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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm strongly considering this as well. Just want to shoot it and the keltec back-to-back to decide if it's $100 better.
  2. redkow97

    $599 ar

    you need wealthier/crazier friends the only reason I've shot anything other than a .22 and a shotgun is because of my friend Ray. He'd owned his AR for a year before the two of us actually went out and shot it.
  3. I really enjoyed shooting tomatoes. Granted, mine were free, because it was already frosting the last time I went shooting, and there were a bunch of green ones still on the plant in our back yard, but I think small produce is my target of choice for .22lr hp's from now on good "splat" for the buck ratio.
  4. I saw that too. It was like he saw him through the window. ...or the video was staged.
  5. redkow97

    $599 ar

    Have you never shot one? They're kind of scary easy to shoot well. That's what I loved about shooting my friend's. The lack of recoil combined with very decent accuracy in a relatively short-barrel package is pretty impressive. I was an AR 'hater' until I fired one. I totally see the allure now.
  6. ^ Hellmutt's got a point. You have to either RIDE your bike, or leave it alone. Starting it occasionally, especially if it never gets up to full operating temp, is inviting more problems than it does any good. Sta-bil is a huge debate. Some people swear by it, and some people think it's snake oil. I don't know anyone who doesn't acknowledge that gas can "go bad," but like Brian, I fill my tank (less air allows less room for condensation to form inside the tank), and then siphon it out in the spring. My lawn mower gets the old gas, and my bike gets a fresh 5 gallons. Anything old that's left in the bike is sufficiently diluted to the point where it's not an issue. I flush coolant twice a year (in the spring to run water wetter, and in the fall to run antifreeze), but if people are dealing with street-only bikes, it's certainly a good idea to do it once a season, just to be sure your antifreeze mix is right, and your coolant system is clear. I don't pull the battery anymore. Just leave it on the battery tender. My bike is also in a garage though, so it's rarely below 30 for any extended periods of time. It's not a heated garage, but when you park a car in the garage, the car engine heats the space more than you'd think afterward. Enough that the snow on my car melts, so I assume it's above freezing... The exception woudl be when/if I spend 45 minutes snow-blowing, and leaev the garage door open.
  7. you're assuming that criminals stick around to actually raise their kids, let alone know their grand children. What about that guy projects 'devoted father' to you? Clearly he's making really smart and responsible decisions in his own life.
  8. Are we certain that the lap times posted for comparison are running the same configuration of the track? I was under the impression that Moto GP pushed hard for WSBK to NOT use the same configurations explicitly so such comparisons would not exists. regardless, temperature and other track conditions are certainly not consistent between the WSBK and Moto GP numbers. Plus if those are 800cc moto GP times, they're somewhat worthless as a baseline for next year's 1000cc moto GP bikes.
  9. Not at the time. They were saying to AVOID the I4, and he said, "go for the 4.0 V6." No such engine exists (from jeep anyway. Ford used one in the ranger, and last generation V6 mustang though) while the latest generation wrangler has used a 3.7 liter V6, prior generations have used the 4.0 liter inline six.
  10. I'll give it to the cruiser guy - he is launching way better. The Honda rider deserves no defense. As for the bike itself, I suppose I'd launch a bit more cautiously than the cruiser guy knowing that my bike can easily loop if i'm not careful. The cruiser rider may also just be going WOT and dumping the clutch. Sometimes easier to launch/ride is more important than potential for performance. But if that's a liter bike, there is no excuse for him not to be pulling the front wheel off the ground shortly after launch.
  11. nice truck. free bump. My most vivid memory of the 7.3 is working a summer job for Great Lakes Truck Equipment. The E350 Econolines we modified sometimes had the 7.3, and I HATED them, because the increased diameter of the exhaust pipe, and the way it was routed pretty much guaranteed that I would burn my arm while holding the bolts for the the curb-side cabinet. At the time, I though the V10 was cooler, but time has shown that the 7.3 was definitely the best engine available for that generation.
  12. damn! i thought I (the guy who has never owned a jeep) was going to get to be the one to point this out. But back on topic - are the 4-bangers unreliable, or just gutless? I wouldn't be buying a jeep for highway trips or drag races. I probably wouldn't even put anything bigger than 32" tires on it. That said, I don't imagine that the I4 gets much better mileage than the I6... (and it would be pretty weird to have the same size and configuration engine in my nissan, and my jeep...)
  13. I would take more stock in your opinion if you had known it was a straight 6
  14. This is awesome. Riders Discount has repeatedly impressed me as a vendor over the course of the last 4 years, but last season it seemed like they REALLY stepped things up. Between the R1 and S1000R builds, supporting club-level guys like Sam, and stepping up to the plate to keep Jake Holden racing in the AMA, I was beyond impressed. Partnering with the folks at Vesrah is just going to put everyone over the edge. The 2012 race season should be amazing.
  15. redkow97

    Just for jbot

    I actually sent this to Jinu the other day, but moderate lulz.
  16. this is my friend's 2007(?) Wrangler Unlimited. I'm not in love with it. The ride is miserable, and the mud-terrains are really really loud. With AT's, I'd tolerate the ride. It's also an automatic, which I find odd... This is the first automatic he's ever owned.
  17. I like jeeps, but i've never owned one. Would like to pick up an older beat-up model for when it really gets snowing. the CJ's appeal to me the most, because they're so simple, and you can rebuild them from a damn catalog, but I don't want anything too crazy. - manual transmission - working 4x4 - (mostly) water-tight interior - working heater I'd only plan to drive it when the snow was really bad, or it was good top-off weather. this would be ideal, if it weren't rattle-canned... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/2691905058.html
  18. I'm not sure like a bill that says "state X must honor state Y's laws." It takes away some of the ability to "vote with your feet." i.e., say you're totally anti concealed-carry. Right now you can move to a state where it's not legal. This removes that protection for those people. And even as a concealed carry supporter, I am familiar with the Ohio requirements to obtain a permit. I am not at all familiar with the Kentucky requirements. Pretend for a moment that Ohio makes it incredibly hard to get a permit, and Kentucky is basically giving them away. Now I'm subjected to dealing with people with KY carry permits that are a joke? I don't like that some other state is deciding what regulations Ohio must honor. I'm sure other states don't like being told that they have to honor Ohio permits either...
  19. I was reading Chris Ulrich's review of the KTM RC8 superbike in Road Racing World last night, and they were testing at Mid-Ohio. I literally dreamed of riding there. twist my arm
  20. I don't know if I've met or ridden with either of you, but let me know what track. I'm hoping to get out to one of the first friday night practices in the spring to shake-down the rebuilt Creamsicle II. As long as all goes well, we'll talk. I'm not opposed to learning a new track. I may not get to ride much at all next season, so any track time is good track time. Even if I'm going slow.
  21. so when do we get to race for R1instigator's dollar?
  22. This is kind of how I feel. Any particular reason you seem to favor the liter bikes, Brian? I admit, if there's ever a time I move to a liter bike, it will likely be because I want to be able to say I race the fastest (club racing) bikes available. Just kind of a neat thing to be able to tell the grandkids.
  23. is it supposed to have 2 different sized rims?
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