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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Tressel has an expressed duty; imposed by the NCAA and agreed to by him, to report player misconduct. I would be shocked if his employment contract with Ohio State doesn't have a substantially identical clause. There is no law requiring ordinary citizens to report any crime, other than the abuse of a minor child. A more appropriate analogy would be if you were someone's supervisor at work, and were fired for failing to curb or report their misconduct. It's really not that unreasonable. That doesn't mean I think Tressel is to blame, but he's still legitimately responsible; at least in part.
  2. soo.... why didn't she keep filming?
  3. straps break? I've worried about the suspension compressing and the hooks letting go from the slack, but even cheap ratchet straps are rated at 2,000 lbs or so. They're not going to break unless you've really neglected them, and they're past due for replacement. Sets of 4 are like $20... when I routinely transported my bike in the bed of my ranger, I did the 'normal' straps compressing the forks slightly, and then also threw a set around the rear wheel, near the top. That held the bike up on its own, because it couldn't fall side-to-side. It did not hold the bike forward, into the wheel-chock, but I figured if I saw one of the front straps let go in my mirrors, I would be braking, and the bike would push forward into the chock on its own. The only way it's falling out the back is if you accelerate when you see the straps let go. regarding tool boxes, I seem to recall one with a built in 'dent' for a motorcycle wheel, but that barely worked with a long-bed truck. Side boxes are going to be the only viable option here, IMHO.
  4. I'm on a mission to catch Steve some time this year I'm sure he's got a horsepower advantage, but I'm also guessing he's got about 20 lbs on me, so fair is fair. BSS should be a good time. Am I the only one not running a camera?
  5. pppffft... I like the shirt. I can give people a harder time if I beat them with an orange shirt on. If you're racing BSS at Beave, I will probably be on that grid. Double practice sessions Sunday morning Probably doing: Middleweight Solo 20, CSS, CSB, and BSS (although I may drop one of those last two if the weather is dodgy for Sunday; probably CSB to retain the additional practice time)
  6. I booked Sunday, so if you're between one day or the other, Sundays are usually less crowded for some reason. Faster too, because people who have never been there before seem to be more up to pace. looking forward to it. Been off the bike for waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
  7. this should go without saying, but try to avoid rolling through the antifreeze. Glycol based coolant is slick. You'll also want to clean it up right away if you have pets or small children. Most kids aren't dumb enough to lick something off the garage floor, but pets will. Antifreeze tastes kind of sweet, and is quite toxic.
  8. The debate becomes "when does a child have the mental capacity to accept the risks?" Is 8 or 10 or even 13 old enough to be "OK with it?" (I'm not suggesting I have that answer). The law allows parents to make that choice any time after the kids can touch the passenger pegs. That makes it legal, it doesn't mean you're not doing anything wrong. it's like serving your kids alcohol. It's legal, but under certain circumstances, it's still not appropriate. Personally, I think it depends on the particular child's capacity to understand the risks involved. More gear minimizes those risks, but does not eliminate them. I don't like seeing kids on the back of a bike, but I assume the rider knows the child better than I do, so i usually keep my mouth shut.
  9. on the k7 GSXR 600 listed under your screen name? Where is the fluid coming from? is your overflow reservoir full? is it closed? I would suspect that your most likely place to get a leak is some hose connection that loosened up, and hasn't been put under pressure until the 90 degree heat today... you're probably going to have to take off the bodywork to see anything, so start there.
  10. there needs to be a practical military application for such a device to really drive the R&D. other than, "it's really fucking cool," I see no advantage to this over conventional aircraft. Seems that the pilot would be extremely exposed to the elements, as well as enemy fire. Now if there's some tactical advantage with small spaces, maneuverability, etc., it might go over with the military. Imagine pulling out an injured soldier below one of those things. That would be pretty sweet.
  11. I'm with you on the the fact that up to the cars, a lot of this seems pretty harmless in my eyes. Rules changes may be in order. As for taking some shit in the locker room, I would damn well hope NCAA players across the country are taking notice and sending a clear message to their teams' stars in the locker room: "Your new car is NOT worth fucking over the other 90+ guys on the roster who are here to try and make an honest shot at winning, and earn a free/discounted education." There needs to be some internal policing. I agree that the AD and coaches should be stepping in and strongly implying, "hey Pryor, that car LOOKS like you can't afford it. Stop drawing attention to yourself," but the players can say things the coaches can't. A coach doesn't want to ask questions that he KNOWS are going to be answered in a manner that fucks the team. The players have far less responsibility to report misconduct. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of kids are acting like children, but it's definitely frustrating to look at kids with such incredible athletic ability and see them wasting certain opportunities.
  12. that is why I don't think there should be nearly as many "college athletes." Institute a 1 strike policy, and limit the total value of the athletic scholarships to the real cost of tuition, housing, books, and meals. 1 strike and you're out. Those who really value their education will follow the rules, and those who don't can go to Minor League NFL, or whatever you want to call it. But I think we can all agree that the current system encourages corruption, and even when it "works," the result is schools getting millions of dollars on the backs of the athletes. the only moral dilema (for me anyway) is the fact that OSU football probably pays for nearly 100% of its other athletic and academic scholarships, so those will certainly be cut.
  13. the smart kind. If I told 18 yr old me "follow these simple rules for the next 4 years, and you're going to get an NFL contract worth millions," I would fucking listen. I have zero sympathy for any of the 'stars' who got caught here. The only players who have some kind of excuse for living it up in college are the ones who probably WON'T make it in the NFL. This is it for them, so I don't blame them for milking it for all it's worth while it lasts. Pryor has (had?) a lucrative career ahead of him. Joe Practice-squad probably didn't, so I really wouldn't blame him for getting some free tattoos, a little weed, and a $0 lease on his car. But this just reinforced what we all already knew: stupid people do stupid things. I don't particularly blame Tressel for getting caught up in the hoopla and covering their tracks. What's his alternative? Get a reputation as the coach who turns in his players? That wouldn't help recruiting one bit. No win for him, but he still broke the rules. I've said ti before, and I'll say it again; as soon as these kids stop being "student athletes" and starting being "athlete students," there is no controlling the corruption. Eliminate college sports and just go to a minor league system like MLB has. Anyone who plays college sports should be committed to not going pro. that's the only way to ensure that they're actually students, and not just semi-pro athletes who happen to live on campus.
  14. Whether or not the rules are BS is a totAlly separate debate. The fact is that the players were well aware they were breaking rules they had agreed to follow, and then tressel lied about his knowledge of the incidents. They're making an example of OSU because theyre at the top of the big 10. It's the same reason people request engine tear-downs for the racers who are winning, but not the guys in 15th place. There is always more scrutiny at the top.
  15. because I don't have $4200 laying around to bring it to Parma. YeeeeeeeeeHawww!
  16. not entirely true. the higher gas goes, the faster good mileage racks up savings. A guy on www.ex-500.com was saying that he saves ~$10/day by not having to pay to park his car in down-town London (or somewhere in the UK) as well. So $200 per MONTH, plus he's dealing with higher fuel prices than us, which makes his savings per mile higher to begin with. Huge mileage certainly helps, but it's not the only factor.
  17. ladder in bed of truck = an additional 3' or so by sister-in-law's boyfriend is really afraid of heights, and needed a hole drilled year the top of his house to vent an exhaust fan. I was drafted in to "help," which meant "do it for him." We ended up building a ladder out of 2x4's and scrap pieces that we both had in our garages. It looked ghetto as hell, but It was pretty solid, and a lot cheaper than buying a ladder (we did buy four 16' lengths for the rails)
  18. No disrespect to active duty military and military veterans, but Memorial day is set aside to remember those who have DIED defending our country. Those who are still living are honored on Veteran's day. I think it's appropriate to acknowledge the service of those who defend our country a lot more often than twice a year, but it doesn't have to be a holiday for that. I'm always appreciative of our servicemen and women, and I tell them so when I encounter them. My old company was based in Atlanta, so every time I went through that damn airport, I shook more hands than a presidential candidate, but I'd like to think they appreciated the gesture.
  19. "Mustang 4x4" is misleading. It should really be "Bronco with Mustang body."
  20. read up on Ohio's adverse possession laws; primarily how long you have to continue open and notorious & continuous and uninterrupted use. It's really shockingly simple to get land for free that way... Takes a long time, but shockingly simple.
  21. I didn't read it FOR school, just IN school. Jeremy Salupo recommended it to me. No idea why I remember that.
  22. redkow97


    I didn't mind the handful of posts where he wasn't being an idiot. I don't recall what thread it was in, but he ended one of his posts with, "that's my 1.85$" instead of "that's my $.02." The ability to laugh at yourself is pretty necessary around here. I thought we were making progress with him, but not quickly enough I guess.
  23. Death Watch. I read that in middle-school I think. It's about some kind of desert guide who is hired by a rich dude, and then they knock him out and take all his supplies. He gets a few hours head-start, and the hunter picked him explicitly because he was skilled at surviving, etc. More of a challenge. Never read the end, but I remember the guy eating bird eggs basically raw, and drinking the radiator water from some abandoned car or something... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathwatch_%28novel%29
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