions," with a few exceptions. Basically you can't buy insurance today, and then call up tomorrow claiming your dog broke he leg a few days later. They're not dumb. In my dog's case, he had a broken leg when he adopted him. He still had a 30 or 60 day waiting period before he was eligible for coverage, but during that time, we had a vet sign off that his leg was totally healed, and the previous injury would not be the basis for further injuries. Thus his previously broken leg is 100% covered. Most dogs are $30 a month or so for full coverage. It may be more for some breeds. And you do have the option to get "accident" coverage only, which covers things like car strikes () but not basic illness. There is a deductible of $300-$500, but trust me, that is getting off very easy if your dog has any kind of serious problem. You can check out their "claim of the week" on facebook. Typically people pay their $500, and the other $1500 or $2500 is picked up by Embrace. I would estimate that 90% of their customers are people who just really love their dogs and cats, but they also have a deal with Cabela's for hunting dogs. With that much time invested in training a dog, it's well worth it.
  25. dogs can survive a lot, but it's usually not fun when they get into the items mentioned. somehow my beagle mutt; who can barely get his paws up on our counter, managed to take out a full pound of frozen ground beef (and much of the foam packaging) while we had it out to thaw. he was a little sluggish afterward, but the bigger bitch was the 4 days of nasty liquid poo.
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