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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. what distances are they expecting you to shoot? wouldn't barrel length have a lot more to do with accuracy than muzzle velocity at such short range?
  2. Trivisonno pointed it out on the radio, but now that I took some time to look up in the sky myself, there are many more vapor trails than normal today. I would chalk this up to weather conditions, but on the 3 block walk from my car to class, I counted no less than 3 jet aircraft moving at very high rates of speed at high altitudes. They were too high to see what type of aircraft they were, but the speed alone rules out commercial aircraft, and one made a high-speed turn that I don't think a commercial aircraft could pull off. Another did a steep climb that I also don't think a commercial aircraft would be able to do. I called the wife and asked her to check if Obama was in town or something. Nothing. It appears as though they're circling the city. Anyone else observe this, or have input as to what might be going on?
  3. I haven't shot one, but everything I read about the 17hmr makes me want one. also looking at a Mosin Nagant (again) for cheap high-powered action
  4. it is single-action, which is one of the reasons I asked. I like it at the range, because it keeps me from just plowing through ammo at an alarming rate. That's what the 10/22 is for So next question - is it pointless to consider buying a .22 pistol AS A CARRY WEAPON? I suppose I could always start off carrying a .22, and then upgrade to something larger caliber, and just continue to train with the .22. I know a .22 lr has very little stopping power. How much better would a 22 magnum be? For whatever reason, I really like the idea of having multiple firearms that utilize the same caliber though. And cheap ammo is super appealing. Am I talking myself into a 9mm pistol?
  5. how much did you pay? what firearm did you use? My parents asked what I want for Christmas. I'm thinking "CCW class." is something they can buy me that i'll actually use. Would I be okay using a Ruger single-six for the class? It's really accurate, cheep to shoot, and I'm comfortable with it. Don't own any handguns (the six is my grandfather's), and renting one for a day seems like a waste of money to me...
  6. that's a hell of a free rifle.
  7. that doesn't mean they're not after us...
  8. I'm not unwilling to give Ford credit for identifying and addressing their financial problems earlier than GM, but they both fell into essentially the same traps. To be fair to both auto makers, the UAW forced their hands in many respects.
  9. ^ I mostly agree, but we have to be careful about not jumping down people's throats when they ask relatively innocuous questions. It's nice to see that the OP was able to get past some of the more "blunt" answers. ...it totally ruins my entertainment for the rest of the work-day, but it's nice to see.
  10. haha. ^ rep coming your way. I think it's fair to add as well that firearms can be more accessible to some members who aren't able to ride, or own a bike for one reason or another. You can pick up an inexpensive .22 rifle, or a hi-point pistol new for $130. Find a road-worthy bike for that price... We really need to work on a trackday/shoot meetup to combine the best of both worlds. Friday evening open practice with MotoSeries, and then saturday shoot at A&A? Then camp again Saturday night, and watch or race on Sunday?
  11. I kind of like the classic (and cheap) look of the wooden stock, but let me know what you've got.
  12. $7 to ship. my total ends up being $21 with tax. for the extra $4, may as well buy the Ruger model that has (thus far) gotten much better reviews.
  13. let's not crucify the OP for asking a question. How he or she reacts to the answers posted will tell me a lot more about his or her character than the fact that the question was asked. Disagreeing with democrats is a zestful endeavor; using the term "democrat" as an insult is somewhat out of line this early in the game. Let's not prove the gun haters right by going all "from my cold dead hands" on them prematurely. To wit, the OP never (directly) said he or she had anything against firearms.
  14. Unless the person posting the legal advice is an attorney, practicing in that area of law, I'd take it with a grain (or a truckload) of salt. It rarely makes sense to pay $1,000 in attorneys fees to fight a $200 ticket. If there's a reckless op charge involved, you might have some luck working out a plea agreement to get it down to a higher fine, but lower point offense. I'm sure a decent attorney could successfully attack the aircraft's precision in timing a small vehicle 500 feet below it, but the greater the distance they time you over, the less their timing errors matter.
  15. how much effort and money does it take to get a class 2 FFL? http://youtu.be/uEOq-odiEss
  16. search BX-25 and you can find them online, but some sites don't like shipping them due to various state laws regarding the round limit. I bought that one at Fin Feather & Fur in Middleburgh. Retail is $29, the Fin had them for $24.99 I'll get a chance to use it this weekend, but all the reviews youtube are GLOWING. Feeds just as reliably as the factory 10 round mags (which I already have 2 of...). The review I remember said they fed 2,000 rounds(!!!) through it with only 2 jams. They blamed it on the cheap bulk ammo. I'm partial to Federal for some reason, but the Remington rounds haven't posed a problem as of yet.
  17. I enjoy riding more than shooting, but firearms are certainly more useful tools. If asked to give up one or the other, giving up the bike would be more practical. But I think your analogy is flawed. Your implications is that assassins shoot for a living, and thus they love guns. Do you ride for a living? because by your logic, that's a requirement for you to love bikes so much.
  18. we're only allowed to have one interest? I don't think the addition of firearms threads detracts from any of the riding or tech threads. If anything, it keeps me more engaged with ORDN and its members between opportunities to ride. The majority of active posters seem to like firearms, but it's by no means a prerequisite to participate.
  19. I agree that most EXPERIENCED track riders would go faster on a 750 than a 600, but for someone just getting into trackdays, i'm less convinced. This is in no way a criticism of the bike, but an extra 30hp makes it easier to highside (still very possibly on a 600), and adds a few mph on the straights. The faster you get going, the more speed you have to deal with if you miss a brake marker or something. It's a great deal on this particular 750, so I'd strongly consider it, but usually the rule of thumb is to start with the least amount of horsepower your ego will allow.
  20. all modern bikes are shoe-horned into their frames, and require a computer to mess with the engine. basic maintenance (tire changes, brake pads, oil changes, etc.) will be equally as annoying on all modern sportbikes. I'd say it's a wash.
  21. $4.99 tasco scope and $24.99 Ruger BX-25 hi-cap magazine were purchased over the weekend. I know the scope will be absolute crap, but for $5, it's a good learning tool on how to handle a scope without effing it up. I'd rather find out that my range bag won't protect a scope with a $5 model than a $150 model. Better optics are in my future plans, but for now, this one looks cool and isn't a crappily made as I expected for $5.27 with tax and shipping
  22. In general, plows are a purchased convenience. They cost more, but save time. Of course they're necessary if you have a huge driveway, or own a business and need to clear your parking lot, but for 90% of residential applications, even a monster snow blower will cost less, and will operate longer for fewer maintenance dollars. you can get one hell of a nice snow blower for $1300, or you can buy the shittiest plow in the world for the same money. Plus like Bad pointed out, you should really have at least a 3/4 ton pickup to handle it. If you can afford the convenience of taking 2 passes with a plow instead of 15 with a snow blower, more power to you though. I would have suggested a snow blower attachment for the riding mower, but those seem to cost as much or more than very decent snow blowers... (the model at home depot is $1500 for the attachment)
  23. I demand proof! MotoSeries trackday at Nelson Ledges. I'll leave my bike in 3rd gear at all times. Or if you can find someone to loan me a Harley, I'm just as game. Heck, if someone will loan me an EX250, I think that would still dust a trike.
  24. Posted before reading your intentions - why would you spend $1k more on a bike you intend to pull some track duty? "mint" is a liability at the track, not a desirable feature! FYI - honda track plastics cost about $80-100 more than other models, because of the stupid tank covers. If you want to track it, go w/ the suzuki. If you want to RACE it, stay away from 750's. competitive in fewer classes, and you WILL get embarrassed by more skilled riders on 600's
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